The TNT Podcast

Life'n & Vlog'n

March 17, 2024 DJ Turn Up & DJ Tanaka Season 4 Episode 6

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Dive into the latest TNT Podcast episode where we reignite the fiery eggs-on-burgers debate and explore life’s delicate balance through Tanaka’s eyes. Uncover the music industry’s intricate tango with the Grammys and celebrate DetGirlNeeNee’s musical genius. Join us for a whirlwind tour of content creation, from crafting vlog masterpieces to the pulse of Bailout Monday’s session Youtube video drops.  Cap it off with a raw look at the music world’s award show dynamics, a heartfelt salute to our TNT family, & the segment you all love. Tune in for an episode that’s all heart, all hustle, and all about the beat of change. 

Question of the Day: 32:22

Guess the Bars: 47:23

Hall of Fame: 1:24:28

Turn Up's Song of the Day: 1:36:46

Tanaka's Album of The Day: 1:42:11

DJ Talk: 1:49:56

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DJ Turn Up:

have its TNT podcast we are back. Goes down to Nacka town. Shout out to Demetrius for saving the day, because we definitely warn you and pay attention to the fuck of this episode would not be with it right. Right if you, if you weren't here in Tanaka town, you just not gonna hear right. But yeah, so Tanaka, how are you sir?


oh, look, well, all the people that's in, or Demetrius get, just give us a thumbs up, if you ever hear.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, just give us a thumbs up. I think we're good now cuz my the lights on, but just make sure we're good, but um Tanaka how you like.


Do you turn that thing on?

DJ Turn Up:

no, I don't think so. All right, we better find out oh, okay, there you go like check in, you are alright.


So I'm doing alright, going through like, but you know.

DJ Turn Up:

I'm saying, yeah, spring is kicking his ass right now.


Very much like working, working through. You know, I'm saying yeah it's just grateful, you know I'm alive. I got real sick in February, so you know, just every time you get real sick it kind of just like puts things in perspective yeah, and that's usually how it is for me.

DJ Turn Up:

When, well, in my older age, I started like my body isn't like changing as fast with the, with the seasons, but like I started to notice that like it's like okay, like in the season changes, that's usually when it starts fucking up for me, right, and I'm like right, like yeah, that's when my nose dirty on, stuffed up and stuffy and all that shit but, um, yeah, I'm probably holding up.


Man, what's the work?

DJ Turn Up:

um, staying busy, staying out of trouble? Um, yeah, busy, you know it's how the bills getting paid. So you know, right, so we're doing, uh, oh yeah, let's talk about it. So, tanaka, let's, let's just rewind this. We're we're gonna take a pause on this joint, right? So a clip, a clip from an older episode. So because, by the way, for the people that don't know, we don't listen to the episodes after we're done. We just usually just put the episodes up and that's it, they're out. But an old clip was put on the TNT podcast Instagram page, right, and the topic was brought back up about eggs, eggs, eggs, and apparently you had said something about putting eggs on burgers and that completely you like Demetrius was like what the fuck?


oh, demetrius is not working with me, the one of us are rocking with it. We're both looking at you like what the fuck? I already know for you because you don't eat eggs.

DJ Turn Up:

Period period like no breakfast you know I'm saying so, I know going on a burger?


that's just out the question for you yes, I'm saying um now, demetrius, I don't know how you eat your eggs, you know, I don't know if you like them. There's about 10, 12 different ways you can make eggs. You know I'm saying so. I don't know which style you prefer. You send me, but as far as eggs on a burger like, it's like a combination. It's not just an egg on a burger. You see me, like there's other different ingredients that go along with it.


Now, the egg is not scrambled, it's like the yolk joint. You know I'm saying so like. I don't know how to explain it other than like that joint. Like, unless you try it, you just he's got to try it out, that's all I could say. You know I'm saying, but if you're not a fan of eggs then I could see you not trying to like turn. You know, turn about a fan of eggs period. So you know. But then there's some people that eat eggs but they don't f with it. Sunny side up, which is how it come on the burger. Sunny side up is basically the joint where it's like it's yellow like the earth screen. The white around it is cooked but then, like the yellow in the middle is like soft. So when you crack the egg, that joint, ooh so the you know.


I'm saying that some folk, some folk don't f with it. You did like some people only eat scrambled eggs. You know what you just got to try? It was like. You know, I don't know. I'm never like, I tried out and if I don't like it, I don't like it.

DJ Turn Up:

But I could say, at least try it, you know yeah, I suppose just like, just like how you're trying out these vlogs, so let's talk about it. You got these vlogs going on now on Instagram. We're gonna, we're gonna read that. We're gonna read that long thing that to me, cuz I've seen it, but I was in the middle of the box.


Yeah, so these vlogs what give us a little. I just gotta let y'all know time are really the segue king, like the way that he'd be like putting this together, like y'all, for that's a, that's a hidden talent of his. You know saying cuz the way he put that together, you think.

DJ Turn Up:

I'm gonna just say shout out to Conrad Thompson. You know, if you know who he is cool, if not, most of them, not most of y'all not gonna know who that is, but shout out to him. But um, yeah, we don't give a shout out to these vlogs, so I'm putting play together now, you know, trying to try to spin in the pot. We're like I said, we're gonna get back to you.


Demetrius, don't go nowhere, but yeah, tell us about these logs in regards to the vlogs, I gotta get a shout out to maybe Mariah, one half escape maniacs and Nini, the one side ambassador. You know, they're the ones that really inspired it in terms of oh, I should give it a shot, you know, or try it out, you know saying so what's funny about Nini is that, like she, she must really have some traction.

DJ Turn Up:

And the reason why I said I don't know if we've had this conversation out there, but I thought it's somebody about this off a year. One of the dancers I have followed one of the dancers on Instagram and she was like, um, I was like, oh yeah, so you, um, I see one of her mutual friends was Nini. I was like, oh, you know Nini? And she was like, nah, I don't really know Nini, but she's a rapper. And I was like, oh really, I mean because, and that's just like it's not like she's like a fan type shit.

DJ Turn Up:

So I was like oh okay, that's what's up, cuz I knew Nini was a rapper but like, like I remember you told me about, like back in the day, she had like a verse that went like viral, like now it's only like stamp for yeah, it's only like legendary, like, I guess, for this new generation, like that's from Atlanta you know, like that's like one of the verses that, like all of them know, all of them know, okay, and that was the first verse that she ever read like ever, ever.


That's interesting. Now, that's interesting. So it's interesting because it was, I guess they on that completed song and it was like, you know, nini hot-born or whatever she was like man, I only read like I ain't never like nah, I mean, you know what I'm saying, right, pop your shit right like right, and then that's gonna went crazy and went nuts okay, so shout out to Nini, shout out to Nini.

DJ Turn Up:

She's very, she's very humble.


What she really shit me cuz of her shit hard that bend it over could yeah, that shit is crazy shout out to me she need to send them clean versions, brother, right like right, she apparently, she see, I mean, you know me, I don't. I don't figure that there was no clean version, so I just made my own maybe on, but she actually had like an official joint.

DJ Turn Up:

You know, I'm saying that's oh, and she just hasn't sent any, just hadn't said none of them out. So, um, I don't know how true this is, cuz the way like Tanaka dubbed it, I was like, okay, so she just, she just. Uh, she's trying to change the subject, but if you're listening, nini did say she is looking for a manager. So if you know how to manage artists, hit her up. Yeah, what's her?


Instagram again that girl need. Yeah, det G I R L. Underscore Nini N E and E.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, you know how to manage.


Go ahead, hit her up um but uh, so back to the vlogs, you know yeah, I was, I was a whole inspiration and I just forgot try something new.


It's a lot to learn cuz, as y'all know, the videos that I release they not edited, they not. There's no filter like I just just drop straight raw footage. You know what I'm saying, so, um, so I've had to edit. Now, with these vlogs, you know cuz, with these vlogs you can't I mean you can have like everything, but like them. Folk really gotta be tapped into you like like really right with you mm-hmm to watch.


Yeah, at first you gotta kind of like just boom, boom, boom, like the best person, couldn't you know? Yeah, so so I'm still learning how to edit. I don't really know how to edit like that, but these vlogs are my, my process. You know, I'm trying to learn how to do this, not to mention shooting on the camera as opposed to the phone. The phone, you know, it's a whole different, whole different thing with the focusing and all that you know. So I'm still showing my perfect that craft as well. But, figured, I get y'all some different content, so that's how the vlogs.

DJ Turn Up:

So how many, how many of you do you have now?


we got, so there's three. There's three vlogs, but two of them have a part one and part two, so got you.

DJ Turn Up:

Okay, you have a favorite moment from you and necessarily have to be from me. Do you have a favorite moment from from these?


vlogs that you I mean. So there's some of the skate videos and I might damn that you don't like to look like kind of crazy, like filming on the camera and all that. I say the slow set with a skater named Frankie John. Frankie, she coming up, she, um, she a younger skater, but she, she coming up in terms of just like she be riding and she do the slow set, so like she, one of the ones that kind of caught my eyes as far as like talent, skate wise. Um, you want your people right. Yeah, yeah, that's my yes, that's uh, love after sister shot the.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, I met her one time, yeah, with the walk house. Yeah, there it is. Yeah, there you go. Shot to you. I forgot your name what's your name?

DJ Turn Up:

what's my Maya shot, maya check man. But let's go back to hold on. Well, let's, let's pause for a second. We're gonna, we're gonna go, we're gonna go back to make me, let's see we got. No, I, I don't give, I don't give two flying duck. Eggs do not belong on burgers. I don't care if it's over easy or scrambled, they just don't go together. So he sounds like me. Yeah, so eggs just cold turkey is.


Just look at the end day. Some people, you know, like I always say, we, you know, we didn't have this conversation. Some people would travel to different states and experience different things. Some people will stay just in Georgia, right. Some people will just stay in their own neighborhood and not leave outside of that bubble. Yeah, no, I'm saying so. Look man, different show for different folks. I ain't mad at you, you know. I'm saying rocket, how you rocket, and that's what?

DJ Turn Up:

yeah, you're not gonna get any controversial content from Tanaka, so just don't don't expect that. That's, that's more of my thing, so, but I'm on your side so I can't I can't help you with that. Um, so it's funny that you say that you're trying out new things, because in a sense, I'm trying out new things too oh, I don't, I damn it forgot that joint hard body.


That's on the real deal hard body. Y'all got to check that out man.

DJ Turn Up:

So, um, youtube I've actually have had a YouTube for close to close to ten years plus. No, it's definitely been ten years plus. Now, what I've been doing on it it's just kind of just been sitting there. I ain't a lot. But, um, one day I woke up and it was like you know what we live in the future? Now they keep talking about this AI shit. Let's put this AI shit to work. So, uh, for my people that don't use MacBooks, there's a type of computer called Windows. On Windows, they have this new thing to the I think it's like the bottom right corner and it's called co-pilot and apparently is just uh, apparently just AI just sitting in the corner. You're fucking.

DJ Turn Up:

So one day because I've always had this question way back from like 2020, back with uh, back when we had COVID and there were DJs I were DJing on on Instagram and they would be like they would be able to DJ a whole session and not get taken down. Hell, I do it. Well, I probably last like 10 minutes and I get shut down immediately. So I always had the question of like, how, how is it that they're able to? How is it that they're able to do that and some DJs aren't. So I just asked the AI that and it said it gave me a whole bunch of different shit, but the thing that caught my was a law called fair use. I'm not gonna get into fair use. If you want to know what fair use is, just look up fair use on Google and look it up. It's a lot of shit, but anyhow. So I went on YouTube and, sure enough, I had a video that I tried to post. I had a video I tried to post like three months ago and immediately, of course, because it has music on it, it got shut down. So, just me being curious, I tried to go to the dispute button and when I went to the dispute button was actually crazy. When I went to the dispute button, fair use was on there, and so I was like, oh really, okay, well, yeah, this is a mix. So I think I should be able. I think I think I have a case.

DJ Turn Up:

So I went to, I went back to the AI and I'm just completely using this AI. At this point. I'm like hey, ai or hey, copilot. I need the most professional way to say this is fair use. How do I do that? It gave me this long ass, fucking shit of you say this. It gave key points. It gave me like jocks, like maybe, say this, do that, do this, do that. And so it was even crazier about how AI works is that I had this long paragraph of what I wrote and I sent it back to the coat. I sent it back to the AI. I was like, hey, ai, this is what I came up with. Is this, is this good enough? And then the AI was like oh yeah, this is cool, but this is how you should say it. And they gave me like a, like a smaller way of me saying what I said, just smaller. No, I was like we're living in the future. That shit is crazy to me.


So it's wild, because I don't. Whenever you say AI, I'd be, I'd be paying Alan. I was right, but I know that this new generation, they don't think artificial intelligence artificial intelligence, right, child's island.

DJ Turn Up:

I was enough. So, yeah, no. So so when I did that, of course, even even though it is, even though it is, you know, a different way of doing it and there's a way of getting yourself on there. It is a long process, definitely, but the fact that I, and like I, like, I told everybody else, as long as I have a way to do it, I don't, I don't care, as long as there's a right way to do it, because that was my thing. I never wanted to be a thing where I have to do something because I have to do it, like like when they tell the DJs oh, cut the pitch up, or, or, or, or, make the best song yes, beat the song slow down the song like I

DJ Turn Up:

ain't trying to do all that, like just let me know the laws and how and how I can get through it. Now I'm not trying to get around it, I'm trying to go through it, like let me know what I need to do. So so, yeah, man, I got this, got this YouTube going, that this YouTube going and nice slow to is up there and a couple of the bailout Mondays is there. And something I don't think I told you a couple days ago I went on the chat fever page and so, as of right now, chat fever three, chat fever six and chat fever nine is on YouTube right now. So I know that that's breaking news y'all. Breaking news for people that don't know. So the OG, the OG trap fevers, are on YouTube right now.

DJ Turn Up:

Three, six, nine, I think I might, as hard yeah, yeah, I'm not gonna have a chance to check them out yet, but yeah, definitely. But um, yeah, man, um, and then, on top of that, always thought I was okay, well, these videos are cool, but it's like I don't know. It feels like it's something missing, because I feel like the people that are watching don't really ever get to see like the floor see them.


It's kind of like how can we enhance this experience?

DJ Turn Up:

so, yeah. So what I did was I was like you know what, if you have a video or all my video, well, I started off first off my videographers, because you know a whole bunch of videographers. Now, if you're a videographer and you come to my session, send me your video. Just send me all your videos, or whatever you want to send me, I don't care. Send me all your videos and I'm gonna put them in there. You don't get your credit, no, that's it. And send me your logo, you know? And yeah, get your props. And. And then after that that's when I asked the the masses like, hey, if you got a video that you sent, or if you had a video that you made on this session, send it to me and I'll put you in the session. And yeah, I'm put your Instagram name on there.


And but just remember, you cannot edit it and you can't have to use the original sound what he said.

DJ Turn Up:

It's cuz what I have to do is I have to actually remember when you made this video cuz I'm actually putting it right when the video was made, literally like as soon as the song gets played, you're right there. So so, yeah, man, um, that's something new, so hopefully y'all like, hopefully y'all like the product yeah, I will love it.


Yeah, I need to go check it out. Matter of fact. Yeah, I really need to go save it and watch it later after you watch this TNC podcast. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, because that's the only really fine like it's the different perspectives. That's why you're seeing like different perspectives of the session yeah, and I knew it had to be.

DJ Turn Up:

I knew it had to be something because because when I brought it to Alvin's attention, when I brought it to Alvin's attention, he even said like oh god, like that's what I'm saying, like he look cuz. Oh so for people that don't know, but the Bell Out Mondays the Bell Out Monday videos are usually playing during Bell Out Monday on the TVs and then he's so happy to look. He's like god damn right she's hard.


I didn't know that he knew about this.

DJ Turn Up:

He came he the last time he came now I don't know.


I didn't know that.

DJ Turn Up:

He's seen it though yeah, he, I told him about it. So yeah, so, oh, so I'm gonna take a pause for a second. So Demetrius was actually crazy about that. Um, oh, for the people that don't know, cuz yeah, you're obviously probably listening to this in the future. What Demetrius said was you know will be dope if you were able to do TikTok live at the skater ring, that would be fire. But, um, I only say a little like he was saying something else, that'll be dope. There's nobody out there doing it. You know it's crazy. Mariah told me that, or I don't know if Mariah told me that, but or Louie, one of them told me that on the Skate Maniax page, going live on Tiktok. Yeah, I don't know how they're. Can you play video? Can you play music on their arm?


um, I think so. Yeah, well, I mean, the only thing that I know is like the my bro ZJ Zyla and corn sloots, you know yeah, shout out to them, they be going crazy on Tiktok by the way they be. They be doing like mixes and stuff.

DJ Turn Up:

So okay, but I always hear about getting banned. Why do they always be getting banned?


um, I guess folks sometimes be reporting because like phobie twerking this, like that in the wait in there he'll add people like to the oh and they be showing themselves in the living room like turning up shaking on listening oh that's crazy.

DJ Turn Up:

Guys gonna sound like probably seeing them in the garage, like what. But okay, I guess I guess whatever. Um, yeah, well, yeah, man, if you got, you got any time to, uh, you know, check some shit out, because I'm not gonna lie, that joint, that joint is literally the whole session. So if you're ever at home and you got nothing to watch we all got smart TVs you pull it up on your youtube and just let that muffler to play.


I mean it's even like if you just like cooking in the kitchen, it has some you feel me, some music divides who in there also, you know from time to time they look up and watch like yeah, why you're shuffling up like yeah.

DJ Turn Up:

I should fire. But yeah, no, demetrius, if you can find out how I can get on mixcloud and tiktok live at the same time, I would definitely appreciate that information. So if you can find that out for me, that would be great. Because, yeah, like I said, escape maniacs, tell me about that too. And I was just kind of like, okay, well, I mean, this sounds like a good idea on paper, but I just I just don't know how to do that.


So right, so yeah, um, I'm sorry, dj drip in the building. Man, oh, that's not drip, that's dirty damn. Oh, I thought that said drip. I ain't gonna lie.

DJ Turn Up:

I mean he's probably, yeah, he's probably probably, uh, probably flustered that. You said that like oh, you think I'm drip with that, I'm playing shout out to very Daniel check in man um Mr Skate Wars himself. Skate Wars yeah, mr Skate. I ain't gonna lie when I seen that in the child like Skate Wars, what the hell this is Skate.

DJ Turn Up:

Wars in itself man, this is Skate Wars himself. But, um, yeah, man. So I, like you know, I love when we go live because we get to do this next segment, because we don't really get to do this next segment a lot, because it's like we're not live but we don't go through these Instagram notes. See what? See what y'all talking about, let's do it. Let's see what we got. Do it, man inject. Oh, you know, it's crazy. Um shout out to uh, oh, no, it just refreshed, we're gonna talk about. We're gonna talk about her later, though. We don't talk about her later though. But um shout out to yoga RITC, huh with the uh, wait what?


is it? What do you say?

DJ Turn Up:

all right, t's RITC huh huh did something happen.


I'm that's what. That's what I okay okay, let's hold on.

DJ Turn Up:

Let's go on yoga. Let's go on yoga story. Let's see what happened. Let's see, did something happen? Uh, by the way, do you know what? What? Do you know what that stands for? Rolling in the Carolinas I think oh, so they're in wait. Which Carolina are they?


I want to say North Carolina. I'm not positive though.

DJ Turn Up:

Okay, yeah, I don't see nothing. I don't, yeah, I don't know what that means. I guess we'll find out. I guess we'll find out in the near future, because I, yeah, I don't know what that means.


Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I don't know, can't decipher that one.

DJ Turn Up:

So tonight? Oh, never mind, I just answered my own question. Never mind, let's move on to the next one. Dirty Dan needs a prom date. Dirty Dan, why are you watching us? You need to be out there looking for a prom. As a matter of fact, don't talk about like a month left. They should have like a what is prom. In prom and April.


Well, first of all, I'm surprised you need to go to skate town and find somebody. Second of all, you might need to just put pride to the side and go back to plan the skating and find, find, find somebody to take some prom.

DJ Turn Up:

I'm saying all these backpack partners you be talking about at Bell Out Monday, right, how, how you can take it, or did he have the backpack partners, right, right right? Exactly, that's how I can tell you why I am, because if you have all these so-called backpack partners, you'd be able to take one of them to prom, would you? You?


know what I'm saying? Uh-huh, whatever, mr Jeremiah Wussaw.

DJ Turn Up:

Right, yeah, Right, Whatever, Anywho. So we're going to move on. Shout out to MJ. So it was actually funny, MJ. I don't know if you've seen, but I dropped. I finally dropped that video. I dropped the video. Don't twerk video. I'm going to. I'm going to say this right now Shout out to Toots. They were actually the motivation for me to actually drop that video, Because I think they dropped a similar video either a few months or a few years back.

DJ Turn Up:

But yeah, I finally did one, because I was like you know what I want to do one, this looks fun. And I told I told MJ about it and she was like, oh yeah, I would definitely want to be a part of that. And she hopped in hey, rest his history. Shout out to shout out to MJ she is bumping. Oh, she at KOD, she's doing. I think she's at the brunch. I keep seeing this song. Certainly. Have you heard the song? This is a key glock, key glock. Let's go.


Oh, I just yeah, I just seen somebody post it.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, I just. I discovered that song through a mistake, Apparently shout out mistake. He likes that song.


When did you have it?

DJ Turn Up:

You said what when did? You get it. This was like a couple of Mondays ago, yeah.


So within this much, yeah, oh, yeah.

DJ Turn Up:

Well, let's take a pause to this. I'm not going dirty down. I'm not going to lie to you. I wasn't the biggest. I mean, I was for the video games, so I knew enough about the people to play the games, but I wasn't the biggest. Dragon Ball fan but shout out to shout out to him. Well, rest in peace to him. Apparently, the, the creator of Dragon Ball, passed away a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, yeah.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, rest in peace to him. Yeah, rest in peace down. But so what's your favorite character off Dragon Ball? It's nothing.


Um, that's what I got to say. Go cool in the choke shit. Uh, what's the name? Go on, bro, go on, go on.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, the sun it is. We're going to move on Um. Shout out, shout out, El Reena, Shout out, El Reena, to check in next, next, el Reena.


Oh, I thought she no no, I thought she said she tapped in over here.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, no, no, no, she had a note. Next, laugh F shit, okay, you and with the youngings. What does that mean?


Next, fuck shit, next, fuck shit.

DJ Turn Up:

What is that? Okay, I don't know. And then this is the song.


This is like her saying, like next oh okay, got you.

DJ Turn Up:

Okay, this is like very on brand with Karina. Oh yeah, this is very Karina issue, absolutely.


You already know, yeah, number five.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, this is a TJ. I actually TJ. I think this is TJ's brother's father. Do you know the skinny? I don't know. He's real skinny, real tall. He has long dreads. This guy TJ, he was a guest on the show one day. Oh yeah. Have you ever seen this guy before? You ever seen this guy before? Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's next. He said slow down, slow down, be still. I'm assuming he's saying slow down in like a country way, I guess. Slow down, be still. I guess I respect it.


Sometimes you gotta be still, yeah, be more around too much.

DJ Turn Up:

I suppose Shout out to she on the check in. She well not check in, but shout out to the she is notes Shaking bones is greater than shaking ass. Oh, I think I did say that. What are your thoughts on that tonight? Shaking bones better than shaking ass? Me personally, I rather see ass shaking the bone, but I mean, you know, whatever.


I don't discriminate from a little booze, that's all. Now, you know, I ain't gonna lie.

DJ Turn Up:

Some of y'all little booties be moving. I ain't gonna hold you. I'll be like, okay, wait a minute, hold on, but man you got a little charm.


You got a little charm to it.

DJ Turn Up:

I can never remember her name, shout out to the fine as the fine, as DJ, that fucking follows us. I don't, I can never remember DJ. Goddess, I want to say Goddess Kiko or something like that.

DJ Turn Up:

Shout out DJ. Goddess, kiko, she ain't got no events tonight. It's all good, we don't need it. So we all kick, we all kick me tonight. Come, pull up, come, pull up the teams. Yeah, we all, we all give a shit tonight, but so, but, yeah. So, before we move on to the question of the day, shout out to everybody buying the merch. Still, we are still doing the giveaway. If you you want to be a part of the giveaway, get you some merch and I'll put your name in the hat. Oh no, I'll put you in the DJ. Turn up appreciation and then put your name in the hat and you'll probably get picked. Last last month, who do we have? Aliyah? Shout out to Aliyah.


She was the last winner of that. Yeah, shout out to Aliyah. I know Aliyah.

DJ Turn Up:

Hmm, yes, you know, aliyah, she works out American.


Yeah, I had to figure out which Aliyah, since there's a.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, the one that won the rose, the glasses.


Yeah, gotcha.

DJ Turn Up:

So for the question of the day Wait was there anything?

DJ Turn Up:

else you want to talk about. Well, okay, so the further question of the day. This is a question I've always had because, I ain't gonna lie, I would say us as a us as black people, and us as a culture. I'll just say us as the hip hop culture of the R&B. Just the urban culture is like it's a little weird because when, when we win, when we win is all good, it's cool, but when we lose is like conspiracy theories and all fuck them and blah, blah, blah, blah and all this. And this is a question I came up with like along. It was like how, like a few weeks ago, I started about it deep on.

DJ Turn Up:

No, but no, no, no. But it's really not that deep. But the question of the day is Okay, are we for the Grammys or not for the Grammys? Because here's my thing, right, everybody is so like oh this, oh, they didn't win because it's these, it's these old white people that are doing the voting, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But let them all, fucking, like killer Mike, win Best hip hop and we celebrate oh yeah, killer Mike. So, like, are we for the Grammys? Do we give a fuck or do we not give a fuck? Because, like it's like you can be on you, like you can be both See see?


no, it's difficult, Honestly see. The crazy thing about it is that like, like I know what you're saying because I fought when the Grammy, you bragging all this and that, but these same folk there, like years past, like you was all up in arms about you know you don't fuck with the Grammys because X. Y Z. But then Y'all went to BT award and y'all treat that joint like like right Like this ain't nothing like BT award.


Like when that's the phone, that's like, really, you know what I'm saying, right, so it's like you know, I feel that I feel that in the sense is like if y'all really don't ever the Grammys, y'all wouldn't support it. If y'all wouldn't show up, y'all wouldn't allow your joint to be. You know, like I know Drake had withdrew his like his album from, like the nomination. You know, I think I knew that. Yeah so, yeah so, like you know. But with the BT award, folk don't even take it seriously Like, they just like.

DJ Turn Up:

BT hip hop.


Like all that, like all that shit, so I get it. The Grammys is a big platform, you know platform. And so I know that, like people want that recognition and be able to boast about all that. You know what I'm saying. But in the same sense, like I know that y'all folk be like oh, it's all them old white people that don't even listen to our music for real know what's going on.

DJ Turn Up:

You know what I'm saying so yeah, I, but like, that's what I'm saying though like, but let them, let them acknowledge you, and it's like, oh yeah, we made it, but at the same token, these are the same motherfuckers that don't know what's going on. So, like, like, what's the right? I don't get it. Like they don't know what's going on and they pick you. Doesn't that mean that, like in a century, you're not popping through? Like they just kind of just pick somebody?


Yeah, I don't know, man, I don't. I don't get caught up in all that politics and and accolades and stuff like. At the end of the day, as long as you impact in the people, man, that's. It's like I don't know, because these awards begin like with any award situation is always going to be like oh, the only reason they won is because of boom. Only reason they won because you know what I'm saying. Like it's all political like.


Oh it's a it's a popular contest, or oh, they got a certain agenda. That's why they chose this person. You know, what I'm saying it's like, but I, then they may just you lost.

DJ Turn Up:

Just take it, it's an L bro, but see it's it's it's.


it's also hard, though, because like music is like music and art is subjective, like there's. No, I ain't a lot bro.

DJ Turn Up:

I'm not trying to hear that shit bro. The Grammys has been. The Grammys has been a thing before our grandparents were a thing. So yeah, brian, trying to hear that shit bro. If that was the case, if that was the case, the Grammys wouldn't be a thing. The Grammys wouldn't be the thing, bt awards wouldn't be a thing, the country music awards wouldn't be a thing, the pop awards wouldn't be. Source vibe None of that shit would be a thing. If we're talking about, oh yeah, party's subjective suggestive and whatever the fuck, I don't know.


I'm just saying that with like with sports is easier because it's like points. Yes who has the most points, you win. You know what I'm saying, right, but like you said, even with sports, people will be like oh, this card. You know what I'm saying so you really can't win Right. You dig like at the end of the day.

DJ Turn Up:

No for sure, Because it's just like, just like what the okay? Because Because I always think of the back to the end, in granted, of course I was on the side, but like, how did you feel? How did you feel when Macklemore beat Kendrick Lamar?


Kind of how I felt when when see, I lost the ludicrous. You know what I'm saying.

DJ Turn Up:

Like, yeah, one time for drip checking in. Oh, shout out to Karina. I even see Karina, karina, we just. We just read your note, by the way, but um, yeah, we just, we just read her note.


Oh yeah, and Karina, if you would like to elaborate on your note, you can feel free to you know, give a proper explanation, because we try to give our explanation of what we thought about.

DJ Turn Up:

But if it was long story short. Karina, we're old, we don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but go ahead, right. I just, I just listened to the song that you put on it and I was like this is so on brand with Karina. Karina, how do you not know what Instagram know you wrote? See, that's how I can tell sometimes she didn't be talking out of her ass, like she just how you forget your Instagram. Postage, postage, postage Exactly.


But but yeah, go ahead, yeah, no, when they chose Macklemore like trust me, I love my city and all that and I do think that was an accurate representation of Seattle I do feel like the music was good on the project, but in comparison to Kendrick Lamar's project, like I'll say, macklemore was like a solid project.


You know what I'm saying but you look at Kendrick Lamar and that's almost like a masterpiece. You feel me. So it's like it's not to say that Macklemore is almost bad, but she's. In comparison to Kendrick's joint it was on a whole different level and that's how I felt with the Ludicrous joint, like Ludicrous release therapy Solid album. But TI's king, I felt like, is when it all came together for him. So for him not to get that, it was like I'm forever going to be hard, I'm forever going to be hurt over that one With that, be your top with that be your top.

DJ Turn Up:

Like hurt moment for the Grammys.


Because I don't think, I don't think TI ever got another chance for like album of the year.

DJ Turn Up:

Has TI ever won a Grammys?


I feel like he has, but not for album of the year.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, not album. Yeah, so Not for album of the year. Shout out to the she on check-in. Dang we just read her notes too. That's crazy, but they popping up man. Right, they all popping up, right, Ladies, usual. But um, what she say about? No, I don't even remember what she said. She said I forget. Yeah, I don't even remember what she said. Wait, what did she say?


I don't even remember she said next no, that was Karina.

DJ Turn Up:

She said next fuck shit oh you saying the she. No.


Karina just say.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, she said I forgot to Right.


The. She was saying talking about the skinny. Oh yeah, shaking bone, yeah, shaking bone Shaking ass.

DJ Turn Up:

Me personally to see I'm going with shaking ass and bones, but that's just me personally, you know. You like what you like.


Well, booty needs love too.

DJ Turn Up:

Now yeah you know, I'm saying they should leave. They should leave. But what fucking saying? Oh the Grammy.


Side note to just the world we are furiously working on nice and slow three. I just want y'all to know that we didn't. You know we've been announcing it. I know that nothing has dropped in social media. We've been furiously working on it behind the scenes myself and turn up, so just want to put that out there. There you go, we haven't forgotten about it. We are putting in a lot of work at the moment.

DJ Turn Up:

I have, I forgot, I'm just joking, but um, but uh, I said let that be. Yeah, I mean, hey, I ain't mad at it, um, but you were talking about how you were mad about, uh, paper traveling release therapy.


No, it was King.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, that's even worse.


That's what I'm saying. That's my whole point. I hope if it was paper trail I would have been less mad but, it was King.

DJ Turn Up:

That's why I was so upset.


You feel that's why I'm so sick, like King is, like you know. But um what does she hope that something?

DJ Turn Up:

else up, my dad will come over with your own shit, like that's what Karina said Come on with your. Well. That's why I don't write Instagram notes. I mean, you got to pick and choose your battles.


What did she say?

DJ Turn Up:

That's what I'm. It looked like she said like damn, come on with your own shit. I'm assuming she's talking about the Instagram notes.


That's what I'm assuming she's talking about.

DJ Turn Up:

And then she has said and they was shaking bones at least do it with. At least do it and shake ass. I have no idea who she's talking about. Yeah, I don't know that's that's.


That's out of our room. No idea what you're talking about.

DJ Turn Up:

No idea what you're talking about.


These are rooms that we are not in. Yeah, those are group chats.

DJ Turn Up:

We are not in no idea what you're talking about. But to wrap it up on this Grammy's talk, so how do you feel about the Grammys? Are you, are you, are you?


I don't. Yeah, like I understand, like you know, to the, to the outside world, like it's a big deal. I understand the impact on on the world, but see it's. It's the thing where I have to ask myself do I go out and spend my time watching the Grammy Awards? Or I even go and check to see who won in the Grammy Awards? You know what I'm saying. And I don't watch the Grammys. You know what I'm saying. I haven't watched them since probably like a minute, you know what I'm saying Like.


I just remember TI had performed, you know, at the Grammys. I remember that performance and stuff, but the last time I watched the Grammys has been a minute and so, and even in regards to the winners, like maybe I'll come across a news article that I'll speak on it, but I don't even look like those award shows I don't even really pay attention to anybody anymore. I used to care about it when I was younger, but nowadays it's like you know if they win, they win, but if not, then you know it's cool too.

DJ Turn Up:

Okay, I'm sorry that we're going back and forth with these like notes and the Grammy. But yoga just checked in.


Salute to yoga.

DJ Turn Up:

Man hey yoga, so does something happen at RITC, Because you threw up the RITC with the, with the. What is that? If you'd like to explain, I'd like to know what happened. We'd like to know what happened at RITC.


The people would like to know what happened, man, so you got an explanation. We regret yeah, we regret for that.

DJ Turn Up:

But, um, yeah, so we're going to wrap this up and then we're going to go back to the community. Um, me personally, I can honestly tell you I haven't watched a full Grammy, since, like I like us.


Exactly, that was the last.

DJ Turn Up:

that's probably the last time I watched a whole Grammy, exactly. So I don't know, I'm just, I'm neither here, I'm just like whatever, but but it's just, it's just. It's just hard for me to take this culture serious when, on one side, we're saying, oh, fuck the Grammys. And then the next time it's like, oh man, we won this Grammy. Oh my God, this is such a big blah, blah, blah, blah. It's like okay, so what? What are we doing?


Right, that's the thing, though, and then they'd be like boasting about it too.

DJ Turn Up:



But it's like these same folk that you know. Yeah, I don't know, but I don't know. Maybe people grow and grow and you know mature or have different perspectives. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know something I just wish that people would value the BC. You know, if you are doing all that for a Grammy, make sure you keep the same energy when you get to BC.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, because this is the shit your people, our people, are coming up with for us, right? And these are the people that are actually listening to the music and all this shit Exactly. So that's kind of my thing.


Just keep the same energy between the different awards, because you know, yeah, like.

DJ Turn Up:

I don't know, that's how I feel about it, but we're going to move on to get the Don't face it off the cloud, don't face it off the cloud.


Don't do that. The Grammy got more cloud. Don't do that now.

DJ Turn Up:

Anyway, we're going to go back to the. We go before we get to guests, the bars. We're going to finish up these, these little notes. Apparently, apparently, that was from a video she saw. She said no, we were watching, we were talking about a video, guys, the notes were about a video we saw. You guys, apparently Tanaka, you recorded the video, tanaka. How did you record a video and you only even remember what we're talking about?


What video you talking about? Yeah, what video she's talking about.

DJ Turn Up:

I look while y'all figuring out what video, y'all don't know what the fuck you're talking about. We're going to move on to guests the bars. Like I said, we're going to go back. Hopefully they have an answer for it all that.


But yeah, y'all saying I shot the video. I shoot a hundred videos a night, so if you expect me to remember all them day long, Mondays.

DJ Turn Up:

I don't know what y'all need to know. So we're going to move on to guests, the bars. For the people that don't know what guests the bars is, I give Tanaka some bars from some hip hop songs. He gave me some bars from some hip hop songs and we read it out to y'all and we rate it. On the album which is Bless you, which is from five to one, which is Fire, from Roshis Black Frisbee Fecal, and we try to figure out the song and, yeah, we go from there. So, Tanaka, you know I'll go first, since I got my phone in front of me. Let's see what we got. You ever figure out what a?


video I have no idea.

DJ Turn Up:

How often are you recording videos of girls shaking bones?


That's what I'm trying to think Like. What video are they referring to?

DJ Turn Up:

Why are you thinking of that? I'm so diplomatic, democratic, touch it, bring it, push it, systematic, damn right. I kissed my daddy I think they pissed at how rich my daddy is and I'm his kid. I stumped with my daddy, called Miss Lee, she's with my daddy, so Disney, and don't diss my daddy, because who was there when? No one wasn't just my daddy. Who was there when I needed money? Just my daddy. So who was there when I see the money? Just my daddy who said I'd be the one? Just my daddy. Hello, hip hop, I'm home. It's your daddy.

DJ Turn Up:

When I say these, I don't mean the catty. I feel like this is Wayne, because I feel like he's the only person. Is it the Wayne? Or is it a female artist? Because, kiss my daddy, this is something that he's gotten a lot of plaque for Kissing Birdman in that video or that photo and kissing dead on the lips. And yeah, I'm gonna say a little Wayne, I guess. So, for I'll give it a flat ferocious. I give it a flat ferocious. I was gonna give it a ferocious, but I feel like there's not a lot of punch lines. There's not enough punch lines in it for me to give it a complete ferocious. This is all the daddy talk, it's all right.

DJ Turn Up:

It's cool. I give it a flat, ferocious, ferocious flat. I don't know Something like that.


Yes, what we got? A little Wayne. We've taken over the remix. There's a remix. It was out in Jockeys.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, the freestyle Gotcha. You know what's crazy. That was one of the ones I skipped over because I was like I've already heard him rap on this. Like why am I listening to this again?


He killed it.

DJ Turn Up:

Right Shout out to the frameo. So instead of just having the Hall of Fame joints on, here too, we also have the guest of ours, and you can see how Tanaka gave somebody from the Mopsong a flat. The Woodfong, I get the crump, I get it live. I get the party live outside Game on flat. Give a dance on the flat. It's interesting, but go ahead.


Oh no, you don't remember.

DJ Turn Up:

This is like from the first episode.


There's no way you're going to remember that 100,000 for the ice Reach for my jewelry. You might lose your life, diamonds hitting. I make movies like Spike Buzz down wedding ring but I had no wife. Bricks on bricks. Brick fair blocks on me, but no tail fair Ice on me. Like Kim, was that pray and stay away from squares. I've heard of this. What the fuck is?

DJ Turn Up:

this. I've heard of this.


This sound like trouble brick, but I think this is the skibbitt of Flippers first. Bravo, sir. This is, yes, like a flat for us. Flap for us, I get it for us. So you remember the first time you heard this song, sir probably when it first came out, I would just have a happy that show because show took a little break from rapping and then like he came back out. You know so, because I don't know Trouble is one of them that, like you know, using the street.

DJ Turn Up:

So it's move on to check in. Oh right, right, don't pull up to the Instagram live.


Yeah, trouble had taken a little break from rapping, so I feel like this is kind of his comeback. He's come back yeah. Yeah, you know trouble. He might be here for a little minute. I ain't kidding about that.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, long with trouble, man. All right, let's see, mama, I finally get it. How so hard then rich? Oh, my bad, let me start over. Mama, I finally get it. How so hard, then get rich.

DJ Turn Up:

Lately I've been on some solo shit, cortez, long socks. I've been on my cholo shit Bitch, you've been tripping. I'm gonna let bygones be bygones. Walk up in the house with high nines like, hi, mom, but I write back on my nigga shit like, like what we fucking, oh, she fucking, and sucking she with the shit. Let the flip. Let's the flip. What the fuck she's fucking in. Second with the shit. Let's flip this bitch. Let's flip a pound. Send it out of town, then bless it down. And no respect for the hose. That wasn't fucking, but fucking now. Oh, good Lord, how about the tongue twister? Yeah, I was sorry. Um, uh, trap, talk, trap, talk, flagging flat. At first I thought it was a person, I thought it was why G, but I was like, yeah, it still might be. Why G, not a? Take a picture, you know I'm gonna go YG. If it ain't why G, I'm gonna say, like the game, bless you. I don't hear any trendy talk, so I'm gonna just lean the YG Like he's not saying is lit or like something like 2015 flow?


Yeah, he's not saying like where to trade is. Why is he 2015 flow? Yeah, oh, that was YG. Yeah, that's the song 2015 flow.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, yg 2015 flow. Oh, okay, what is that awful?


I'm just wondering on the streets B when did that come out? 2015.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, so it came out in 2015. Oh damn, I would have thought it came out a little later 2015.


Yeah, oh, okay, they need to. Oh wait, all these fireballs, right, I don't know why that was so. Yeah, I don't know why they got you, but I'm not used to seeing them. Yeah, I just see them going up. So I'm just imagining something like it's just pressing the button Anyway. Um, yeah, the ID know that song. No, yeah, it's not really no beat, it's really just a piano playing piano, that shit probably fired, because every time I think of that, I think of Lil Wayne's joint.

DJ Turn Up:

I'm not a human being too.


When I talk this shit here gonna touch your soul. One boss and everybody got to know they roll. Everybody talking, nobody listen. Too many chiefs, not enough Indians. I say I chain, but then I send again Tasmanian devil, hit this block and spin again. Sunday I play linen. That's what I'm chilling in this dark meat, not the meat, not that churches. Is that melanin? I got real drinking my cup. This ain't no funny, though, and I ain't charge you like I did him, because you don't help me, though I guess the flat for us is. You know what I'm saying. It's crazy. I just heard somebody speak on this about the Tasmanian devil, hit this block and spin again. What in like an overuse? No, so I watching in apartments with Parley you know about that.


Yeah, I know. So yeah, Parley for y'all that don't know is one fourth of them French boys. And he was talking about he was interviewing I forgot which artist he was interviewing someone who was asking them do y'all like this new Atlanta Drill music? And he was basically saying that he called it. He's like, yeah, I'd be calling it Tasmanian devil music, you know, because maybe he's spinning and all that. But yeah, I don't know who this is. I do like the overall verse, though I haven't heard that. Too many cheese, not enough Indians. Everybody's talking about listening. You're gonna touch your soul. One boss, and everybody got to know they will who we got.

DJ Turn Up:

So it's interesting that you don't know this song. I probably do know it, but you know, it's interesting that you don't know this, that you didn't catch this Memorize and you don't know. Like with like the subject matter. Wait, what did you give it?

DJ Turn Up:

Flat for us, flat for us, okay. Yeah, what's interesting about this is that I don't know what the content. I would have thought that you would have caught it, because it sounds like we were just. We were actually just talking. We weren't just talking about this person, but we were. You were talking about how you missed this person so rich on the corn. This is dangerous.


I know that one. Really, what was it? What was it all for?

DJ Turn Up:

Let's see what was dangerous off of. Second, let's see it may have been a feature. It may have been a feature. Let's see.


Yeah, I was not waiting to build, let's see Dangerous. Did you like that verse he had on Dobe's? Oh that's why you don't know it. Oh well, we got to let it.

DJ Turn Up:

It was off family Mula.


Oh, it's a new verse. Yes, that makes sense. I think I actually probably heard it Right and I was late to hearing the family Mula just because I'm a kind of late just hearing projects, you know right. But he actually had some good records on that.

DJ Turn Up:

He got some good records on the one Remember 34 and all that.


Yeah, that joint would. Um, he had a record on the family Mula with no cap. That joint, that joint was actually solid, Like even the youngings, was like the collab we never knew we needed Right.

DJ Turn Up:

Right, let's see what we got. I stay on my grind in that domain, from the records to movies and TV show. Man, anything given to me I'm going to rep. Man, big house, big cars, what'd you expect me? Just to get a glimpse. Just to get a glimpse girls breaking their neck, man blinded by the lights glistening off the, the bright one. I feel like I've heard this before. Um, bringing in that domain from records to TV show.



DJ Turn Up:

I feel like I've heard what is this before. Um yeah.


I'm not going to lie.

DJ Turn Up:

This joint does nothing for me, though I get a flat frisbee, it's just it's not really doing nothing for me. Um, I mean, it probably sounds dope on the beat, he probably flowing, or whatever the fuck, but this junk does nothing for me. Yeah, flat frisbee, closer to frisbee. I don't know who this is, isn't it cannon?


Okay, no, this is a Kendrick Lamar.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, there's a new user but um, bow Wow, okay, that sounds, that sounds pretty accurate. What's the song?


Doom Doom.

DJ Turn Up:



How does she go? I forgot anyway.

DJ Turn Up:

I just love how you get to the beat.


I just don't remember the beat.

DJ Turn Up:

I just don't remember the beat as well, it's not like you're about to say Doom Doom, doom Doom. I was like what? I don't know that song.


JD say I got it there 15 more. Make it more than you did, fresh as my.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh Fresh as I'm is. Oh Sam, yeah, you know who gave it away. If you would have got to the part keep on smoking, I probably would have got it, but I don't know. Yeah, it just did.


That was an interesting song.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, I used to fuck with that song. I'm not going to lie.


Like I said, like I said, you first hear that.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, okay, yeah, so Fresh as I'm is, I heard when that song come out. I'm not going to lie, I don't remember when I heard it. I heard it when it came out, though, for sure, and I remember that was an interesting time for Bow Wow, because this is when he was beefing with Romeo, because I think this song is a beef to Romeo, I think this song is a dish to.


Romeo, I don't think I ever knew this.

DJ Turn Up:

No, I didn't. No, I didn't Make it more than your dad I don't know who he was talking.


I thought he was just telling you some random haters.

DJ Turn Up:

So let me ask you this the Romeo response. Did you know that was to Bow Wow?


Or that you can't shine like me.

DJ Turn Up:

Please tell me. Please tell me. You don't know this song, so we can hear it?


Yeah, I don't know. Oh God, yes, yes, yes.

DJ Turn Up:

Yes, yes.


Yes, yes, you gotta understand.

DJ Turn Up:

Take mama and AC on the check in. Oh and and hey BS.


Yeah, shout out to he. Yeah, that's your homie. Yeah, my young in here.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, my one of my young, Okay shout out to you all for taking in. There's just another joint. We just got on the list of shit we gotta watch.


Yeah, I was aware they had a beef, but I don't think I paid too close attention after these diss records.

DJ Turn Up:

I just thought it was funny because it was like bro, like both of y'all fucking suck, but, but like I mean that's, that's just how I felt that was what 2007. Some way yeah, something like that.


Um, yeah, I don't know, that's one of freshness. I mean, it's like I like the beat, but I don't know, and it was another.

DJ Turn Up:

It was in the also a weird time because this was him trying to like maneuver from child to to run up and it was real, I don't know. Bro Bow out and come from kid to adult was really weird, really weird, a lot of cringe. Yeah, oh my God, that's a bitch in that fucking grill he had in his mouth. Oh my Jesus, I was like why, why, like, why do you have like there?


are two people.

DJ Turn Up:

I ain't gonna lie, there are two people in hip hop that should not have a grill and had a grill. Bow out T I Like like those were really weird times when T I had a grill. It just felt like his mouth was like coming apart. Like, like you ever like beef three, yes, I was like bro, like that should look so weird. You want to come talk to me? What, yeah, such a weird time bro. You know, that was such a weird time.


He's going to need a screenshot of the grill yes, but, it was the bottom one too.

DJ Turn Up:

It was only the bottom way, or did he have both of them? I feel like he only had the bottom one.


The bottom, oh, I thought it was a top. He probably did have both, I don't remember. No, I thought it was only the top, I don't know.

DJ Turn Up:

We got to go, we got to look that up.


No, what's interesting about CI is that he doesn't wear jewelry, and that's the only literally like the only jewelry that he wore Did he really, I feel like that's coming up because his ears are not pierced, so he didn't have earrings.

DJ Turn Up:

And then, on top of that, I feel like I've seen him with a chain on. I feel like I've seen him with chains on. I don't know.


I feel like he was like he had a dog tag or like a PSE on. I feel like he had like a PSE on it.

DJ Turn Up:

I don't know. We'll look that up along with the fucking grill. I feel like that's just as you know what. I'm not going to bring that up.


But yeah, that bow out 18, making more than your dad.

DJ Turn Up:

I was just like yeah, okay, we're going to listen to that with a different ear now, now that you know that's about Romeo.


It's just, I don't know, I don't know something about that record.

DJ Turn Up:

It's just cheese cheese ball.


Partially that, but then also that, like it just felt a little forced Like he. It felt like he was kind of forcing it.

DJ Turn Up:

I didn't feel like that, I didn't feel like it was, for I ain't a lot. There was a couple of records that definitely fell forth, that one didn't feel forced to me A lot of shit off of like New Jack City Part 2 definitely fell forced.


But All right when I was going to get turned on. Go open that camp, Good boy.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, I ain't gonna lie. Look, okay, we're not going to let out real quick. I'm not going to lie. I was on the minority but I did fuck with Marco Polo. I ain't gonna lie that song. It was one of those songs that was so bad.


I let it slide just because it was Soulja Boy. It sounds like, bro, it's Soulja Boy.

DJ Turn Up:

My whole clique, y'all, whole clique. Friends, Bro, it's just bro. That fucking bar right there just ages like milk. He probably can't even perform that song, no more. Let me ask you this Did you watch the? Did you watch the verses? Did they perform?


that song? I don't think. So Did they. I can't remember. I'm not going to lie. That's one of those verses I didn't tap all the way into.

DJ Turn Up:

I wouldn't. I'm not going to lie I was a fan of Bow Wow, so I would have tapped it.


I just knew Soulja Boy was going to do some type of goofy shit. I feel like he repeated the song or something. I don't know.

DJ Turn Up:

He repeated the song.


Yeah, I don't know Something like that, but I got to refresh my memory. But yeah, that's a lot. Yeah, ron Brows, we appreciate you guys. But see, this just brought me back to New Jersey because he got a collaboration with Ron Brows and like, just not it. That whole era, bro. I just I could. I could live my life without it.

DJ Turn Up:

But just come out the hole tonight.


Just jumping out the window.

DJ Turn Up:

Come out the hole tonight. Right here is my hand. Come on, we're here.


Because, man, I just heard the record that he had with Ghostface Killer and I don't think I even knew about that record.

DJ Turn Up:

Bro Tanaka stuck y'all, Y'all, help him please. He stuck in his 2009.


Let me tell you about my month y'all End of the shopping. I had a ball. I had a ball for therapy. My shrink. Don't think that helps at all. Whatever, that man ain't wearing these leather pants. I diagnosed my damn cell. These damn pills ain't work at family In my spare time, punching walls, fucking up my hand. I know that shit sounds super cray, but if you have my life you understand. I was going through it, fighting demons as they say what the hell did that sound like?


It's a flat. It's a flat. I don't know who this is.

DJ Turn Up:

So this is Kid Cudi. This is off of a song called Just what I Am. Okay, are you?


familiar with Just what I Am. Yeah, I think it's with Kingship.

DJ Turn Up:

I never got your take on Kingship. How did you feel about Kingship?


Not somebody I paid real close attention to. I just knew he was an affiliate. I heard it a few times, but it wasn't. It didn't stick out to me per se.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, he was definitely one that I was like yeah, here's the thing, right, shout out to Pan Wallace. I always bring up Pan Wallace anytime I bring up Kid Cudi. How did not Benford kick? How did not Benford Pan Wallace? I probably wouldn't have known about Kid Cudi to like to like man on the Moon or what was it man on the Moon 2? That just recently came out, or like came out like a year ago or some shit.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, I wouldn't have known about him to like that, but he put me on all like Kingship. I mean Chip the Ripper, and because that's when he started hating King Ella of Chip the Ripper, when he changed his name to King Chip, because he felt like it was like all right bro, like apparently around that time everybody was changing their name to King something and it was like he was just another one in the line of millions of rappers changing their name For sure.


But yeah, that's, cool record though.

DJ Turn Up:

That's all right. That's all for a wizard.


Indicates so many click.

DJ Turn Up:

All right With the new West bread, that with the new West breads that he calling to play and we sat in a whack. Rappers need is call it a day down South college chopper home. Call it a K either way. Ambulances come and haul them away. This do this blue division bitch. I'm the soul of the crew, Honey girls on my heels like a soul of my shoe. I got to him in the kitchen Let it simmer and cook. Now come break it down and deliver the hook. So um, I'm assuming this is T I but West bread. But he's from the West side, so it could be T I. Oh no, this is not. I know exactly this is.


This is glass.

DJ Turn Up:

You know, you know, you know what it was. It was the con, break it down and deliver the hook. And you know it's funny shot to pin Wallace. Anytime I bring up, anytime Ever, like he just glasses. Beautiful. This is a certified right certified. I'm not sure if it's a good thing, boy. If there was ever a flat rapper, it was glasses and along, like it was just like it was just flat, like it's just nothing. But no, he's talking about the. You know he's talking about the West. Coast.


I definitely. This is one of those ones. Yeah, this is what it was.

DJ Turn Up:

So I will say this about certified I heard certified when it came out and I definitely was a fan of certified. I don't know how'd you feel about certified? Did you hear when, when it first came out? How'd you hear about that record?


I don't think about hurt his album like around that time. I feel like I did hear the record. Yeah, it was cool.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, I fuck with glasses, I just anything, I don't. I don't know if I've ever heard any other songs after that.


That's when I was kind of like yeah, because I think he went independent right after that. That always does it to him. I didn't stick out enough to like you know, let me go see what he got going. Hey, yo, I'm the channel that you watch. I'm the ammo in the block. We're Ninja full suit, with the sandals in the socks stop. And based on my neck boy, you would think I hate glass homes. Way I'm handling the rocks. Who cast the first stone? It's just me. Fuck you, real grunge ninja. I ain't got a flannel as the top. I'm not a weirdo. That sucks. Um, yes, cool, I get a flat for us.

DJ Turn Up:

You said a flat for us?


Yes, it's interesting. Take you would think I hate glass homes when I'm handling the rocks. Who cast the first stone?

DJ Turn Up:

So this is a title of the creator. I'm a fan of a song called Potato.


Salad Sounds fitting.

DJ Turn Up:

Are you familiar with the potato salad?


I am not. I don't think I've ever heard that one. You know that.

DJ Turn Up:

I do not, can't say I do sir.


Can't say I do.

DJ Turn Up:

No, I can't even why you do that. I'm going to read off this last one. This is a great sound. Ladies and gentlemen, hope everybody's having a great time. All right, let's see what we got.

DJ Turn Up:

Okay, let's get this straight. Your man cheated on you. Oh, my bad. Okay, let's get this straight. Your man cheated on you. And now you talking to a perfect stranger like it's making me proud. And the rest of this conversation.

DJ Turn Up:

She just telling me how wasn't your boyfriend in the picture? But a familiar smile, wait what? And the rest of the conversation she's telling me how wasn't her boyfriend in the picture? She said pictures. She said pictures can be deceiving. Like she knew he was foul. Look closer, you see a coward who was using smile as power Fling the smoke.

DJ Turn Up:

Strength couldn't stand another hour, so she did what she did. Then she went to go take a shower. Damn, what do you mean? I couldn't tell you that I'm missing him. I don't understand what you're saying. How did you get rid of him so it sounded like she got cheated on. Now she's cheating. And now she's talking to a person that she's cheating With. Right, that's a sound like I don't know. That's what sound like. It's. That's cool, just off the strength of it, like having like a plot and the theme, and you know I could see the picture in my head. I'll give it for OSHA's. I Like the like that I'm able to see what they're talking about. Um, I Mean, I know this isn't him, but I'm just saying King Von because it's a story telling. But I'm like it's King Von, without any the excess of violence.


So Shout out to Zylanda. He got a King Von mix. He did with Fill it in the air. Scent um instrumentals.

DJ Turn Up:

I think I do remember that.



DJ Turn Up:



We got Beautiful Record cause think I'm crazy, but yeah, it's basically a story telling record. Not a doltree, it get a little crazy. Yeah, he just. That's just one part of it. It's basically him approaching this chick and they in the bar talking, you know, saying, then all of a sudden it just Takes, takes a little turn. You know, as he's storytelling, one has a story telling it All right last one Young rascal flats.


Young ass kid. Young ass kid ass could rap, fuck all the faculty tobacco packing echo. Back back to back packing bags, back and forth with the fifth Of jack and force a weed. I'm back to pack on hands young clevis to pack my bag. I'm gonna give this a flat. I do like to flow, you know, facing jack, force a beam. I could respect that. I feel like I heard this, but I can't exactly pinpoint who this is.

DJ Turn Up:

So I Son of a bitch. I just seen you. Where'd you go? Oh, I guess I don't need you no more. All right, Read him one more time for the people.


Young rascal flats. Young ass, kid ass could rap for guard of faculty tobacco parking echo. Back back to back packing bags back and forth with Fits the jack and force a weed. I'm back to pack on hands with me, uncleanest to pet my back.

DJ Turn Up:

I'm just seeing him. Ah so this is a chance the rapper this is off of a song called a favorite song. I feel like I already I've heard this is probably one of the own chance to rap this song, like honestly say.


I've heard that was a mix saved song Mm-hmm with uh child's Gambino awful, uh, because obviously rap. I think I see, right yeah things off.

DJ Turn Up:

That's a wrap. Um, yeah, yeah, that was that I'm assuming you never heard record.


No, I think I've heard it, I just I can't recall it because I haven't listened to chance so long.

DJ Turn Up:

Word. All right, ladies, gentlemen, that was, I guess, the bars one of my favorite chance.


Joins me for that. Yeah, I was. Oh, what was that awful? I think that was first time I've asked you about that off, I didn't listen to acid rap yeah.

DJ Turn Up:

There's only I'm not gonna lie, there's only two. There's only two uh projects. I know by chance the rappers acid rap, which is like his like, is like Michael Jackson thriller. And then there's the one he came out with thinking like 2018, 2019 or like. I guess he's like constantly talking about his baby mama and like everybody's like Apparently, like every song, he's talking about his baby mama and everybody's just like all right, bro, we get it, we love your baby mama, like cool. Do you remember the song? Do you remember the song here with the baby called hot shower?


No, I'm not no.

DJ Turn Up:

I guess. I guess he's heard of it, so what's the next segment?


sir, can I stand that work?

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, I was, that's fucked up because I actually didn't like that record and that's no bullshit. I see, like soup man train Nice, it gave a little dicky vibes and now I fuck with. I fuck a little dicky, did not?


like this I see, I see on the radio.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, it's hard oh did it really played on radio? That's crazy. I don't think I knew that. But what I did know is that the hall of fame is next and that's what we're gonna move into. So I know you, probably, I probably, I know for sure. I could bet all the money in my pocket that you don't remember the hall of fame nominees. No, I'd be a winner.

DJ Turn Up:

So last episode was the project review and that's why he doesn't remember. The last episode we Reviewed, uh, warren hills miss education of warren hills. So if you haven't heard that, that's the most recent episode right now. So I would pause this and go check that out if you want to check that out. But the episode before that we had the hall of fame and it was the deaf jam video game series versus Rap snacks, the gumbo rap snacks. Oh yeah, that's right One time for juju checking in, but, um, yeah, so it was the deaf jam video game series versus Um, his rap snacks gumbo edition and the winner is the deaf jam video game series. Shout out to everybody that participated in the in the voting Y'all some real ones Um how much participation you got brought on and brought out so long ago.

DJ Turn Up:

Brought on, shit, don't give me lying, um, but yeah, if you, if you see down here, shout out to the hall of fame. I'm just trying to see who is that. Can I say, oh no, that's one of the guests of ours. Is that when you gave a that? When you gave the mop guy Flat? Oh no, I think that's ti. Yeah, it's ti Anywho. Um, so tanaka, we're gonna have you go first. Uh, what you got for the hall of fame um.


What do I have for the hall of fame?

DJ Turn Up:

That's crazy all the note people are just showing up.


Shout out to goddess kiko shout out to goddess kiko.

DJ Turn Up:

Black women, black women, black women. Right, okay, so now I'm really not know. I'm really finna lose, but why are we choosing black women as a t&t podcast hall of fame?


I don't know, they just so fine.

DJ Turn Up:

but I ain't gonna lie. You ain't never lie. Black women are fine, like I. Just let's talk about it.


I don't know if I could no. Come on now. Come on, tanaka, let's talk about it.

DJ Turn Up:

Bro, you can't bring us to the. You can't bring us to the cliff and just leave us at the cliff. Push us off, come on, let's talk about it.


Yeah, black women just fine.

DJ Turn Up:

They is, they find us out.


You know I'm saying and then I'm in the south, so like they got that, like little southern Accident there, like some folk got it. You know More than others, mm-hmm, and I really could write with both right you know saying because some people have like the keys.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, baby, please say the baby.


Some of them had like the like the lights out, like the lights hot, put them like a little touch, a little sudden accident, right like.

DJ Turn Up:

So are we going with southern women or we're just going with black women period?


Black women period, because it's folks in new york, like you know, new york women, that was like very chetted to, yeah, I don't know. But because now, like growing up, like I always speak on, is that you know, don Richarda, dandy cane, that was like my like celebrity, crush, celebrity. Okay, you know, I'm saying, well, I don't know if people consider her celebrity like that, but I can?

DJ Turn Up:

Danny Kane is definitely a celebrity. Yeah, that was a group Look.


I just I don't know what granted she might be like an effortless celebrity. Definitely, but like I don't know what the fuck we considering, you know celebrity man, was she on tv? There you go. But um, yeah, man, you know, this is like it's just all shades, though now it's all shades like different shades, you know, you know downshot, like she was like, like what would you consider when she would come it?

DJ Turn Up:

up, I'm not going to ask. You have no idea who you're talking about.


Okay, I feel like she was, like you know, dark scene, like you know, but she doesn't kind of change. And now she like lighter in type one, yeah who seemed like they all tried to do so. Um, I don't really like, I'm not gonna lie, I have a preference for like this chocolate you know what I'm saying but like Look at him, bite his lip and wheel.


Yeah, I got approached recently and I was just like, oh my god, like it was one, I'm not gonna catch on it, like it was one of them got them like Like really god for me.

DJ Turn Up:

Like are you sure this is like I?


know there's a million other.

DJ Turn Up:

Tanaka's in this world, are you sure?


this was supposed to be like Really Right.

DJ Turn Up:

Is that for me Like right? But it's good, but you know what's crazy about those situations? It always be a situation where you feel like you're completely dressed down.


You're like.

DJ Turn Up:

That's why I was like you ain't got no haircut and you're like that's what I'm saying.


Like I, I was really in shill mode for real. You dig and then, on top of that, yeah, like you said, turn up my cut. I ain't got no fresh cut. You know, I'm saying um, on top of that, I kept it very you know what, bro, honestly, I probably shouldn't have been as honest, but you know what I'm saying. At this point I just feel like I need to be the most, you know, like what I got going on is what I got going on. You know what I'm saying.

DJ Turn Up:

Well, that, in word of that age, where that needs to be the first thing brought up.


Yeah, because it's like. You know, I just I don't really want to like Selling drinks. Selling drinks, yeah, like. And then, on top of the fact that, like Because I don't, I don't, I'm not, I'm not really trying to manipulate people, you know what I'm saying Like, I genuinely just want to show you right, this is who I am. Right rock with it, you rock with it.


I don't know sign or it's all good. You know. So you know I kidded. You know, very honest in the conversation. Yeah, I could understand how it could be viewed in the negative, like you know the honesty that I presented, but oh, that you were being like vulnerable, something like that. Is that how people would have saw it? You know, just like the situation that recently happens, and you know what I'm saying Like I kept that very honest to you know saying because I had.


She approached me in the martyr station like you know, like one's next train touch, you know, and then we just started, you know I have a conversation but um, so yeah, anywhere Kind of reel it out. But right, she was of lighter tone of lighter tone.


But, um, yeah, man, salute to when, just a black one, where they be fine and then, like I always be, I think there's really black people in general but, like I said, like when I DJ met with Ina yesterday, they always hyping folk up, like even a white folk. Okay, rachel, okay, like, and that's like a beautiful thing, because I'm not Somebody has said that and when I really think about it, I'm like damn, like that is like it's always like black folk. They're like, regardless of the race, like they'll like be hyping folk up and like. You know what I'm saying, it's how to deal, like Like, all right, juan, go ahead and sing that, like you know what I'm saying.


Like they don't even know the song. It could be a Spanish song you know, but they still want to turn up and grew to it. All right, and I respect that you see them, because not everybody shows that type of support or encouragement. No others, especially others that they don't know. Oh yeah, shout out to black women.

DJ Turn Up:

Especially because one gay birth to me. So hey, shout out to black women, you guys are amazing. So let me think of something I can lose to uh, why you say that. So I can I?

DJ Turn Up:

don't know what. I got one for you, and I just thought about this because you play shout out. Shout out to you for playing my remix at uh cascade. So, that being said, what my, my nomination? My nomination for the tnt podcast is la, la reed's part and made back music. So for the people that don't know, I don't know why, well, I kind of know why, but I don't know why. But for some reason, la reed's part and may back me. Okay, let me rewind a little bit, because some of y'all don't even know what I'm talking about.

DJ Turn Up:

So there's an artist named rick ross. He came out with an album called God forgives. And wait, is it? God forgives? I don't, yeah, god forgives and I don't. And he has a song on there called Well, he has a song on there which is a series of songs called may back music. But this happened to be number four and For some reason I never thought about this because I kind of just I was like, oh, this is la reed, cool, but apparently, for some reason, la reed's part and may back music for completely weirds out, dj tamaka. For so, tamaka, would you like to explain to some of the folks who la reed is?


Um, la reed was a part of a group Back in the day like the 80s. Um, what's the name of that song, man, I can't remember the name of it. He was part of r&b group though Um Turned out. I actually think you know the record, but I can't even remember the name of his group. So, um, but it was in like the early mid 80s that they came out. They had just his single, um. He eventually became like a, moved over to yeah management and all that and became Like head of a label. So la reed felt that he should make an appearance on rick ross's record. From one boss to another, and you know.

DJ Turn Up:

So and this is gonna sound really weird, but i'ma just say it before you give your vote to black women, go to pull up may back music for it. Just fast forward to the end and listen to la reed's part and then, and then and then give your vote, because I, I get it. It's cool, whatever, but All right. So this is what we're gonna do. So we're gonna put this on the group, we're gonna put this in the voting joint and we're gonna put black women against LA reed's part of may back music and we'll go from there.

DJ Turn Up:

Um, so with that, we're going to turn up song of the day, right? Um, so what's actually funny about turn up song of the day is that you have brought up any cut. Um, it's actually a song from any cut is a kid cutty song. And shout out to kid cutty because, I'm not gonna lie, it's not a lot of songs by kid cutty that I could say that like are like my favorite songs, but he has a song on indy cut that's called brothers. Let me ask you this Are you familiar with indy cut? I mean, I know I remember that was like one of your first album of the days, but like, how familiar are you with like the songs off? Indy, cut A little spotty, a little spotty, yeah, um, so do you remember the song brothers?


Did they have a feature or not? Yes, who was the feature? The feature was ASAP Rocky and uh and king chip Shot TJ. I feel like I do yeah, so um.

DJ Turn Up:

The song came out when the album came out in 2013, 2013, april 12th, and it's track 13 off indy cut. The album was released under the label, under his label wicked awesome, and which is under good music. So it's a good song which is under good music. So, um, question to Nakati you know anything about? Uh, kid cutties label wicked awesome.


Um, I don't think so, because I feel like kid cutties had like I want to say yes several different labels. Has he?

DJ Turn Up:

I feel like I don't know because I don't know it wasn't like a situation where, like he's ashamed to name like TID and hustle and hustle name?


Oh, I don't, they may have, I don't know. I just recalled Um, because I don't think that was the first label that he, uh, he had.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, I don't know.

DJ Turn Up:

I I'm not gonna lie, I didn't even know he had, like I knew he had like a click of folks that like he used to fuck with, but I actually didn't know. He actually came out on official label Up under uh good music, but I don't know, neither here nor there. Um, shout out to rap genius. Um, they had this information on, uh brothers. The song is a testament of To the brotherhood you develop with your homeboys. So basically you're saying that songs I mean not song so basically it's telling you like Not necessarily blood, but like folks that like you fuck with, like the long way, touch it. So Brothers features asap, rocking king chip two of cutties friends for uh to further send across the message that he's doing the music, the music thing, only with the people that he's close to, kind of like his family. So basically what he's saying is that like, if you ain't family, more than likely nine times out of ten Probably not gonna make music with you. So those are the people that you know he fucks with. Music wise is people that closely. So the reason why I like this song, like more cutty songs, it sounds different than what's coming out and I definitely fuck with the beat and um, and I also liked how simple the chorus is hey, oh, uh, this is how it's supposed to be. I mean, hey, I thought it was to be with your niggas. And um, like, like most kid cutty songs as well, I heard the album through, uh, penn Wallace. Like I said, if it wasn't for most, I mean if it wasn't for Penn Wallace I probably wouldn't have heard of kid cutty till like the second man on the moon, because I just I wouldn't in tune with kid cut. But yeah, so If you want to, if you want a hip-hop song that's like you know Talking about. You know that ain't down for my niggas and you want to talk about you know you fucking with your niggas, listen to kid cutties, brother.

DJ Turn Up:

Uh, and according to penn wallis I don't know how true this is, but I want to say he said that Either it was either king chip or it was either king chip or it was in general. Apparently king chip Was known in his verse for saying niggas the most, in like one verse. I don't know how true that is, but he said Penn Wallace gave me that fact and, yeah, I was kind of skeptical about it, but he told me it's all okay. Oh, cool, sounds interesting, um, but yeah, that's my song of the day. Uh king, uh king, chip asap rocky and kid cutties brothers, I probably say. If I had to choose my favorite verse from off there, I probably say asap rocky, I really fuck with asap rocky, asap rocky's hard, but anyway, neither here nor there it's kid uh, kid cutties brothers. Yeah, go check that out, let's turn up. Song of the day.


Yeah Out. My day I'ma go with is uh, push the T king, push darkest before the dawn. Is that the one with his face? Um, it's got the bird.

DJ Turn Up:

Okay, no, this is not. It's not it, no.


I don't know what I'm thinking about, but yeah, um, this was supposed to be, I think, like, uh, like a kind of like a Like it's an album, but it's not like it's like an appetizer album, not necessarily like a main album. Was one of like a four, like a EP, that's. The thing is it was longer than an EP, but, yeah, I don't know, I don't know how to classify it. I don't know how to classify it like, that's interesting. Yeah, um, but okay.

DJ Turn Up:

So it was supposed to be an appetizer for which album?


I guess, oh, daytona, because Daytona was supposed to be King push, that was original name for it.

DJ Turn Up:

So this was like when this come out 2015.


And yeah, it's around the time. This is around that time. What which, you friends, is crazy, how she comes full circle.

DJ Turn Up:

You remember when I was talking to you about how him, while I was getting pissed off that everybody was changing the name to King oh, I know you didn't even put that together, but yeah, he pushed, push it to you was another artist, he was a fandom and he just hated that. You know what? I'm not the cause, I'm not the cause.


You might. Yeah, that's what I was about to say. You know how to get paid on the phone, yeah, but um, yeah. So the dope thing about this is that one of my homies at the time that I work with he's into like hip hop and stuff, but he's like into bars. That's his thing. You know what I'm saying? Like oh, we got to hit these bars.


We can't be, we can't go. Like you know I'm saying, hey, he's always get hype, like you know, could we listen to? Like them rap? And so we actually went to a Clixotee concert, you know, and it was with this, this album, and so now it was dope, though Like this project, you know, this project solid.


There's some, there's some records that I don't necessarily care for, but the record keep dealing with beanie seagull man and like that's why it's going to go crazy, cause like this, I think, is the time when beanie seagulls voice, they kind of got F'd up and like it actually fit the record because it sounded like cold. And then he got some other records, like MFTR with the dream, npa, with Kanye A$AP Rocking Dream Crushes, crosses and Cascades, so there's a lot of solid records on here. And then he got a collab which he'll skyd it then. So yeah, just for all the hip hop heads, cause I feel like it's a good blend of, like you know, cause hip hop had to grow, you know, along with the different sounds that were going on, you know.


So I feel like it's a good blend and it's always pushed, you know, love to talk, talk, that drug dealer, talk, and I feel like he's one of the best at doing it, though, you know, because I feel like it is a talent in itself in that he's able to rap about the same thing but find so many different ways to dissect it and still make it interesting to the listener. You know so. So, yeah, man, king Push Dargaz before the dawn, the prelude to the King Push album that eventually turned into date song, you know. So, yeah, make sure y'all go check that out. It's not too long 33 minutes. So you know so run.

DJ Turn Up:

Well, we always ask one this time have you heard all the Push and Tee's albums? Most definitely.


I don't know. You know I had to do that.

DJ Turn Up:

So where does? Where does this sit?


Um, I don't like it might be the bottom Ooh, but I don't say that in terms of this a bad project, Just a bad project.

DJ Turn Up:

I just say that it's more so that like I feel like his body's.


yeah, his body's a work. He was going hard, so no shit. So fine, that's what's up. What's your thoughts on Push and Tee, like as a lyricist?

DJ Turn Up:

Push Tee was one of those artists that I just never got into. I'll say this if he would have ever come on, I wouldn't be like yawn next, like I'll, I'd give it a shot. Right, I'd give it a shot. You know, it's crazy the fact that, um, he was at the house and we were listening, well, and I was letting you hear some of the like stuff I was listening to like 10 years prior, bro salute the turn up, bro, that that um. God bless the lyrical.


Pee-de-crack, pee-de-crack, pee-de-crack collab. I would have never heard that in life if it wasn't for turn up. So, like bro, that edge was hard.

DJ Turn Up:

God bless the lyrical if you ever want to throw that in your playlist. But um, yeah, it was a song he had called Body Work.



DJ Turn Up:

I was like I've heard it and I was like, okay, I, okay, I can see why I would have liked this song. So, yeah, I like Push and Tee's cool, I'd give him a shot. I remember one of my favorite songs from him was a song. I want to say it was either Interlude or it was a really short song, if I remember correctly A song called Alone in Vegas. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Yeah, that's crazy. I was just about to ask you about that particular verse in that.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, I don't. I'm not going to lie. I couldn't tell you anything about that song. I haven't heard that song in forever I need to get, I need to get.


I need to put that joint back in my playlist. No, it's crazy, because he performed the verse as a freestyle and I think it was the funk flex joint and, bro, the way that he was rapping and just hyping it up like like, and the way that they hear it on Alone in Vegas was like, oh yeah, it's a fire, it works.

DJ Turn Up:

There you go, there you go there. It is King Push, all right, well, let's see.


DJ Talk.

DJ Turn Up:

So this is going to be an interesting DJ talk, because this isn't really like a question and this isn't really like an etiquette, but this, this one goes out to all the younger DJs. All the younger DJs coming up in in the DJ game. Or if, or hell, even if you feel like you want to be a DJ, like this is goes from everybody. That's like I said, young DJ, or even think about like even if there's a thought in your mind that you want to become a DJ, what I recommend that you do, before you do anything else, is make sure that you soak up the music that you that is coming out now, anything that's coming out now, or hell, even something that you could think of that came out, and you just like it, throw it in a playlist Because there's going to be a time that nobody's going to remember that song and you drop that song and you're going to. You're going to hit nostalgia for maybe not the vast majority of the crowd, but maybe like a sprinkle here, sprinkle there, sprinkle hell. It might it might be the majority of the crowd, but you'll hit nostalgia for a lot of people and that's what I noticed people. That's what I noticed people appreciate DJs for that's one thing that people normal people appreciate DJs for is that they they hit a spot that not a lot of people know about, because certain songs have sentimental value to them, like um.

DJ Turn Up:

I I never forget I did um, I did the silent headphone party and just off a humbug, I was like you know what I'm going to throw in Marvin's room and see what happens. Never heard anybody else play it, never. That that wasn't a game plan, it was just like you know what I'm in the vibe, let's just see what happens. And I always have memories of Marvin's room from when I soaked that up when I was at SC State. That was in my hip hop early days. That was when I was like, okay, drake is back, he got that Marvin's room. He came out with uh oh yeah, tanaka's favorite headlines and all that. But I always remember Marvin's room because I was like one of the first ones.


I heard he was crazy because he literally named it. Some Drake songs.

DJ Turn Up:

He hates, right Anyway, but yeah. So Drake had a lot of different songs circling the world right now. Some songs made to take care of some songs didn't Headlines Marvin's room did, I think, trust issues and I think club paradise and uh, dreams money can buy those didn't make it, but there were those a couple songs that made. Anyway, before I get off a tangent, um always play a while I played Marvin's room and everybody was singing the song word for word, especially the fuck that everybody, everybody loves that part for some reason. I don't know, but the thing about the thing about it is is nostalgia. Like everybody, when you think of Marvin's room, when you think of something like that, you always think of where you were at the time. You could please tell me if I'm wrong, but yeah, and then there's a.

DJ Turn Up:

There's another song that I always, that I always think of, that I always throw out there to the masses, which is a song by Fetty Wap, cost six, seven, nine. Nobody ever thinks of that song, but when you think, when you hear the song, immediately baby, so damn fine, though like immediately everybody, because I was just such a feel good song, you know. So, like I said, if you're a DJ coming up, or if you're a DJ, or if you're even thinking about becoming a DJ, every song that you could think of that is coming out right now, whether it be underground, underground or not, because there's a couple underground joints that I play all the time and it may not get the masses, but when I tell you it gets people, it gets certain people and it's like whoa. Like I remember when I had, I did my first cascade Sunday, that's how we became cool, Right, like I was like no damn, that's bro, yes, and that is because I'm going to talk about. You can't hear oh, okay, oh, hello, oh, now she can, okay, now she can, okay, my bad.

DJ Turn Up:

So it was a situation when we had, when I had first met Tanaka, he had did a New Year's party and there was a couple songs he played, but the one that always stands out to me is look at my wrist. Nobody else know you have. You have to have been in Atlanta to know about look at my wrist, shout out to father. By the way, yeah, like I tell you, bro, that's like my shit, that is my shit. Every time I think of you know, it's crazy. Every time I think of looking at my wrist, I think of the blue house, because they played that song a lot, but neither here nor there. So, anyway, so, yeah, so a couple years back, I did my first cascade session, or no, my first cascade Sunday session. It was an anniversary, and I have played a song by Woo called Pussy Nigger and like it looked like toots were like about to pack up, but then they heard the end of in the beginning is doon, doon, doon, doon doon. And they heard it. You would have thought they net, bro. They was like turn it up. We haven't heard this song since, I don't know. I think they said some college time that they were at and then they were singing along with me. I was never sleep on, right. So, yeah, man, just.

DJ Turn Up:

And then also, there are, there are songs that we probably won't pick up because we're a little older that y'all will. So, like hell, like all this young demon music that like there's going to be a song like 10, 15 years from now that they're going to play 10, 15 years from now and we're going to be like what the fuck is this? But then the 20 to 30 year olds coming up are going to be like, you'll be like, oh, this reminds me when I was in middle school and whatever the fuck. So, yeah, definitely, and you never. You never know who's listening, right, never know who's listening. And you know, it's crazy that that is crazy that we're talking about. You never know who's listening.

DJ Turn Up:

So I played handsome and wealthy at Gold Rush and apparently one of the guy had came up to me and was like hey, bro, I wrote that chorus, let me get your Instagram. What Like? Like, okay, cool, shout out to forget his name. Yeah, what was the name? Hold on, let me, let me shut them out. Yeah, I forgot Bre's name. But anyway, long story short, from my, from my DJs coming up, soak up all this music. You get it and never delete, by the way, never, never delete music, because you never know what situation you may be in that you may need it. Like it may not mean me, it may not mean nothing right now, but in the near future you might need it.


So, even though turn up, you know, turn up, you know chosen to drag songs that I don't care for a person, I always get turned up the past because he'd be playing a shot for me on the slow set. I just remember the first time he played it. That's why I was like what the like? Like, I was like turning you a real one for that, because that's one hit different. You know what I'm saying.

DJ Turn Up:

They do Definitely, honestly. There's a lot that is different on that fucking album, bro.


Yeah, yeah, that fucking album is um, I mean, the crazy thing is that's probably my favorite Drake album is Take Care of, Even though I got two of the songs that I don't care for. That you don't care for. You know what I'm saying.

DJ Turn Up:

Okay, but I feel like we talked about this already, but let's talk about it. Headline Is it because of the song or is it because of the goons and the video? And let's say, had you not seen the video?


the beats. Who was like I don't really, I don't really care for the beat, like that, the beat, the beat. It was kind of like G 16 shot G 16.

DJ Turn Up:

G 16 shot him. But, um, yeah, like I said last last time, I'm saying but yeah, for my, for my youngings, all this music, you getting soak it all up, so all of it up, cause one day you don't hear you, you don't play it, and there's going to be a person that also heard, heard this song from back in the day, and they're going to be in a place of power and they're going to be like yo, I need him. I need him for my party, because he hit up a side of me that I forgot I had. But that's yeah.


I mean that's, that's like you remember that. Like you heard the the butterfly I heard it, but I only heard it once, cause you know how the end went. Like Kendrick, he's in the game, yeah, he's over, tupac was speaking on it. He's just like what do you? He says something like we just let him to dead homies Like tell these stories. Like you know what I'm saying. Like we not even really rapping for real issues and like, as DJs, like we, really just we we touching into different, like memories, you feel me Like these are different, these songs is like literally different instances of your life.


When you've heard the song and fell in love with it. So it's like, is it really? That's why I always say when I DJ, or the main purpose of DJing is like seeing like the kid come out of people. You know what I'm saying, cause you know, as an adult, folk be acting too cool for school with like we got to be all appropriate and adults. But when I play these records that they grew up on and all that, that's when I get to see the kid come out of them and like how they act. Cause you know everybody's child at heart, especially cause the radio's. The radio ones hit two for sure.

DJ Turn Up:

The radio ones hit two. But don't let it be a record that they actually had to do some work to find. That's a whole another level of like. Or it's a. It's a song that they heard in a club one time and it just so happened to be connected with how they met. They, the baby daddy or some. Look it hit them different. So you know, and it's all. Another thing is that some folks be like dang. I thought I was the only one that knew the music. Right, I thought I was the only one that knew the music. I was the only one that knew the music.


I was the only one that knew the music and one of the things that some folks be like dang, I thought I was the only one that knew this song.

DJ Turn Up:

You know, yes, yes, you'll always get that one person out of like dang. But shout out to you, bro, I thought you were like, I thought I was the only one that knew this song and yeah, it feels good, man, for real it definitely does, especially, and it and it feels good, it feels good. I'll say for me personally, it feels good when I play a song like that and I see, I see I'm just one person singing along, I'm good, yeah, I'm good. Everybody else can be looking like like you're one person at one person over there. You're a real one, appreciate it Exactly, exactly. But yeah, man, that was a, that was DJ talk, so the ball music that you can at that moment, that's also a testimony to DJ pseudo Like don't be scared to like, because I know that.


You know, we all know that there's certain hits that's going to work and all that. But don't be afraid to try stuff that you personally love, cause you never know who's like also in there. That also right with it.

DJ Turn Up:

Which is actually funny that you say that, cause I thought of another story. There was a guy I played um, but it was actually funny. Is actually her? I actually discovered this song late. Shout out to Dan Fresh, eddie, I actually discovered this song through him. It was a song off of. It was a song off of a cushion orange juice. Kid Frankie never heard of that song. I was like, okay, I think I was placing her in the um skating rink and then I played in a skating rink and then one of the one of the stoner skaters was like doing the world.


I'm gonna have to gang, gang, gang gang gang.

DJ Turn Up:

And that's that she was. That she was hard, but, um, but yeah. So, uh, yeah, man, just soak up all this music, man, it's a lot of music to go around, so let's soak it all up, cause cause some of the music is so underground that it can't fall through the cracks and nobody will ever hear it every again. But it's your duty to to save it. And then, on top of that, what makes matters worse is that, and what I've discovered is that when it comes to certain music that's like underground and like doesn't really do anything on the market, it goes away, like you like, um, streaming platforms on YouTube, like it's hard to find, so like you just got to soak them up while it's there, cause if it ain't doing nothing more than likely it's gone. It's gonna go away for sure.

DJ Turn Up:

Perfect example Clint I have. Apparently I'm like the only person well, now, I'm not, but apparently I'm like the only person, one of the only DJs with a clean version of going to the moon by future. Yeah, which is odd to me, because I thought that song was huge. I thought it was huge, but apparently it's not the mixtape.


clean version is not available.

DJ Turn Up:

Not available anywhere.


Like you got to do some Now. You got to know somebody around that time that had a record.

DJ Turn Up:

Yes, Shout out to DJ. God is Kiko Shout out to love. We appreciate that, um but um, yeah, like. So, like I said, don't ever delete anything. Like you, just soak it all up. If you need to get a hard drive, there are cheap hard drives at Walmart. You can grab you some and just throw it on the joint and you'll never know when you need it. Cause, like I said, I probably would have never thought that I would be playing gone to the moon in the skating rink, Like like that would have never, that would have never crossed my mind, ever.


So so yeah, so Nah, I mean, that's really. That's really the realest advice, though, cause we don't seem a lot of like it's a lot of upcoming DJs, you know, I know y'all phobia asking us like you know how to get tapped in and how to learn and all that. But you know, aside from us showing you how a controller works and all that, like, the main thing is the music. For, like, when it all comes down to it, the main thing is the music. So, as long as you got the music see that that's another thing. Not everybody has the music like. You know what I'm saying. So what, his advice to you is real, like, just collect as much music as possible, you know, and you know that's the. I feel like that's the main component. All the other stuff, like, you can tighten that up, you know, but as long as you got the music, that's all that matters. For sure, for sure, for sure.

DJ Turn Up:

But yeah, man, great talk. We're gonna wrap this episode up. Like I say in some of these recent episodes, I put my calendar on my Instagram page, so if you want to know where I'm at for the rest of March, go check that out on my Instagram page. And yeah, you go from there. Tanaka, what we got.


Thursday was really gonna be TNT for real. Next week Thursday is gonna be myself and turn up at Metro Diner. Split that up and then. So yeah, if you guys love karaoke, pull up on us. That Friday late night is gonna be myself and turn up once again over that cascade during the Motherland party.

DJ Turn Up:

Pull it, yeah, pull up in your dashikis and all that good shit.


You did Saturday. Saturday I got Golden Glide 7-11,. You know what I'm saying. Pull it to the Glide team session 7-11. Sunday I got Soulful Sunday R&B Funkin' over there, stone Mountain Skates AA from 8-12. And then five a week after that. I feel like I have. I want to say Friday session at the Glide and then just Soulful Sunday once again the following Sunday.

DJ Turn Up:

So yeah it is man, there it is.


And to reiterate to the people myself and turn up to work in very hard, feverishly, behind the scenes on night, slow three. It's on the way, man. It's happening. It's happening Is that? I apologize. You know I'm apologizing on my bad. You know turn up had nothing to do with this. I'm the reason why there's been such a delay. I apologize on the CO. That's my fault.

DJ Turn Up:

Just know, if you come to the Skater Inc, you know that night slow three is happening. As much as I reiterate that month of it, you know that night slow three is happening. So just stay tuned, be patient. You're going to see something and when you see it it's going to hit you on the face like a brick wall. But, ladies and gentlemen, that was CNT podcast. We had a good time today. Appreciate all our folks checking in with us. Let's get some shout outs. You know what? Let's get some shout outs. Shout out to if I can get this fucking phone working. Shout out to Big Meach. Shout out to Jay. Shout out to who else we got in this bitch. Oh, who's your? Who's your, who's your, who's your, who's your?


bro Maya.

DJ Turn Up:

Shout out to Maya. Shout out DJ Dirty Dan. Make sure y'all go check him out. Uh, saturday, he do Saturdays, don't he? Saturdays at the town.



DJ Turn Up:

Skate town. Make sure y'all go check him out. Shout out to Naya Dang I didn't even see him snuck in, I didn't see her come in. Shout out, naya Shout out. El Rena Shout out. Drip Shout out oh that didn't what the fuck up.


Dishia, dishia.

DJ Turn Up:

Dishia, dj Goddus, kiko Juju. It was a lot of different motherfuckers, but I didn't exit out and I didn't exit out. I'm sorry for anybody that forgot, I'm sorry, but oh, shout out to yoga.


Shout out to yoga.

DJ Turn Up:

Um, they're like, I'm missing somebody. Like I said, we're apologizing, we missed you. Oh, ac checked in. We seen AC, ac move, ac move. There you go, ac move. See, we got somebody.


Um there was one other person I didn't know. Oh, your boy.

DJ Turn Up:

Yeah, he got the he up.


And then you had somebody that said Like yeah, or something like that I didn't know they had, though yeah Is it.

DJ Turn Up:

Oh, it's TJ, tj, yeah, okay, Shout out to you, shout out to you all, shout out to you All these little community we created. We fucking chum, we really do. We appreciate y'all following us and keeping up with our Tom Fulery Um yeah, tnt podcast, and see you on the flip side, yeah.