The TNT Podcast
The TNT Podcast
Jam Packed Triple H! (Humor, Health, and Hip-Hop)
Join DJ Turn Up and DJ Tanaka on the TNT Podcast for a whirlwind recap of their latest adventures. From a surprise guest on a casino detour to a historic college show, they share laughs and mishaps. DJ Acii’s cameo adds humor, while DJ Tanaka powers through sickness to deliver a Caribbean night to remember. They discuss the oddities of Buc-ee’s pit stops, Tyler Perry’s Madea, and “The Boondocks,” highlighting health awareness. The episode concludes with insights into DJ battles, standout gigs at Marquis Lounge and New Music Mondays, and the segments you love. Tune in for this condensed yet vibrant journey!
Question of the Day: 58:47
Guess the Bars: 1:07:12
Hall of Fame: 1:40:48
Turn Up's Song of the Day: 1:50:40
Tanaka's Song of the Day: 1:59:45
DJ Talk: 2:17:27
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so, ladies and gentlemen, we're back at it. Tnt Podcast DJ Turn Up, dj Tanaka. Yeah, it's kind of been a lot going on. At the time of recording we probably got like three hours to kill before I got to be at work, and I don't know what Tanaka's doing today. But Tanaka, how are you feeling? Doing? All right man Just really had to take a break.
Speaker 3:Just was real busy and then got sick and so just kind of had to take a little breather to prepare for this upcoming stretch of uh, dj and events and all that. So, um yeah, just trying to prepare mentally for all that that's coming up ahead yep, that sounds about right.
Speaker 1:Basically, uh, for the folks that don't know, uh, the reason you, the reason why y'all got uh greatest hits episode last time besides, uh, uh, music review, nba young boy joint was because of, uh, yeah, our busy schedule, um, I mean, mine's always busy you just got to make time for it, but tanaka's tanaka was on the road on top of his busy schedule, so we're just like, fuck it, we'll just see y'all on the flip side.
Speaker 1:And here we are, tanaka, do you want to uh speak? On these little road trips you've been taking any highlights, any non-highlights? Um, uh, wait, which one came first? Arkansas, shout out to arkansas was.
Speaker 3:Uh, arkansas was cool man, um, I mean, I'm, I, I enjoyed that trip more obviously because I, I was, I wasn't under the weather, um, but yeah, it was, uh, it was good to be out there. We stopped by in memphis and, um, I was trying to put them folk on to like the barbecue spaghetti, you know, because that's like, uh, I don't know that joint tastes good to me. They they wasn't really effing with it.
Speaker 1:Oh, drip, was it? No, no, they didn't like it. Oh, the way he had brought it up to. Oh wait, no, I guess he was just trying to talk to me. Yeah, yeah, talk to talk, yeah.
Speaker 3:But yeah, no, it was cool. We stopped by Memphis, one of the places so I had kind of a hit list of like all these barbecue spots that we was going to hit up, just so that we could figure out you know what the best spot was. But unfortunately one of them was not open. They were undergoing renovations. Of them was not open. They were undergoing renovations but apparently the word didn't really get out because we saw like a whole handful of folks that pulled up, you know I'm saying to try and get some food, but they didn't realize it was closed.
Speaker 1:So so is this spot like a landmark spot that people go to when? I guess so, man yeah, I guess.
Speaker 3:So, man, yeah, I guess. So. I mean, there's a lot of barbecue spots in the city and I kind of just did my homework on the way over there just to kind of figure out you know what to check out, and so, yeah, so well, yeah, actually actually a lot went into that. That was a lot. Let's talk about it. Yeah, I was supposed to go to sleep. Drip had a late night Friday, so I was going to be the main driver Saturday and I just could not go to sleep. You know, do we want to have a guest appearance at all? All right, go for it. Okay, dj AC, you are on the TNT podcast. Would you like to say anything to the people?
Speaker 1:Ah, fuck. Well, you called us sir, so that's on you.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, I was calling the bullshit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I figured that's up to you sir more shout out to the run-in from djc shout out to ac.
Speaker 3:But um, so yeah, I I was. I was attempting to go to sleep but I like I wasn't able to go to sleep. I got maybe one hour sleep and I wake up and um, so I didn't know who was there, I didn't know breezy had came over. I didn't know who was there, I didn't know if Breezy had came over, I didn't know if Drip had came over. What the deal was? I just see Nia out there. Nia was like yeah, drip wanted to go save somebody. And I was completely thrown off. I said what are you talking about? Going to save somebody? Like yeah. So I was like good lord, okay, so anyway, me and breezy eventually get to drip's house to for the meetup time, to embark on this journey. And as we're loading up the car, I thought there was a sheet in the backseat. I thought it was just, like you know, tossed in the back Right, and come to find out there's somebody underneath the blanket. Like I don't know.
Speaker 1:Awesome. So I don't think I ever asked this question, but so how did y'all find out that there was somebody under there? Did somebody just try to sit on the blanket that they?
Speaker 3:moved. No, so I was talking to Drip in the front passenger. I go to the back because I was going to like you know, there's more room and stuff and we're trying to put our stuff in there. And then, all of a sudden, the blanket moved. I was like what the fuck? You know what I'm saying? Okay, gotcha. And then the blanket moved. I was like what the fuck? And then, yeah, she's like hey, I was like man, dre, you wasn't going to give us the heads up. You know what I'm saying. I'm over here thinking that we just, you know, to meet him and Breezy and come to find out. Dre, you know, gives us a pleasant surprise On brand, on brand, indeed. So, but yeah, basically I was able to, I guess, shoulder most of the drive over.
Speaker 3:The only reason I didn't do the whole thing is because we had stopped by, we had to go get some gas and Drip was like he saw there was a casino nearby. So he's like, oh, come on bro, please, bro, you got to, let me get something. I said, drip, we got to get to the venue. Man, what you talking about, bro? Please bro, come on bro, just just. I was like oh, my gosh. So all right, joe, I'm going to keep an eye on that clock. Now. You know what I'm saying. We not finna be here all day, because we got to get to.
Speaker 3:We got business to attend to man, we got to have time to set up and all that. So you know this was after we had left Memphis we pulled up to. Well, ironically it was located in West Memphis, but it's West Memphis, arkansas, so it was hella confusing. But anyway, so we go in there. Drip, you know, was over there at the craps table, you know, doing his thing, and out here, and he did come up, I ain't gonna lie, he did come up, you know what I'm saying, made some money. You know was speaking on how you know real Atlanta's going on, you know what I'm saying, and all that real atlantis going on, you know what I'm saying, and all that. So we finally get to the venue, the college, and, um, you know, we setting up, and it really didn't take as long to set up at all, and and then come to find out we actually had a little bit more time than anticipated.
Speaker 3:Um, so we was, we went to go eat at this spot across the street. It was a cool little college food spot. They got burgers and that sort of deal. It was good, it was just very vanilla. It was almost like that scene in life when they uh, walked in, you know, and was trying to get, you know, a pie, and they're like, how about we turned you into it was one of those. Well, they, they wasn't rude though, you know what I'm saying, but that's what it felt like, because we walked in and it was looks like and they were just staring at you.
Speaker 3:It couldn't end like a movie like you, right, and they were just staring at you. It could have been like a movie like Right. That's how we do it. So, yeah, you know, we're the only minorities in there. And yeah, breezy and Drip, though, they rock that thing, you know, they was rocking that headphone joint. He did Shout out to Arkansas Tech, you know that man Breezy had the vanilla pack on stool and it seemed like everybody enjoyed themselves. So, you know, I was real proud, proud of the crew, you know. And then we ended up deciding just to drive all the way back. We didn't even stay in Arkansas. So, yeah, we were driving, or whatever.
Speaker 3:And then Drip had to go, stuff like that. So yeah, breezy drovezy, drove, I think, two hours trip, I think drove four, maybe I don't know. I I ain't no driving the most, but um, but yeah, it's just no thing, man. So then the second trip um, I wasn't feeling well and I had to DJ late night before, so it was a Caribbean night with AC and I just had body chills. Man, I felt something the day before like a sore throat type of deal, and so I don't know if that was from Gwinnett or I don't know if that was from the karaoke bar. I don't know if that was from Gwinnett or I don't know if that was from the karaoke bar, I don't know, you know which one.
Speaker 3:But yeah, it caught up with me Friday because I basically had slept all day and I still felt like I had zero energy, you know. So AC is over there. Oh man, I knew it. You going to do this to me again tonight. You going to call out on the Caribbean night for me, bro. Oh, my God, I said AC, I didn't say all that. I just told you I'm not feeling well, but I'm still going to show up, I'm still going to. You know, do my obligation. You dig Like, I got you. So we do the Caribbean night. You know saying shots, all the folks that came out and supported I appreciate it and uh and yeah. So you know I soldier through that and then I ended up going home to rest and then woke up and did end up driving. You know what I'm saying and all that and we didn't make no stops this time.
Speaker 3:Well, we stopped by Bucky's really just to go to the bathroom for real, but, like this time around, we just went straight to North Carolina, Like we didn't make no stop for no food or nothing To and from or just to. Yeah From, yeah, yeah from. We didn't even stop like that for real, like we stopped just to get gas, like we didn't even stop by bucky's this time. You know, you know how they love them.
Speaker 1:Some bucky's you dig, so explain to me what it is about. Bucky's that like is just uh I don't know I'm the wrong person.
Speaker 3:You gotta ask drip, you know they, they where is this like this tradition to stop by bucky's? I'm not going to lie, they got a vast amount of stuff in there. You know food wise, you dig and all that you know. I really just was impressed by the sweets. You know, and I don't know if that's just you know me, but like they, they be having some sandwiches and it was cool, but it wasn't like, ah, like I gotta, it was cool, but it wasn't like. I got to go there you know what I'm saying To cop that joint. Really, I kind of regretted getting the sandwich I got. You know what I'm saying. I was like dang, I probably should have just got some Taco Bell or something. And why is that? I don't know. It was just like it was cool.
Speaker 1:It wasn't no like. Oh, it was one of those.
Speaker 3:It was like oh okay, this is yeah. Like I feel like I would have been better with like something that you actually well, I didn't realize taco bell was like right next door, and then on top of that I was like, yeah, I figured a chalupa would have probably did me a lot better yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:So the the sandwich was like you taking a risk, and Taco Bell you knew was the one that you liked.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I know what I'm going to get, right, you know what I'm saying. Or Crunchwrap Supreme that's kind of my go-to with Taco Bell. It's a little bit in the Crunchwrap Supreme, so but yeah, you know, yeah, I was surprised, man. I was surprised. I thought, for sure, drip would be like oh yeah, we're going to bucky's. But on the way back he was like nah, bro, we're just gonna go straight. I mean, I'm not gonna complain, I'm not feeling. Well, you know what I'm saying. So, um, but yeah, anyway. So at the party, when we got in North Carolina, so on the way over there, I wasn't feeling that great. I had like a. It was just like a slight headache. You know what I'm saying. And then so body chills and a headache, yeah, so the body chills kind of wore off.
Speaker 3:It was mainly during the session that I had the body chills and then I rested and then I drove and I mean I really looked crazy because it was hot as hell outside I said probably 96 degrees outside and I had a hoodie and a sweatpants on. So you already know. That sums up with me, because why the f**k you wearing that in 96 degree weather?
Speaker 1:but nah, the youngins probably don't.
Speaker 3:They wear bubble jackets so I just, yeah, I wasn't feeling good, so that's why I was wearing all that. I wasn't going to play no games, so what. You were trying to sweat it out. Not even I think I was. Just like I would have been too cold if I had shorts and a t-shirt on, you know. And so so we get in North. I think I would have been too cold if I had shorts and a t-shirt on. So we get to North Carolina.
Speaker 3:A little drama ensued. We was able to smooth that out. I had to calm everybody down. It was getting a little chippy, you know what I'm saying. And it really shouldn't have we should? You know we all been traveling.
Speaker 3:Obviously, everybody gets a little tired, a little irritated. It's hot outside, you know. Yeah, it's just like all right, look, we're here. So calm down, let's. You know, let's just do what we got to do, get in the room and relax. You know what I'm saying. So we get into the room. I'm over there trying to take a nap, you know what I'm saying, trying to rest up, and then we drive over to the spot Everybody's setting up. I decided to go back to the hotel just to take a shower and just properly get right for the party, just so I could, I could get through it. And then, um, you know, drip did. His thing was going crazy. Uh, I had a little family emergency. I was on the phone so I had to talk to you know them, but from what I heard he had like a little r b set. That was. That was going crazy. You know, I wish I documented that but was that the uh did you?
Speaker 3:wrong. Yeah. So he was like if y'all more toxic man go ahead sing, they should write them. And then you drop that. You know what I'm saying. And um, so, yeah, so that you know pleasure, people did you wrong. That was going, you know word, forasure, peak DigiRome, that was the one you know word for word. And then, yeah, it was a good party man. I will say Jada did kind of kill it. You know what I'm saying, because everything was turnt and then she was like, alright, y'all, we're going to take it outside. And I was like, oh, and then she's like, all right, y'all, we're gonna take it outside.
Speaker 1:And I was like uh, oh, and then, like it was like, it was in the midst of everybody, like being kind of lit.
Speaker 3:Yeah, everybody were like, all right, never mind, never mind, everybody come back, come back and see, at that point it's like the whole momentum the vibe, you gotta bring it back up, exactly, not, and not to say that it didn't get back up, but um, it was just like we were it was weird, we were rising and then all of a sudden it just I told y'all y'all should have, y'all should have had two, y'all should have two sins.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean, I don't know, but you know what it is turned up is they? They trying to recreate basically what we had, you know, and that wasn't even planned, that was, that was on some like we just gotta make this work, you know. But they trying to recreate that moment, you know, and um, I think we've always spoken on how sequels tend to not be as good. Yeah, no, not at all. So, but um, so, yeah, man, it was, it was a good night. Drew rocked that joint. You know, I'm proud of him, bro. He's really, you know, as he likes to say, real life party rocker. You know what I'm saying. And so, yeah, man, you know, that was it. We didn't really parlay afterwards, you know. So, yeah, man, you know, that was it. We didn't really parlay afterwards, you know. And then we was, you know, go to sleep and all that and these folks watching the movie.
Speaker 1:Right, they was watching Watching a movie, yeah, yeah, in the room, oh, okay gotcha, what's it called Soul Plane on?
Speaker 3:there's Soul Planes over here playing and JJ said you seen that, bro? And then next thing I hear everybody knocked out. They just snoring and slump. You feel me. They had the volume turned up, you feel me. So I'm just over there, like I don't know if folks is used to that, you know, like just having the tv loud and just knocking out. But I could. I was over there trying to go to sleep. I'm having a little bit of cozy, you feel me, because I'm not really accustomed to that, you know. And um, eventually I'm able to fall asleep a little bit and then another movie comes on, okay, and and it's like, uh, it's a real dramatic. You know what I'm saying? Holmes is like, uh, I forgot what his shout name was.
Speaker 1:He's just like look, it's over, okay, I haven't touched you in a year and and you don't know the name of this movie well, now I'm gonna get to that.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, okay, I'm sorry. You know she's like how could you do this? 18 years of marriage. You know what I'm saying, you know what I'm saying. And then I'm over there. So now, now I'm intrigued. You know what I'm saying. And then I'm over there. So now, now I'm intrigued. You know what I'm saying. I'm supposed to be sleeping, but now I'm just like this, this whole drama. I'm right down. You know what I'm saying Home, finna, leave, shout out the 18 years marriage out there. And then, um, I just hear you what? You not gonna let that man do that to you? Okay, we're gonna go over there and we're gonna get half of everything. And it turns out it's medea. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:And one thing about me I I don't watch you know what I'm saying a lot of bc, all that, but I had never seen no medea. I haven't seen not one medea movie. You know what I'm saying. My roommate was always like he doesn't like those movies because he feels like those stereotypes of, you know, black folks is just like over the top and all that. You know what I'm saying. So I never really like, paid attention to none of that. But yeah, that was an interesting experience, you know watching. So I'm over here trying to go to sleep but this thing is like blasting and my d is just going off. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, you heard me. So. So basically I would fall asleep and then I would wake back up and to hear something yeah, you know what I'm saying, type of deal, so, um, so yeah, so that you know. So I will say I wasn't able to fully knock out. It was kind of like I would sleep a little bit way back up, sleep a little you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:So, and there was like no way of finding the remote I ain't know where it was, man, you know, I feel like it might have. You know, jj may have fell asleep on the top of it, or something. You know, jj Mayfield asleep on it, top of it, or something, yeah, you know. So they're just over there, knocked out, like you know like, and so so, yeah, we finally leaving North Carolina and I'm just like what the hell y'all had me watching, bro, you know what I'm saying. This thing over here, blaine trying to get sleep, and Shardé over there and something, and Rina over there, like, nah, you never seen Madea, that's Madea's woo, woo, woo. And I ain't know. You know what I'm saying, cause I know there's a whole bunch of Madea movies and all that. So she's like, yeah, I watched that movie, like several times, or whatever. And I was like, yeah, I don't know, I don't know nothing about all that, man, you know so.
Speaker 3:So, yeah, so we got back North Carolina, back from North Carolina, man, and, and Drip was warning everybody. He was like, look man, y was warning everybody. He was like, look man, y'all better take this medicine now. You know what I'm saying Now, over here, sick, and then, sure enough, jj ended up getting sick. So, jj been out of commission for a little bit. I hope JJ get better though.
Speaker 1:Well, that's all I have to listen. Yeah, I think I can honestly say well, piggybacking back on the Tyler Perry movies. I think I can honestly say Well, piggy and Back on the Tile of Perry movies. I think I've only seen Two Diaries of a Mad Black Woman and I think the one that came out after that. I've seen pieces Of the one with Bow Wow and Tiana Taylor, cause that's the one everybody's like, byron, that's the one everybody always talks about. And I don't think I think that was the only two I've seen.
Speaker 3:Yeah, what's your analysis of these Medea movies?
Speaker 1:it's kind of like have you ever you don't watch the boondocks you ever seen that episode where they're making fun did?
Speaker 3:you know, there's an episode where he's making fun of Tyler Perry. No, so there's an episode where they're making fun of Tyler Perry.
Speaker 1:No, so there's an episode where they're making fun of Tyler Perry and basically what I was going to say to your question was the boondocks hit it on the head. So what it seems like the stereotype is woman is married to man, man beats woman, woman is distressed, depressed, and all that Ends up meeting a garbage man or someone that works at McDonald's or someone that does like a janitor, the nice blue collar man.
Speaker 1:Yes, but the dude is always like Paul's fine, he's like a Morris Chestnutnut or a michael b jordan or uh, and the guy he's always, she's always with is like like a I don't know, like a fucking, just kind of a nerd yeah, well, no, not a nerd because he's beating on him like uh, I don't know, he's always a ball, it's always a ball head, chubby ish looking guy and like the girl is always like not the fine, she's not like the finest girl, but she's like okay, like she's always like yeah, and then like the like I said, the janitor or the fucking is always like cock, diesel, morse, chestnut, tay, digs like one of, like one of those like right, handsome, yeah, yeah, one of them, dapper, damn motherfuckers.
Speaker 1:And so at first the janitor is always going for the girl and then the girl's kind of hesitant and then after a while he takes her on a date and then they go on a date and then they kind of feel each other. They end up finding out about the. It's basically once you watch, you've seen one, you've seen them all, basically oh, and then medea comes in with the foolishness in between all of that like it's like I feel like it's kind of rinse what I say, rinse, wash, repeat.
Speaker 3:It's like kind of just okay, whatever, because I'm not gonna cap. You described it to a c, so it may be so it was.
Speaker 3:So it was a movie I I seen was pretty much what you just explained. You know what I'm saying. Holmes is out there in the opening scene. He's just like what are you doing? What are you doing? It's like, look man, they hired me to do a job. I'm over here packing up all this stuff. Those are my things. Why are you taking them? You know what I'm saying. And then they reconnect somehow later on down the road. You feel me. Stuff, those are my things. And why are you taking? You know what I'm saying. And then, you know, they reconnect somehow later on down the road.
Speaker 3:You feel me and he just, you know, let me take you out on the date he did. And, of course, you know homes. You know handsome individual like he, not, you feel me, right, all that with the braids and all that, right, you know exactly. And yeah, she's over there, like you know the, the scorn, the black woman. You know what I'm saying like and all that. You know what I'm saying. And she's just like, not hesitant to trust him, you know, cause she's been hurt so bad. You feel me and all that.
Speaker 1:I didn't see the end of it, but I can assume that you know. Well, I gotta add that to my list of shit we gotta watch is the boondocks tyler perry episode, and of course they don't say actually tyler perry, they. They use another name but everybody knows that's who, who they're talking about.
Speaker 3:It's fucking hilarious but, um yeah, so so that was consistent with the two that you absolutely okay, absolutely, because I remember it was.
Speaker 1:I vaguely remember the first one, which is interesting, because I think that's the one I've seen the most, but the first, the second one I vaguely remember because I think they were like in a bachelor, they had like a bachelorette party and like there was like male strippers and then the guy walks in with the male strippers in there and then like he's like kind of calm, it's like OK, don't quote me, it's fucking Tyler Perry. I don't remember this, but I think it's something along the lines of they're leaving, everybody's leaving, the friends, the male strippers, everybody's leaving. And the girl closed the door and as soon as she turns around, all yours and like she's like it's backhanded, some shit, and then like yeah, so basically some shit, I don't know some shit like that, but yeah so, and it's always funny, the medea. The medea always comes in randomly like it's just, she's just the, the comedy of all that and honestly, that was really the. That was really the hook line sinker for me. I had no idea what tyler perry was. Medea just looked funny. I thought it was gonna be like eddie murphy. I thought it was gonna be like one of those eddie murphy goofy movies and then like I'm in a fucking love romance movie and I was like probably would never watch this again, um, but to reel it back in, um, I'm trying to in, I'm trying to think, I'm trying to think of the timeline.
Speaker 1:The 2010s party Was that Arkansas or was that North Carolina? Arkansas, arkansas, yeah, arkansas, yeah, yes, that was Arkansas, because Karina was with me, yeah, and yeah, she could have been with me. She was at North Carolina, yeah, but yeah, shout out to everybody that came to that it's probably the most fun I ever had, and that's including trap fever and that's including nice and slow. Yep, that will definitely happen again. Mark, my words, I don't know when People wondering when part two come out, are they really? I ain't mind, I know Rina had a ball. You know what I'm saying? Look, I just know I have fun because after every session I mean, obviously, except traffic we run nice and slow, but at the end we usually do the slide and split, so everybody get out of here. I was literally like, look, there's still hella songs. I didn't get to play. I'm finna, just run this shit for like five minutes.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I still took a picture, man.
Speaker 1:I think they did. We need to start this up.
Speaker 3:Man. Turn up the 2010 button. Go ahead, man.
Speaker 1:Has a good ring to it. I like that ring to it, but yeah, nah. So that was funny. Apparently that was like shoelaces return to recording, I guess.
Speaker 3:Hey man, shout out shoelaces bro, I'm always saying it, bro, she won like best in the game for real. You know, I wish that. You wish that she ain't lead the game, but I respect whatever she's doing. But yeah, you know what I'm saying. Y'all folk talk about top video. I would first shout out to Shoelace for real Right.
Speaker 1:I'm trying to think Anything else happen. Let me look at this list. Oh, so I'm going to just get my roses to uh, straight out of gco real quick. Right, because I've. I remember making strategy co and I was like not necessarily hesitant because like I knew there was enough, enough skaters that will want to come to that, that like it would do something. But the fact that they're able to make their own homegrown skaters is what is what makes me appreciate straight out of gco more than anything, because I would have never thought that it would be like folks that I've never seen before like come to Sparkles Gwinnett and never seen anywhere else.
Speaker 3:So like you gotta kind of assume that they this is their home ring, the Sparkles Gwinnett so it's impressive, bro, like honestly, straight at Gico I was gonna have a special place, cause that's how Shot by Tanaka started. You know what I'm saying. So it's like it's kind of one in the same, you know right, kind of go hand in hand, you feel me?
Speaker 1:so right and sure. Well, if we're going to talk about strategy, co we got, we talked about the one that just passed. This one was a little different because, um, we actually uh were, we were actually not in the skate area. We were actually on that other one because we had the other DJ booth next to the joint, like how Smyrna does on that little corner.
Speaker 3:Next to the play area.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I told I kind of forced him. But I was like all right, if you're having all these excuses, bro, you're gonna come and um, you're gonna come and host with me, are? You actually gonna say something this time? Oh, you're turning up, you know I got you, and so I'm like I'm already there and then like, oh, let me run it back real quick to shout out to the shout out to my rev. She had actually been actually been doing a lot better when, when'd you get the red.
Speaker 3:Just let folk. When'd you get the?
Speaker 1:rev. It was on, uh, friday. It was on Friday, it's like a few weeks ago, has it been? I feel like it was on a friday. It's like a few weeks ago, has it been? I feel like it's been a month now. I don't know, it's been a few weeks to a month now, but, um, middle of july, basically, some along those lines.
Speaker 1:The only reason why I kind of remember that well, I remember that it's a friday was because it was the day that, um, dirty dan did uh, stone mountain. So I was like I was like I was like you know what, let me go test it out, see what this joint feels like, and all that stuff Anyway. So for a few weeks I was riding around with both controllers in my car and I was like you know what, let me just go ahead and tell them. So I text them. I'm like, hey, zai, just bring your computer, I have both of my boards, you can use the other board. And so we did that. We did that. He DJed on the 1000. I DJed on the Rev. And then what Z you talking about?
Speaker 3:Zai, dj Zai. Oh my fuck, yeah, no, no, I just Not.
Speaker 1:Zy Atlanta, that's what I'm saying. No, I would think Zy, I'll call him Zy Atlanta. Oh, okay, okay, or maybe Zy, but that's why I call the other one. Well, that's not why I call him, but I remember he told me he went by Z, so if you tell me your, yeah, so when he, um, he plugged into mine and I plugged into the rev and then eventually drip came and then drip plugged into the rev and then I plugged into the 1000 and so you know it's cool rotation of djs that were djing or whatever and it seemed like everybody had a good time.
Speaker 1:Um, trying to think, anything happened, uh, that today or that night. No I think everything.
Speaker 3:It felt bad, man. Everybody was asking for me to pull up, but I just. When was that?
Speaker 1:Was that the day before North Carolina?
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, it's under the weather, man, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Right, because I don't even think you didn't even come to that Monday. No, yeah, you didn't even come to that monday. No, yeah, you didn't even come to that monday session. So so, yeah, uh shout out to shout out to jiko. Um, I want to do, I want to give another shout out to, uh, avalanche. Yeah, we just did the wednesday session, which was very interesting, and was more interesting about that whole thing Because, honestly and truthfully, it was kind of it was kind of what I expected it to be. But what's more interesting about that whole thing is I will never, I don't and I I will never understand how Avalanche DJs that little shit he does with the.
Speaker 3:Oh, I haven't watched him enough to witness this. Oh wait, Do you know what I'm talking?
Speaker 1:about Kind of, but not really how he mixes, because he's so used to not having a computer and I guess he's used to just having turntables. He's so used to not having a computer and I guess he's used to just having turntables. So, um, instead of like I guess, guiding it as he's transitioning, he'll do the. He'll do the thing with the pitch, with a little pitch shit, like he'll like move it up and down like really fast, like really to the point that it's like the waves are like going like this and I guess after a certain point it will adjust.
Speaker 3:but dude, that shit looks nuts uh, yeah, I gotta pay more attention to see in action, because I ain't allowed. I'm quite comprehending with so okay.
Speaker 1:So just picture this right. So you're mixing, you're mixing the two songs together, right, and like one is a little off. Like one is a little off, like one is one supposed it's supposed to be like this, but one of them's like this and by the way, obviously you guys don't know what I'm talking about I'm just trying to explain this to tanaka at this point.
Speaker 1:But yeah then, one's right here, one's right here. So for him, instead of him guiding it like with, like the jog wheel, he'll take, he'll take the fucking, um, the little pitch, whatever, whatever the shit's called, what's it called?
Speaker 2:the pitch, something, this shit, this shit right here tempo joint yeah, the tempo shit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he'll take the tempo shit and make it super fast, so it'll just like it'll like, try to like.
Speaker 3:So he just won't align the BPMs.
Speaker 1:I guess I don't know. Look, I don't know, that's how they. I guess that's how they learned.
Speaker 3:Oh, and I mean, I'm not mad at you, I'm just saying, though, like so. So something's at 90 bpm.
Speaker 1:He's gonna play the song at 95 on the other side and then so he won't keep it at 95, but he'll like he's gonna adjust it though yeah as it's in the mix, so like he'll go from goddamn 95 to like 85, back to 95, and then it'll be at 90, and then it'll be like this.
Speaker 3:But dude, I don't know, I guess we got a dj with turntables I understand oh, no, for sure probably.
Speaker 1:But yeah, no, I ain't gonna lie, you definitely gotta see that shit in action. That shit is interesting, that shit is interesting, shout out to avalanche, shout out to avalanche, that that shit is mind-blowing. Like I was looking at that, I was like yeah I, I gotta see that.
Speaker 3:I gotta see that I really haven't. When I really think about it, I haven't been to a lot of avalanche sessions, so like when everybody be talking down, like I just I can't even comment on it because I don't think I've been to an avalanche session. Or like if I had been to one, like a cascade sunday, I didn't know that he would dj well, look, look, I'll just say it like this.
Speaker 1:Keezy summed it up the best. It's not that Avalanche sucks, he just doesn't fucking care.
Speaker 1:He doesn't care what anybody thinks, and honestly and truthfully, that's the best way to be in my opinion, and I think not finally gotten to that point, but I I think I've gotten to that point where it's like where folks would say something from the skate floor and it won't be like. It'd probably be like one person, I don't know, it'd probably be like one person or some shit, and they'll look at me from the floor and I'd be like what most times I used to just like ignore him and just go back to my computer or whatever. I'll just look back at you. What like is that supposed to like? Am I supposed to stop what I'm doing because you're you?
Speaker 1:have an attitude right like that joint is crazy, and it's been a lot. It's been a lot of that lately, like it'd be like one person. I'd be like, okay, like am I supposed to stop what I'm doing? Because, like prime example, well, not for me. Well, yeah, it kind of it kind of was for me, because it was on trains and trios we just did a cascade session not we, but drip just did that cascade session on sunday that was. That was a very weird session oh, it was but it felt a little weird.
Speaker 3:I was like it's an interesting energy yeah but you know what's crazy about that.
Speaker 1:You kind of summed it up. You kind of summed it up on another situation and I didn't think about this till right now, yeah where you said that when drip is being himself, he kills it. Yeah, when he tries to like do something that's not him and he tries to like incorporate other shit from other djs or whatever the whatever the case may be, that's when it gets a little fishy I think.
Speaker 3:I think it's like um, I think with drip, we gotta just let him know that, but like he undervalues how creative he is. You know, I'm saying I think I just like drip, bro. Just just do you, or you're creative enough. You don't need to use these other folk creativity, you know what I'm saying. Like you be coming up with some fashion, like, just believe in that, bro.
Speaker 1:Like you know what I'm saying and I feel like, I feel like that's kind of what he did on on Sunday, because he like started like trying to play stuff that I play, and I was telling him like, okay, I mean that might be cool, but like you might want to do this or you might want to do that or you might want to, and then, and then he said, oh no, I might do this, I might do it this way, and I'm like all right, okay, okay, um, I mean, honestly, that's not how I would do it, but at the same time, you don't want to do it exactly how I do it, but I wouldn't do it that way.
Speaker 1:But I mean, hey, go for it, yeah. And then he did it that way and boy well, not boy, but it was just this one girl, this one girl had one just just just did not, I guess, just did not like the song, I guess that's so crazy, because now that I think that, because I didn't know what he was talking about when he got on the mic and said it, and now, now it makes it, all makes sense now oh yeah, everybody heard him.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they heard him in the marquis lounge. You heard nini says he was like I don't give a damn.
Speaker 3:I was like dang, who is he talking to right now? I was like I thought he may have had the mic on by accident or something Like you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:See, but that's the thing I wouldn't. I wouldn't air myself out like that, Like you're doing more damage to you than you are to that person. Yeah, Because.
Speaker 3:Or like when Breezy, when Breezy.
Speaker 1:I don't give a damn, bro you're mad. Bro, just relax, relax. Bro you're mad, relax. What was I saying? It would be more. My response would be more like it's always the folks with opinions that think that their opinion matters. That would be more of my response than I don't care about the slow set.
Speaker 3:I mean, you might not really care about the slow set, but they don't have to know that. I don't know. It just kind of gave me uh t smooth vibes back when he did the bailout monday and um, and folks was like and then he started like shooting back at them. You know what I'm saying. It's like I don't know. I'm just not really that, I'm trying to think well, yeah, I didn't respond back because folks have done that to me.
Speaker 1:You know what I'm saying and I just well, yeah, well you, you do it in the more you do it in the more respectful way, like you're like um, hey, let me talk to you real quick. How did you feel about this?
Speaker 3:yeah, I'm not, I'm not feeling well, I don't like being on the mic already so I'm not, I'm definitely not going to address you on the mic, like you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:You, you'd have to really like wild out, or maybe I feel like that, but that's what I'm saying. I feel like that was wow.
Speaker 3:Now that well, see, I didn't. I didn't see what the girl said. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Well, basically what? Um? When we were in the car a couple days ago and what drip did to yoga off the mic when he was on that video and he was like what the fuck is this? Oh, she said it directly to him what the fuck is this? And then, like after the slow set, she was like that slow set was yeah, she said what the fuck is this?
Speaker 2:during the slow set and then after that after the slow set she was like, that's what she said, what the fuck is this?
Speaker 1:during the slow set and then after that, after the slow set, she was oh, and then, as the slow set is going on, she stops in the middle and does this right in front of dj and then on top of that, and then on top of that right after the slow set.
Speaker 1:Um, it was either after the slow, either after skin or or during like, when that altercation was about to happen. I don't remember, I just remember the, the. I just remember the lights were on, okay, but um, she like goes in front of the dj booth.
Speaker 3:It was like that slow set was garbage and that's when he said that and this was somebody that wore that cas cascade, I guess I can show you.
Speaker 1:I can show you who it is. I just don't. Well, our only reason why I remember her is because she I guess she was one of the earlier people that did the atlanta skate interviews. I don't follow her or anything, but that's the only thing I remember about her. She, um, as a matter of fact, you probably don't remember this, but this is one of the first interviews that paul did, I think. I think they're like outside sitting on top of cars or something, I don't know. I'll pull it, I'll pull it up, I'll pull it up. But yeah, but, but anywho, I bring that up because it was kind of like. I feel like if, if drip would have stayed in his bag, none of that would have ever happened. Yeah, but I mean, I don't know, I feel that I don't know, but I guess we can tie that up to the competition. Yeah, I mean, I'm definitely still going to have to circle back to other shit.
Speaker 3:Yeah, shout out to Drip and AC. Man, on the competition, you know they definitely did their thing. They entered this competition with the Coalition DJs Shout out to Coalition, and they had this thing New Music Mondays where they showcase independent artists and give them feedback on their music. But they also have, I guess I guess it's a once a year thing that they have this DJ battle and AC and D drip ended up joining. It came onto my radar because AC called me up and said they had called him asking if he was DJ drip and they're like no, and then he contacted me asking me if I could get them. You know, give him his number and all that.
Speaker 3:So but, um, yeah, it unraveled how I predicted. I wasn't planning on going. I really wasn't going to go back to bailout Monday, but I was like you know what, bro, it's something different. You know what I'm saying Like I be at bailout like all the time. So it's like let me see how my folk doing this.
Speaker 3:You know, dj competition AC won against Peso and then Drip went against Khloe DJ Khloe, I think her name was and I just gotta say, man, the Lincoln boys went 2-0. You know what I'm saying. I was proud of Drip and AC. They both did that thing, definitely had some, you know, some mistakes or whatever, which is to be expected, but you know, I know they gonna tighten that joint up and come even better the next time around, you know. But yeah, man, it's just, it's always dope to see how we comparing against, like the rest of the DJs out here, you know, in the scene, because you know, obviously amongst us, you know we a dope collective, but just you never know how it is until you, you know when you measure up, oh yeah, when you measure up to other folks, basically yeah, I got you know it's like it was just cool to see that, you know it's like.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we really, um, it's not nothing to play with, man, you know dripping, they see both discretion, you know what I mean. And I feel like that already was like a, a tool that they was winning by, because the mother folk one of them didn't was button pushing the whole time. So like that joint already was sounding crazy, and then on top of that, her cue points were not correctly placed. So the records was coming in, the transitions was coming in off, and then Holmes, he could scratch, just more basic scratching.
Speaker 3:Baby scratch, yeah, but even some of his transitions was off. Right, his transition was like off, you know so. Right, but, um, I will say that Holmes had a better um. His song selection, though, was having the crowd move though, so that's where it made it a little close, because, a he came with a lot of folks so they were supporting him, and then, b you know, what he was playing was definitely moving the crowd and who is this we're talking about?
Speaker 3:His name is DJ Peso. I thought I knew him, but I don't know. He looks familiar. I feel like I've seen him before in like a club or a lounge, but oh yeah, I don't think I know who that guy is. Yeah, oh yeah, I don't think I know where that is. Yeah, but um, but yeah, so you know, um, I mean, he's already doing stuff. You know what I'm saying. Then come to find out one of the independent artists that performed, she's like affiliated with him, you know. So that makes sense. You know, as far as, as far as, just like the crowd that was there for him. Right.
Speaker 3:You know. But but yeah, I mean you know it was a, it was a good deal, man, you know what I'm saying. And it's funny because Jer was asking me hey, bro, should I play this? You know what I'm saying, before the battle and all this, that. And third, I was like Jer, bro, I seen you in North Carolina rocking that joint and doing it. How you do it, bro, you're going to be fine bro, you know what I'm saying, you know what I. But you know saying you don't. You know I trust that she won't come correct. And yeah, I mean it was already issued because the girls having trouble plugging up. You know saying and your pad, I'll do a whole nother set. After he just, you know, did his joint, they they're like well, shoot man, we got dj up here. Go ahead, drip man, get you some new fans out here. Man, go ahead and just play a set for us let's play some, you know.
Speaker 3:So they over there trying to figure it out, get her properly hooked up and all that, but jerk really rocked that whole after, after his set. You know what I'm saying. So and the judges were saying that they was like man. We enjoyed the second set more so than than the one, that's in the competition yeah so but, um, I don't know.
Speaker 3:It's just tricky though the judge is tricky. I'm not gonna capital city because on one hand they saying they want you to be open, format, you know, and out of the box at the same time. They want you to rock the crowd and crowd of the box At the same time. They want you to rock the crowd. The crowd in there is mainly Southern folk. It's like which one do y'all want? I'm looking forward to seeing what the next round is going to be. I did predict the joint exactly, you know AC.
Speaker 1:Time-wise.
Speaker 3:AC over there talking about oh yeah, we should be. It said check in at 730. So they're, like you know, probably be on like 8 o'clock Drip over there, like tonight, what you think. So, yeah, I'll probably be on like 11 o'clock. He looking at me, crazy thing. I'm playing. I'm like, bro, I'm telling you what's going to happen, bro, I know how this bro, like they, they going to have all these artists perform. Bro, Like it don't make sense for them to get the DJ better out of the way. That's like, that's like icing on the cake. You know what I'm saying. So they're going to say that for the last, you feel me Right they're just going to get that out of the way like an appetizer.
Speaker 3:You know, If anything, that's a bonus dessert.
Speaker 1:That's a dessert, not an appetizer Straight up.
Speaker 3:So and then AC, talking about he want to put money on it. You know, talking about some 8, I ain't gonna put no money, but I'm telling you it's not gonna be no. 830, bro, I can see how this is going already. Sure enough. 910. All right, y'all. We got DJ Battle on the way. Man, you know what I'm saying, not even starting it, just on the way. That was the first mention that it's gonna be cooking up pretty soon, and so it went to like 920, 930 that they really, you know, got it going so yeah, that's all right so I guess we can ask you to turn up what was your analysis.
Speaker 3:You know two sets from the video that you watched um video that she watched.
Speaker 1:If I'm the parent, if I'm like the parent and like Alvin and Drip are like the children and I'm just like, and I'm like just watching, and I don't I mean this in the most non-harsh way, but they wouldn't really get an applause from me, right, that was that was supposed to happen. Right, like I'm sitting there like Joe Jackson, like Right. Like what you want, what? No, that was supposed to happen the turnabout.
Speaker 3:You know what I'm saying and know how we compare to the competition.
Speaker 1:I hear like I mean, I don't really like to talk about competition or anything like that, because that's just not the person I am. But if I'm comparing myself, if I'm comparing any of us to anybody, it's got to be a really elite DJ that's doing shit, that's like on TV or something Like, not one of these DJs off the street, one of these DJs doing lounges and shit. I don't care about them, I already know we better about them. Yeah, I already know we better than them. Yeah, like hey, popo showed up, I would've been like, well, I don't know y'all, y'all better come with it. But like one of these little DJs that's doing lounges and doing all these clubs around around the city, I'm not worried about them because I know they only know how to do one thing. Right, so yeah.
Speaker 1:But yeah man, shout out to them they did they, they did, they did the thing um but, I know that they capable of better than that.
Speaker 3:You know what I'm saying because that that's and that's my whole thing is that I don't even think they had even had a set like prepped up. I feel like they planned a little bit and then they're like we're just going to wing the rest of it. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:But for some people that's better for them to do that Some people they operate like that.
Speaker 3:I think AC can operate like that. Drip I don't think could. Oh, he needs to have something planned. Yeah, drip. Drip said that he was like yeah, I don't know how hc did that, because like he could do that, I gotta plan my shit out, but like you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:So the only thing about that and I mean I don't know. I guess there's ways of working around it, but I feel like when you plan, I feel like when you plan, like when, when it goes to shit, the whole thing goes to shit, then what's after that? It's true, it's true, but I don't know, man. But to really join back in, like I said last time we were on here was the episode with Julian. So shout out to Julian.
Speaker 1:Yeah, shout out to Julian man, yeah shout out julian man, he, um, I appreciate him actually knowing what what he was in store for, because he actually listened to the fucking episode. But, um, yeah, shout out to him. Um, and uh, yeah, shout out to the people still buying the merch the merch still, uh, on the websites. I still got some. I don't have a lot on hand, but, um, yeah, for the people that do have merch, if you want to be a part of the DJ turn up giveaway, if you aren't already, just go ahead, send me a video or picture which you and the merch on, and, yeah, I'll pull your name out. Oh, wait, no, first you'll be a part of the DJ turn appreciation post and then put your name in a hat and you probably won some shit.
Speaker 1:Um, who was the winner this week or this month? This month was McKenzie, if I'm correct. I think that was the winner. Shout out to McKenzie. Um, yeah, and I think that's it. So we'll move on to our uh next segment, which is the question of the day. So tonight I got a question for you. What we got, man, what are some songs that would cheer you up In any kind of perspective, I feel like Soak in Music.
Speaker 3:Soak in Music would be cheering me up. It just has such a feel-good vibe to it. That's why, if I'm feeling down, I could definitely play a Soka record. It would make me happy. But that's also why, folks why folks, I guess, look down quote-unquote on soca music, because it makes you feel good. They feel like it's the pop music that created me, as opposed to dancehall, which is kind of seen as the hip-hop almost. They look at soca music as like soft, like that's like. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Interesting.
Speaker 3:But I'm not gonna cap like that Soka joint, like I will be feeling good when I hear that.
Speaker 3:Right, it's just like a. It's a real nice vibe, just real reminiscent of the islands, for real. You know how to relax, it be and just to feel good and have a good time, and stuff like that. So I mean, I listen to that.
Speaker 3:If I feel nostalgic, I'll put on some Hawaiian music, you know, and just kind of like, that's kind of like a, just more so like a childhood type of, you know, nostalgia, that kind of like, right, you know, brings me back, um, I say, certain hip-hop records too, you know, um, it will it just all kind of depend on what I'm feeling all the time. So it could be some southern stuff, it could be some east coast stuff, you know, west coast. It really just depends what type of vibe. But I just go back to just certain classics that I'll brace on, you know, and just even some. You know that that's the, I say, that's the beauty of us as DJ. You know so much music that like, just to like go to an album that you forgot about and just like, oh dang, forgot about these records and how much you enjoy them.
Speaker 1:You know it's like, right, that's the only fun thing to do, you know right, um, so I'm not gonna lie, I really don't have any songs that I can go to that are like per se, that like will just immediately cheer me up. I feel like it's more in the situation like you said. It's like one of those things where it's like, depending on what I'm going through, if I just so happen to be listening to music and there's a situation I'm going through and for somehow odd reason, that they're talking about what I'm going through in that record, I'd be like wow, I'd feel a little better and it'd make me feel a little better. I remember there was a situation I had a long time ago and I remember Happy People came, situation I had a long time ago and I remember Happy People came on by R Kelly and it real deal cheered me up and I was going through some really bad shit.
Speaker 3:You put me on to that. Happy Feelings, right. Frankie, Beverly and Maeve, Maybe Possibly I ain't gonna lie that joint. Talk about a good move. Have 90 Beverly made.
Speaker 1:Maybe possibly, oh no, yeah, no, that definitely gives me a good. That's the Frankie Beverly definitely gives me in a good mood. I mean definitely is not necessarily a good mood, but it does give me, like, like it says, happy feel, like it gives me good feeling. Yeah, for sure, um, it gives me um reminiscences on similar, on simpler times. For sure, um, but no, I think, uh, well, I think what I? Well, the only thing I really remember you putting you on to was a golden time of the day, because that was the uh, smyrna smyrna joint. But, um, yeah, I gotta play that again.
Speaker 1:Definitely gotta play that again. But um, yeah, man, like I said, I really don't have any. I don't think I really have anything Off the top of my head, but I do remember at one point, happy people Cheering me up when I uh Was going through. So, yeah, I think it would have to more say Be something that, like it just so happened to catch me while I'm listening to music and I'm like, oh, I could relate to this, right, so I would say anything that I can relate to in music, uh, lyrically, like message wise, not necessarily the feeling of a song or anything like that it's interesting because you know, um, I remember talk to the job like certain like because he's like she don't really like listen like, said you know, like that pain he be feeling like when people be listening to that.
Speaker 3:That's what kind of like, that's why they feel like that you know, saying yes, sad or depressed, and all that you know and, um, so you know well, I'll say this it's not okay.
Speaker 1:So when I say, like stuff that I can relate to that I'm going through, it's more of those where it's like I know you're going through this, don't worry, it'll get better. Not one of those. Oh, I'm going through this, I'm stuck in this, I hate life. Not one of those. It definitely is one of those. Here's the problem, here's the solution. Everything's going to be fine.
Speaker 3:One of those kind of songs. I think it's dope how when we listen to music now yeah, we're like understand the lyrics.
Speaker 1:I feel like that in life like well, I'm able to watch a movie.
Speaker 3:Yeah be like oh damn, that's what they were talking right now. That's what I'm talking about but that's why that's why I so crazy to like to be. So I kind of thought about that. Would like like what? Like having a kid or just like having somebody you know you kind of raised a little bit is like showing them a movie at one age and they like to you a few years later down the road showing that movie again and seeing like what different things they pick up on that they pick up on that day.
Speaker 1:Pick up on it for sure, that'd be dope.
Speaker 1:Yeah, definitely, give it to them like 10 years apiece, yeah, 10 years apiece, but yeah, and honestly, what's actually funny about that is that there is an unrelated to music well, kind of unrelated to music because it's not actually a song, but it was just an instagram post that I had, uh, just ran across and it was um k michelle, and I think I still had this joint uh saved in my instagram and I think she said something along the lines of don't take anything personal, nobody cares, and and some along the lines of when it, when people do things to you, is not because of you, it's because of them, type of deal. Yes, and it was a situation where I was going through and I was like you know what, thank you, k michelle, I appreciate this. Right, it was actually funny. It was actually funny at the time. I think I actually DM'd her while I was. I'm obviously sure she didn't see it, but I was just like you know what, k Michelle, I seen this and I appreciate you putting this out in the, in the atmosphere.
Speaker 2:So K Michelle, definitely a real one but um, yeah, well, cool.
Speaker 1:Well, we're gonna move on to guess the Bars. If you don't know what Guess the Bars is, we give each other some bars and we read them out to you guys and try to figure out who it is. And if we can figure it out, we say who it is, what it is, and rate it on the F scale, which from five to one fire, ferocious, flat, frisbee, fecal. And if we know who it is, we tell you when the first time we heard it. So I'll start it off. Excuse my intruding. I don't mean to be rude, but our situation's kinda amusing, cause we both like each other but scared of each other. It's like we more than friends but less than lovers. And my niggas tell us what we've been doing is wrong and your girl's getting jealous because we've been getting along. Hold on, this is how it all begins. You call your friends, I call my friends. We'll all be friends and hang out at the mansion in the Hamptons on the weekend.
Speaker 1:Then it all ends and the question is oh that's what you said, but our situation is kind of amusing, my bad. Okay, this is cool. I'll give it a flat, fcious flat, more on the flat side. Uh, three, I put us 3.3. It was cool. It was cool. Um, talking about something situation, um friends with benefits and, uh, friends not minding the business. Yeah, it was cool. Uh, I feel like this could be anybody. I don't, I feel like this could be a number of people. I don't know. I don't know who this is.
Speaker 3:So tanaka, who we got uh, this is a working by ja rule. Uh, featuring lloyd called caught up I'm assuming this isn't a single oh, it is single is single awful avoid.
Speaker 1:And this is which albums what? What year did it come out? I? Thought I was R Kelly oh, that's not the song, that's not the Lloyds. No, oh, okay. Okay, I ain't gonna lie. You kind of threw me off. Yeah, I was singing a single from this. Okay, I was about to say yeah. And then there's New York. Okay, got you, okay. So this is on the cusp, this is on the cusp of rule falling off. It's like right. It's like right there, yeah, this is it?
Speaker 1:this is it. Yeah, this is okay. Got you um. Yeah, I don't know this record, don't know this record at all, sir.
Speaker 3:There you go, sir check up on these ninjas. I was was killing them Flexing way better. Took your boo, digged it down, rode her with that shea butter. I get all my check from white folk. They just pay better. I'm the ruler who you know that represent the A better. Shout out to the shea butter. Shout out to shea butter it. I'm gonna give this a flat. Yeah, I don't know who this is man.
Speaker 1:I don't know who we're up ti, but I don't know, what this is man so that was um scotty atl, how beautiful it's. Off a song called uh, marry me. Are you familiar with marry me? I feel like.
Speaker 3:I have heard the record but I can't think of like how I think it's.
Speaker 1:I think in parentheses it's called way better. Does that ring a bell or no?
Speaker 3:no, not at all okay but shout out to scotty atl man, he's a real one. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Know about that shade buddy shout out to shade buddy. Okay, correct me if I'm wrong was was he the one that I feel like you said somebody had gotten to a major accident or something like he did? That was him, so what's the update on that?
Speaker 3:uh, he's just been posting gruesome picture after gruesome picture so is he okay uh, he said to have, I think, like three surgeries.
Speaker 1:You know, because his leg like Not good.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I was a little glutes on that, I ain't a lot, but you know he's obviously, you know he's very, you know he'd be like I'm just very blessed to be here still Right and even though it's painful, I think he's in a wheelchair, you know, as he's going through the recovery with his leg and stuff, um, but I think he's going to start, like you know, pt and everything trying to get back moving. But uh, but yeah, man, that that was a gruesome accident for real. You know what I'm saying. And um, you know what I'm saying. And um, shoot, just glad he's alright, you know Still recovering Right. You know Surgeries and stuff like that.
Speaker 1:So Shout out to Scott ATL yeah, raise up for him. Thank you, sir. Alright, let's see. She a good girl For me. She a slut, backstabbing my thumb in her butt About the fox. You can't tell this hoe nothing. She gon' put this boy Right my thumb in her butt. About the fox you can't tell this hoe nothing. She gonna put this boy right on a plate, eat it up. I be telling this hoe, like it's me or nothing. She like who riding front seat Me or the gun, and it's 20 bitches in this room. I don't even want to leave this one.
Speaker 1:He had me for a second, but then he just like ran off on another topic about these 20, where the 20 bitches come from. I thought we were talking about one, so I'm gonna go with flat frisbee because he definitely lost me. Um, I don't know why I'm getting rich the kid vibes, but I, I just I'll. I don't feel like I've ever heard him say anything about putting thumbs in butts, but I mean, I feel like that could be any rapper. For some reason I'm saying Finesse two times or fucking Rich the Kid. I don't know why, but I'm going to just go with either one of them. So who we got?
Speaker 3:So this is YTP Fat A song called Secrets.
Speaker 1:Ah Can't say anything about this record Beautiful. Only thing I know about him is Get Back. Would you look at that?
Speaker 3:YTV Fat is from West Memphis, Arkansas. Ah.
Speaker 1:Did you see him at the casino?
Speaker 3:I was about to say surprised we didn't run into him at the casino. There you go, okay, so yeah, I didn't.
Speaker 3:Beautiful. I saw some of his OGs. Probably, probably, yeah, and I be gone for a couple of years. I done sweat, I done bled, shed a couple of tears. I ain't stressing. It's a blessing that the hustler here. Let's celebrate a toast. Put your cup in the air. This is going to get ferocious, man. It's simple to a point, but I respect it. It's definitely a blessing to be here. Let's toast it up and live life. Thank you, hustler.
Speaker 1:I'm going to guess Cassidy drank my so, so, so, what was the line that stuck out that you were like, oh, that's, that's that song, and when was the first time you heard?
Speaker 3:The Hustler. Cause I had to think about it and I was like who I was referring to as the Hustler Andler. I had to think about it and I was like who I was referring to him as a hustler. And then I had to think back to how that was that was uh.
Speaker 3:So I don't know if you knew this castley had, like he did, that whole split personality thing. No, I did not know that. So the first thing was he referred to himself as the problem and then he moved to the hustler and then he moved to like barry adrian reese or bars if you break it down, oh, is that what that means? Yeah, so his name is barry adrian reese, uh-huh, so I think his album was called like bars or something like that I think I do remember that very adrian reese story or something like that, and so to start each album he would have like a like, a faith, like it was like ti versus tip type of deal.
Speaker 3:So he was basically battle rapping. So so the first one was the problem versus the hustler. Second one I forgot what, the second one, I don't know. I think the second one has something different. And then the third one had like the hustler versusars, I don't know. He used to, just he would start the albums Off like that.
Speaker 1:Interesting.
Speaker 3:Yeah. So anyway, I had to think of who I was referring to as the Hustler and, uh, I just started casting, so I didn't know for sure If that was it, but you know, that was the best guess I could give and you switched it.
Speaker 1:So first time you heard drink in my two-step um first time.
Speaker 3:Side note did you know that song getting no Better? No, oh, okay, drinking my Two Step. Probably BET Probably saw it as like the new joint of the day on one of the six and part Dang. That's crazy, getting no Better.
Speaker 1:I forgot about that one. I'm sorry, one of those.
Speaker 3:Album cuts. No, it was a video. They had a video on MTV. They used to play it all the time With Swiss Beats' ex-wife Meshonda Yikes. Yeah, so my idea. Oh yeah, I gotta go listen to that one. Anyway, it's time to move out, man.
Speaker 1:My little mama. She knows how the game goes. She knows it's about the money. She knows daddy's gotta go. She know if it's about that paper, then the paper I'm gonna get bring it back to the crib, then the paper we gonna split. She understands what I do. She trusts me. Keep it true, even though I leave her lonely. She knows that I love her too. Um, I'm not gonna lie. I feel like he used this already, but fuck it, I don't remember. We got like 70-something episodes in the can. This is Mike Jones next to you. There should be some outlets over there. Are there outlets over there? I think it is, I don't know.
Speaker 1:But yeah, this is Mike Jones next to you, I think, if I'm correct. I'll give it a. I'll give it a flat. I'll give the same. I'll give it flat like it was. It's cool. I mean, I appreciate that he's on topic and can stay on topic, unlike ytb fat um three point. I give it a 3.1.
Speaker 3:I guess that's cool so, um, how did yeah, how did you? How did you learn about this?
Speaker 1:next to you was interesting because I feel like this is when I heard about him. When I heard about this song, I was like, wow, I thought mike jones already fell off. And then, like, and then I seen the video and I'm like, did he lose weight? He looks a lot smaller. And then, like come to find out like, was mike jones one of those people that like had like a disease or something that, like he like lost weight, or did he just lose weight? Nah, he just lost weight. Oh, he did. Because I feel like there was like an ass of people that like lost a lot of weight, but it wasn't because they were losing weight, it was because they got off that lane. Oh, is that what it was? Yeah, I think. So. A handful of them stopped because paul wad lost a lot of weight too. Yeah, was that because of lean too?
Speaker 3:didn't know that, okay, so um, I actually did some research on this on mike jones career.
Speaker 1:Of course you did um he, uh.
Speaker 3:So he was ready. After he dropped his first album, he was ready to drop the American Dream, which was his next album that's on Mr Jones and all that right but the label didn't believe in it and so they were hesitant to pull the trigger.
Speaker 3:So he compromised and was like alright, I'll just give him an EP of like singles with a movie called the American Dream and then dropped the third album. But then the third album went through a lot of delays, of singles with a movie called the American Dream and then dropped the third album, but then the third album went through a lot of delays and stuff. So because of that, the politics and delays, he decided that he was going to change his whole appearance and that's why he lost all the weight to kind of introduce that album Interesting and that's why he lost all the weight to kind of introduce that album.
Speaker 3:You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Interesting, um that, uh, I didn't realize how big that record was.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it was. I had no idea. I feel like I've seen the video maybe a handful of times and I never heard it on the radio. I granted, I wasn't listening to Ray like that, but even then I just I mean, I don't know, I just wasn't aware that record.
Speaker 1:And then I played that song when we shot that from North Carolina and all the sudden Rina's over there singing going crazy like the reason why I found out that record was big was because, um, my homeboy draytown shout out draytown he played in the club one time and it got a like, a huge reaction and I was like because, like you, I didn't, I didn't know, but because hell, even if you look at the video, the video looks real like, compared to his other videos look kind of low budget, crazy yeah, the budget difference in that is like yeah and I was like dang, this is really like a lot of folk really f with this record.
Speaker 3:It kind of caught me off guard because I was like yeah I didn't think it was that big of a song, right, right, the aftermath is. You touching me. It's destiny that we connected. Girl, you and I, we can affect the world. I'm tired of the fast lane. I want you to have my last name. I just love, I'll just love the name. You know what I'm saying? I'll tell you. But you know, dicking her down, rubbing with shea butter, just love the name. You know what I'm saying, I'd say. But you know, dick, dick and I down, rubbing with shea butter, and now you know he wants to leave and get that last name, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:Um, I'm going to give this a flat ferocious. Um, yeah, I'm going to give this a flat ferocious. Yeah, you know it's cool man, I don't know who this is, though. You know, I don't know who this is. I guess I'm going to just throw a name out there. Damn, I was going to say 50 Cent, but I can't see 50 being like Giving anybody. No, I can't see him being like it's destiny that we connected girl.
Speaker 3:Like oh you feel like that's a little too. Yeah, I don't see 50 saying that he is a little too.
Speaker 1:Gangsta A little too player for that.
Speaker 3:You know what I'm saying. Yeah, I don't know who we got.
Speaker 1:So, yes, you were right, and I could definitely not see 50 Cent ever saying that either. So that was actually common. Very fitting, very fitting, right, very fitting. So that was off of Come Close. Okay, are you familiar with Come Close? That's.
Speaker 3:Mary J Blige.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 3:Okay, yeah, I am familiar with the record. I don't know it for real, for real, but I am familiar with that song. Do you know the project? It was offered?
Speaker 1:I don't, but I can pull it up on my Google machine. Let's see Google, google, let's see Google. What are you going to tell me?
Speaker 3:Yep Electric Circus. Alright, that makes sense that came out in 2002.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so that was the project I guess that a lot of critics did not like. But granted, I had to buy that album in order to get him to sign it. I went to this festival in Seattle known as Bumbershoot, which is like a big music festival where they bring all these different acts. I had brought my Common booklet for the B album, I don't know. Apparently they were like you gotta buy a CD or something to get it signed. So I was like, alright, so I just bought that Electric Circus one, you know whatever. So yeah, I don't know if I ever really listened to it. Word.
Speaker 1:Alright, let's see what we got. Why can't I find you? Okay, there you go Far as this rap shit. I'm ten steps ahead of niggas Shooting backwards just for practice Ride or die. Nigga hopping out in your casket About to go to hell with you, blow the l with you. Tell the whole world I'm spitting, let them know the shells hit you. I tell niggas quick, suck, suck dick and get a glock. My name ring bells like sunday at 12 o'clock. I'm half past 7, but it's a 6, then 11. You know me. Slide my mans, my joint and say reload for me A rough ride and pop a fella for Rockefeller, screaming what the fuck spending mozzarella. Um.
Speaker 1:I want to say this is it's either beanie or memphis. This is beans or myth. I, I, I don't know which one, but I'm gonna give it a flat. It's another flat, ferocious. I can appreciate the metaphors Rough ride and pop a fella for Rockefeller, I don't know. I feel like if Bean said it, I feel like it's more convincing. I feel like if Miff said it, it kind of came off cheese.
Speaker 3:I don't know, I don't know as soon as it's Bean or Miff.
Speaker 1:I don't know. Okay, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. Like I said, I'm going to just assume it's Beans or Miff. I don't know but who we got.
Speaker 3:So this is actually Styles P.
Speaker 1:This is off of. Oh, it's fitting Well for you it is, but if I have to say, this is off a record called Reservoir Dogs.
Speaker 3:Yeah, jay-z is a 90s posse, cut Jay-Z Lux. I think Memphis Bleak was on there too. My bad Beanie Siegel the Locks and Sauce Money Word. So yeah, that's awful in my lifetime too.
Speaker 1:And yeah Cool. What's your favorite sauce money song Tanaka.
Speaker 3:Couldn't say. I had no idea who that was rapping. When I heard this, I had no idea who that was rapping. When I heard this rap, that ass so big I catch a battery to hold you Hand, so big you thought I told you pull it over. She pulled me over, pulled me out the world. Then she pulled me closer, threw me in the back of the car, put me in handcuffs, started ripping my pants off. All you heard over the dispatcher is it's that it's Miss Officer, right With.
Speaker 1:Kid Kid man, kid Kid man. Yeah, 2016 XL Freshman of the year. You know what I'm saying, but anywho, this song came out in 2007, you know.
Speaker 3:You gotta love it, man. You came a long way out here, man. You came a long way out of that money, came a long way out of that money. How much do you think they paid him? How much did he pay him? All right, go ahead, turn it on.
Speaker 1:Well, first off, Tanaka, two things you never rated it and you never said it the first time you heard it. Oh, my fault, my fault.
Speaker 3:The first time you heard it. Oh, my fault. I know you just sold.
Speaker 1:You have your hate for if Kid Kid runs real deep that you just want to move right past it, but you didn't rate it or you didn't say it when the first time you heard it.
Speaker 3:Miss Officer, probably the album. When I heard the Carter 3. Yeah, that'll get a flat, I don't know.
Speaker 1:I feel like you're just throwing him a bone.
Speaker 3:I never really cared for that verse. That's why you know what I'm saying. It was just like I don't know who this guy is.
Speaker 1:Oh, you didn't know who Kid Kid was before that At the time.
Speaker 3:At the time, I had no idea who that was. I feel like I knew who he was before that, because I was like this isn't. Mac man, you know what I'm saying. I figured I thought it would be like Mac man, you know if anybody but it's Kid Kid, you know man, it's kickin, you know man. Yeah, I just didn't really know kick it was at the time. Was he signed to young money?
Speaker 1:yes, he was one of the original members. We're like currency, you all that. Or, if not, he was like side high to good music. He was just so closely affiliated that he might as well just said he was on Young Money. Yeah, I don't know, I just, or, if not, he was probably on Cash Money, I don't know.
Speaker 3:This was like this was before they had that young money compilation, you know so yeah, I didn't really know who was affiliated. I mean, I I had a handful of folks like six shot and like chop and like these other folks, but I had never heard of kicking.
Speaker 1:I think this is the first time I ever heard kiki I feel like I've heard him before this, but I don't know you probably, you're probably right I don't know that.
Speaker 3:And then on something that, to make matters worse, I don't think they even used to credit him on the song. Well, they didn't on the music video.
Speaker 1:I think well, they didn't credit him on the music video because he wasn't in the music video. The Mrs Officer video was Mrs Officer and then like he's not in it. No, If he is in it, that's even worse. They didn't use his verse in that. That's what I'm saying On his verse. They go to comfortable.
Speaker 3:Oh, that's right. Okay, I kind of forgot.
Speaker 1:But what makes it even more funny? If Bobby Valentino is in it and they use his verse, it's even hilarious, because that means they skipped over his verse. I don't remember them using his verse either, though, so I think they're in the clear, but um there in the clear.
Speaker 3:But um, so are we moving on or are you doing?
Speaker 1:some research on mrs officer.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm trying to do some research, okay, but um well, yeah, you, you can keep going to the next oh okay, um, got a chopper, kind of like a helicopter For any nigga that think it's sweet and you better call the doctor. Have you shaken like A maraca, dripping like this beat Blood, spilling on the Like a faulty faucet? Plug his ass before you end up in a hearse. Put the gear in reverse, then you better Hit the fucking Gas. What put the gear in reverse? Then you better hit the fucking gas what you broke.
Speaker 1:Now you're bitter, but how the hell is this nigga gonna start beef with me on his fucking twitter? This shit is all over the place. Um, I'm gonna give it a frisbee.
Speaker 1:This is yeah, this joint is all over the place, I'm going to give it a frisbee. Yeah, this joint is all over the place, I'll give it a frisbee flat. I can appreciate the metaphors, but I don't know Just the way this joint is On the song. It probably is better, but me reading it out loud, it just I don't know. It was just I don't know, it just wasn't it. I have no idea who this is. I just want to say maybe Waka Flocka, I don't know, this is a word called.
Speaker 3:Say it To my Face, and it's by.
Speaker 1:Ludacris, oh, does TI have a song called Say it To my Face? You said it. Does TI have a song called Say it To my, my face? I don't think so. Okay, I don't know, he probably does ludicrous said this yeah, it's got a chopper like a helicopter. I don't think I've ever heard ludicrous make a gun reference. It's very rare that ludicrous makes a gun references. Ah oh is this.
Speaker 3:So this is off a big bottom.
Speaker 1:I'm not big by the boom, um, the, the gigawatts, beautiful, um, okay, this, this doesn't. This doesn't sound right at all, and it's fitting that I gave him a yeah, yes, that was a really weird turn for little chris. You did not like that budget but your boy tonic did what's up. Bro, you think we should make a karaoke, big bottleada, boom, for we need to have a Conversation with Tonic.
Speaker 3:No we don't. Yeah, man, we need to have more Delinquent music talks. I said I'm for you, tonic. I can't Not with Tonic Tonic, you know some other shit. Now I know you haven't left me, but I feel like I'm alone. I'm a big boy now but I'm still not growing and I'm still going through it. Pain in the hurt, soaking up trouble like rain in the dirt. Is this, lord, give me a sign? D makes I just love it y'all. You know, bro, ain't no time, bro. You know, I just been listening to a lot of older music, so I feel like maybe that's why I'm in the. You know you wanted today, but nah, that was one of my favorite records, so to speak.
Speaker 1:I was in seventh grade, so you had to be like eighth or ninth right.
Speaker 3:Yeah. Yeah, that was because I bought that album and I had that song. We In here with Suze Beetz.
Speaker 1:We In here was on the same album. As Lord, give Me a Sign. Yeah, why do I feel like we In here was so?
Speaker 3:long ago. Yeah, they released it like Late, oh okay. Yeah, the album got pushed back, Gotcha. I remember they was having a whole reality show that they were trying to line up with and it kept getting pushed back. You know what I'm saying. I was like dang, when's the album going to drop? And then it finally came out Because he had a record with Scott Storch that I think they released a year and a a half before that. You know, Interesting, Still included on there. Yeah, I ain't gonna lie, I'm gonna give that a ferocious five. I always said this man, I really wish DMX came out with a gospel album. You know, I feel like that would have went crazy, but yeah, that Lord gave me a sign. There's one part in that song that I used to always get freaked out because it sounded like my parents were calling me and yeah. So every time I used to be like playing the game, listening to that song, I would think that like, oh shoot, my parents are calling me.
Speaker 1:I got kicked off the game. You know what I'm saying? That's interesting.
Speaker 3:It still haunts me to this day whenever I hear that record. Well, I think it's really just a background vocal, because you know it's kind of like a choir or whatever and they're just like yeah, but yeah.
Speaker 1:It must be top tier to think that you want to turn around and be like oh snap, my parents are calling me.
Speaker 3:Because, my dad wouldn't play that man. He used to be like yeah. I used to be out there playing sports all right with the kids and all that. My dad go on the front porch and he just whistled hella loud and it's like, depending on how the whistle went, like I could say I was in trouble or not. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Doof. Well, let's not bring you back to that dark path. Let's go ahead and move on to Whatever's next Kid.
Speaker 3:Kid wasn't in the video.
Speaker 1:Okay, well, that's good to know. I think they might have skipped this. I ain't gonna lie, bro. It would be fucked up if they passed up him and then went to Bobby Valentino's version.
Speaker 1:That's what I'm saying there might be. I gotta listen to it. That would be crazy. That's what I'm saying. There might be. I don't know. I got to listen to it. That's sad. That would be crazy. That's funny. Imagine KK, big Link and Lil Wayne. Oh, I can't be at this video. I got an interview going. We got a concert. Yeah, oh yeah.
Speaker 3:What we on some next man.
Speaker 1:Oh, I don't know.
Speaker 3:The song of the day.
Speaker 1:No, hall of Fame. Hall of Fame.
Speaker 2:Hall of Fame, something in between I just feel like I was missing something.
Speaker 1:So, um, it's funny, this is the greatest hit. Well, either way it would have felt like a long time ago because either way we would have had to either done the greatest hit, so we would have done the album. But feels so long ago. But I feel like I kind of remember shout out to julian um for having our last episode. Uh, he picked um. The ray j fabulous um breakfast club conversation. I don't remember what you chose the Ray J Fabulous Breakfast Club Conversation. I don't remember what you chose. What the fuck did you choose?
Speaker 3:Do you remember what you chose?
Speaker 1:While I look it up, cause I definitely don't remember what the fuck you chose. Oh yeah, that's why I don't fucking remember. So Tanaka chose Lil Uzi's Diamond in his head, and then I chose Bad and Bougie. So next inductee into the TNT Podcast Hall of Fame by landslide was Bad and Bougie. So appreciate everybody for voting and all that.
Speaker 3:Tanaka, you can go ahead and start it off but I got, I got a nominate that, uh, that drip mix that he did. But that vibes cartel with over a West Coast beat was like kind of crazy.
Speaker 1:I'm not so to lie to you, so much so that musician was like wow, I would have never even thought of that.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'm not going to lie to you, when I heard the mix, I was like dang, that joint is cold. And when I heard it on playback it's still just as hard. So I was like dang, bro, that joint really. That's's the beauty of music, man, you know what I'm saying. Like us, as DJs, when we be coming up with these mixes, it's like it's just it's dope to hear stuff on different, you know, different production. And yeah, that mix that Vibes Cartel over West Coast being mixed was crazy, bro, like I even see, like saw the coalition dj. She was over there like oh holy, yeah, like that was hard. That's why and I told, I told him that I was like bro that because it was a little rough, you know what I'm saying going into the ashanti and the r and b and all that. But he came back with that mix and that kind of brought them back on track.
Speaker 1:Right. Okay.
Speaker 1:Well, that's what's up. That's what's up. So I'm going to go completely left with that and I'm going to pick a movie. I'm going to pick a movie clip and I'm going to pick a movie. I'm going to pick a movie clip. So my nomination for the TNT Podcast Hall of Fame is when Ricky gets killed in Boys in the Hood. What's interesting about this is that, like, I remember actually seeing that movie Now, obviously not when it came out, because I think I was like a baby when that movie came out, but and yeah, I ain't gonna lie, that definitely was like one of the sadder parts of that movie. I was like whoa, like that. Like then he had his whole life ahead of him and just just over in a flash and it's just. It's just interesting. Hip-hop has so many, like, so many references to boys in the hood and the ricky, the ricky, the ricky, uh, joint.
Speaker 3:so it's so funny because, um, my mom saw boys in the hood and that's like her like, that's like her interpretation of like black people yeah, you're just like gangster rap and just all of that, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:And she like gets really emotional bringing that up the Ricky, the Ricky part, yeah she's like, man, he was just such a good kid and just had so much ahead of him, and for him to just get gunned down in the hood like that, you know, it's just so sad. She's not wrong, yeah, you know, and it's like but like she even feels for.
Speaker 3:Doughboy, though you know what I'm saying. She's like, you know, poor Doughboy, he just wanted to feel love from his mom, you know, and he couldn't get that love, you know, right. So, anyway, I say all that to say that she really enjoys that. Well, I don't know if she enjoyed it, but she, she felt for it, yeah, empathizes very much with the movie and, uh, right, I feel like that's also part of the reason why she, you know, rocks with all the music that I listen to. Oh, really, you know, I kind of put her on to all this, you know.
Speaker 3:All this hood rap music and yeah, Right, but you know she likes the Jay-Z Black album.
Speaker 1:I feel like you told me that and I was like wait what?
Speaker 3:That's interesting. Drop it Like it's Hot by Snoop Dogg.
Speaker 1:One of her favorites, that's. I'm just gonna reel it out real quick. That's such an interesting song cause I never know when to play that fucking song. The song is called Drop it. Like it's Hot, but like that's not a song I'd play in the club. Like I wonder, like, was that song like ever played in the club? I wonder, was that song ever played in the club? It's just such a laid back Snoo. I don't even play that song in the skating rink. I don't know. It's just so, I don't know Such a weird song. Anyway, we're going to reel it back in DJ Drip's mix at the mute.
Speaker 3:Have you heard the song?
Speaker 1:no wait, I mean who? By who? Your favorite artists? Okay, so you're obviously being an ass. Um, who don't I like? Who'sxy. Red. What the? Game. Oh the Game. Oh wow, I love how you're actually. Isn't that your favorite? Oh right, yeah, now he's playing Gullible. I love it. No, I've never heard it.
Speaker 3:What is it on?
Speaker 1:It's got to be on one of these newer the.
Speaker 3:Red album.
Speaker 1:Of course, of course, of course Of course, what man Martians vs Goblins. You know the City, what's your favorite part on Martians vs Goblins Tanaka. What's your favorite lyric off that album? On that part, that song.
Speaker 3:I'm not going to lie. There's some records on there that are, yeah, the.
Speaker 1:City is my shit. Yeah, that's crazy. And then Red Nation is okay.
Speaker 3:Oh man yeah Red, um, yeah, red nation was like oh and then and then past, uh past song of the day the good, the bad, the ugly love that record. He got a record. What? Uh? Well, I don't know how did you feel about the work with prince brown? I don't remember it?
Speaker 1:wait, oh the shot and a pot of gold. Yeah, pot of gold. Pot of gold was on red nation, it was. Why do I feel like it came out after that? I feel like I just liked it because it was game, Because I was still on that game, high for sure.
Speaker 3:But I will say like you said there were some records that he had collabs with and he just jumped on trends, he's trying to sound like he's trying to sound like he gets, and I'm like I he just Jump on trends. I remember, I remember. I remember.
Speaker 1:Was, I remember, on there? No, future was out. He wasn't hot yet I remember oh god, yeah, I ain't gonna let that.
Speaker 3:So, the tanaka, let me ask you this what's your favorite? What's your favorite lyric?
Speaker 1:off of bottles and rocking jays what's some bottles and rocking jays. Oh, you never heard that by the game bottles and rocking jay. Bottles and rod, I don't remember. I just remember it was who was on that song. It was. It was an ass of people on that song. It was the game. Dj caled buster rhymes lil wayne fabulous, I think that's it I never heard that song okay, well, I guess we're gonna listen to it when we.
Speaker 1:Uh, I'm trying to figure out what project it was on. I think it may have been a loose single. I remember I used to fuck with it just because it was just there's so many different people on it.
Speaker 3:It was just so many red flag already is dj calvin. Oh yeah, your favorite dj.
Speaker 1:Um, anyway, we're gonna reel this back in drips mix with the vibe cartel and whatever that west coast. Uh, by the way, you gotta send me that clip so I can. Uh, I think it's um I want to say two, america's most one send me a clip anyway so I can put it on the joint. But, um, but yeah, uh drips mix versus uh ricky getting killed boys in the hood. We're gonna put it on the post and y'all gonna vote. Um, alright, what we got next Song of the day. Song of the day, alright.
Speaker 3:So song of the day is gonna be interesting because this is gonna be one of the songs that I remember hearing when I was a mere boy, and the name of the song is st Louis by Nelly Tanaka.
Speaker 1:Are you familiar with the song st Louis? By Nelly hold on hold on Tanaka hold on just for a second because, as the song of the day is going on, the instrumentals playing in the background and you're about to talk about Name Redacted, we'll talk about it on. Album of the day when, where nothing is happening. Are you familiar? I?
Speaker 3:got more familiar. I feel like I heard it before when I heard the country grammar, that's country grammar. But it got more because, um, my boy from LA, he did work in Ferguson, missouri, around the time of the situation.
Speaker 1:Okay, and for the, for what they were shooting out there, they used that song Because the folks from out there in Missouri, that's who they were Right. So just out of curiosity, right. So like St Louis Is like St Louis, like really like Nelly Town, like all the like folks, like that's like kind of like how Snoop is in Cali, like is it like that for Nelly?
Speaker 3:I would say so yeah.
Speaker 1:I mean because I know in Detroit niggas ain't really fucking with Eminem. That's not a thing. There may be some diehards, that may be, but all in all they're down. Yeah, I mean I feel like they do F with Nelly.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I can't, I can't actually say that. But I will say that my boy, he had a song on repeat.
Speaker 1:On repeat Like the whole time he was there. I mean, but that's honest, but truthfully it's a dope song, but we're going to get into that. So, like I said, this is one of the earliest memories I have of like listening to music and shout out to my uncle um, I remember he had this, he had this album. And, honestly and truthfully, I really don't even know if he really had this album, but I just remember, just vaguely remember, every time we were in the car I would always hear this song. It would be me, my uncle and my cousin would always be in the car riding around somewhere and I just vaguely always remember hearing you could find me in saint louis, we're gonna play, like. Anytime I hear that song, I immediately think of that and, truthfully, that's really why I like the song because of the beat. The beat's catchy, the chorus is catchy and when I got older I was like had more access to like music and like all that other stuff and doing research, so I just can appreciate that. When I went back and listened to it when I got older, I was like, okay, I do like this song. It wasn't like one of those songs you listen to and you're like, damn what the fuck was I thinking when I was younger. But, yeah, st louis, um, the song came out when the album came out.
Speaker 1:Country grammar, um june 27 2000, is track number two and for the most part it sets the sets the album off pretty right. Um and uh. The song is a tribute to nelly's hometown, st louis, missouri, and it talks about his eye, uh, hello, talks about his aspect of life in st louis, including the city, culture, the lifestyle and the struggles he faced by its residents, and it's a vivid portrayal of nelly's experience and observations of his hometown. It's a song celebrating his city while also acknowledging the challenges. Nelly also mentions his personalities from saint louis, like red fox and cedric the entertainer, and talks about his journey for being a part of his rap group, the saint louis ticks, and becoming a successful solo artist. Um, you know, it's crazy, I don't think I knew cedric the entertainer was from. Uh, saint louis, that's interesting. I don't know where I thought. Yeah, I don't think I knew cedric the entertainer was from. Uh, st louis, that's. That's interesting.
Speaker 1:I don't know where I thought yeah, I don't think I knew that um it makes sense though, because he was featured yeah, apparently he was on it. Oh well, you said that yeah. So yeah, he was on that, because he was on the intro right before st louis. So yeah, that's dope. Um uh, jee is the producer. Um tanaka, are you familiar with jee?
Speaker 1:yeah, that's um jay epperson, I think is his name. Um, was he just the in-house for for nelly? Yeah, got you. So it was released under for real, which is now dirty, and t, which is under universal. Um, yeah, man, like I said, it's just a real catchy. This is a real catchy song that like just it just screams 2000s and it screams st louis, because it's just a whole bunch of st louis references and all that type of stuff, which is interesting because I don't know and I'm this is my AR head going off right now but I would think that someone, someone in Sexy Red's camp will tell her that she should probably come out with like a St Louis song, since she's from st louis as well and she's like she's like the artist right now and like she's white hot. I would think that somebody would tell her that she should come out with the st louis song, kind of equivalent to st louis by nelly.
Speaker 1:Hell, maybe he can, maybe she can get nelly on it and have him sample, have her sample the song. But you know neither here nor there if you're looking for a song that has St Louis 2000s and makes Nelly be like a tour guide of St Louis from the past and just what St Louis got going on period make sure y'all hit up Nelly's. St Louis. But yeah, okay, so we can now reel it out, Tanaka, let's go back to this.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I was looking up, I was trying to see if I was trying to see if Nelly put that in the verses oh, okay, oh, so we're not reeling out yet.
Speaker 1:Okay. So what were we talking about? Oh, the St Louis, okay, oh. So we're not really now yet. Okay, so what were we talking about? Oh, the St Louis, yeah, who did he go against? Again. Ludacris, ludacris, yeah, and he did not. Yeah, I ain't gonna lie.
Speaker 3:He kind of got watched by Ludacris. But I mean it's tough because this is kind of like built for Ludacris, yeah, you know, and Nelly, like he got hits, but it's like I don't know. It's kind of hard to go against those bangers that like Ludacris got a lot of bangers. Yeah, and it's like intense and it's just like, just like going to like his concert. That's why, like a ludicrous concert is always gonna go crazy because he has so many different hits.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's like you know and they always gonna keep them on their feet too right, whereas nelly is like more.
Speaker 3:um, he had a lot of like, like ballads and then just like feel good records, but the intensity yeah.
Speaker 1:Unless you're going to play that fucking song he got with Fergie. I don't even remember the name of that song.
Speaker 3:I ain't going to lie. I used to fuck with that song, though.
Speaker 1:Me personally, though, is it Party People, party People. Oh, I don't remember who made the beat.
Speaker 3:I don't want um no, I was about to say about this cali record or this, this this, whoever the you all I see is ayo game. What they do, boy, is dj khaled. I got my black and red jordan retro sixes on. I'm all about getting money. I'm all about getting money, and that's all I've seen. Okay, so turn on the bed.
Speaker 1:Oh, we're going to bump it when we get in the car. Bottles and rocking chairs. Bottles and rocking chairs. Bottles and rocking chairs.
Speaker 2:Let me see Bitches ain't getting money. Bitches ain't getting money. Bitches ain't getting money. Bitches ain't getting money.
Speaker 1:Bitches ain't alright just a little anticipation of what you're in store for.
Speaker 3:For the album of the day. I'm going to go with the.
Speaker 1:Gift and the.
Speaker 3:Courage by Jay-Z. I actually very recently heard the whole album. I think that's the beauty of the streaming nowadays, because back in our day nowadays because back in our day, you know, we had to buy the CD to listen to the whole thing. But now we're able to revisit these albums and hear them in their entirety. Because, yeah, honestly, I didn't. I wasn't really up on hip-hop at the time. Like this is 2002, so I was still kind of discovering certain singles from hip-hop. I wasn't really listening to albums like that, but it was a double disc affair.
Speaker 3:You, 25 songs from Jay-Z, and I will say I can understand why people criticize this album because obviously it's too long. But I will say there are some hidden gems in here. You know what I'm saying, that I feel like you could vibe-suit. I'd like to double back Turn Up or just go back to when I had a conversation with Turn Up, when I was like because I've been revisiting Jay's catalog and I was like I didn't realize how much he used to talk about hoes and then you brought up big pimping and I don't think I ever really listened to the lyrics, or it was edited out so much with the clean version that I didn't really know what he was talking about, except for just the hook of like big pimping spinning g. But when I listen to that record I see what what you're talking about.
Speaker 3:That was probably as harsh as it could get, talking about a hoe, so yeah, so anyway, I just had to put that out there. So the Blueprint 2 is split as the gift and the curse, and I don't know if I could really tell you the differences between the two. I don't really feel like there's a stylistic difference between the two discs, but obviously on the first disc has the main singles of, excuse Me, miss, shout out DJ 20. Shout out 20. Oh, three bonnie by the watcher two and uh.
Speaker 1:So I was wrong. I thought this was only on the red album, not the re, not the game album, but the red blueprint joint oh're talking about 2.1?
Speaker 3:Yeah, got you. And then there was also Hoving Baby, which that was really a Just Blades kind of you know masterful production work. So obviously all those records I rock with, I like the opener, a Dream with Biggie and Faith Evans. I thought that was pretty dope. All Around the World with Latoya Williams is cool. You know one of those feel-good records, poppin' Tags with Big Boy Killer, mike and Twista. That was cool to see Jay-Z collaborate with, of like with Dungeon Family and kind of have that vibe, even though it was produced by Kanye West, but it had a real Dungeon Family kind of vibe. Yeah, the rest of the records, on that one that was cool, but nothing that really stood out to me. On the second disc he had a collaboration with MOP, nothing that really stood out to me. On the second, second disc, on the Curse, he had a collaboration with MOP for the you Don't Know remix and that's one of my favorite records I after with the first you Don't Know, but the remix I feel like it's crazy, just because just like he played the sample in the beginning, extended, and it's just like I like he played the sample in the beginning extended and it's just like I don't know something about that. And then just the way the beat comes in and mop comes in, of all people, the energy just goes crazy. I I'd, actually I would pay to see that live. You know what I'm saying because I feel like m people ripped edge on um.
Speaker 3:Blueprint two is a dope, dope record. Um, he kind of addresses some of the, some of the haters and and folks. I think there's some disses in that record. Um, and let me see somehow some way, beanie, beanie, sigel, scarface, you know that's one of those. We're going to make it through the struggle records Type shit. Pretty dope though, because you know, just blazed, I like the as One. So that was an Earth, wind, fire sample, I think. Fantasy, I think, is what they sample. Mara carry, no, no earth went in fire, oh, but it's basically a Rockefeller posse cut. So we've got Memphis bleep be, seagull freeway, young guns, pd, crack sparks and rail. So you, petey, crack Sparks and Rel. So you know, basically state property and Rockefeller combined, I guess, for the ignorant stuff like the Ninja Plays with Young Chris. You know that was an interesting record. You know that was basically just talking about these folks that be flexing, but not really about it and then, yeah, those were really the main joints I was rocking with, so it does make sense that.
Speaker 3:Jay dropped Blueprint 2.1, which was basically a more concise project that combined it, which was basically a more concise project that combined it. But yeah, man, overall, you know, obviously Jay has put out better work than this, but I feel like this is still a good project and it still has some gems on there. And, you know, I can't be mad at it because, like you know, I feel like especially how long of a career Jay's had, so him trying his shot at a double disc, I'm not mad at it. You know what I'm saying? Was this his only double disc? I'm not mad at it.
Speaker 1:Was this his only double disc?
Speaker 3:Yeah, he was like never again. Yeah, because I think he just realized how the value of One thing I respect about Jay he really musicality-wise, definitely pays attention.
Speaker 1:Right, I feel like the thing about Jay is that he feels I feel like, oh, I don't know, I've never heard, I haven't heard any of his like newer stuff. But I feel like he never like sounds outdated, right. Like even with blueprint, even with hello, even with blueprint three, because I've actually heard blueprint three all the way through and I was like, yeah, this is hell. Even watch the throne, like like just stuff, like'm like yeah.
Speaker 3:That's another thing is that. So critics were very divided with Blueprint 3. But I'm not going to lie, the musicality on that joint was like, look, you guys can hate it or whatever, and granted, there's some moments on there that I don't personally care for, but I would say overall it's a pretty solid project. You know what I'm saying? Um, like you said, that's one thing about jay he never really sounds dated. Even though he comes from the 90s, he's still putting out projects that sound up to date and are still playable within the time frame.
Speaker 3:I think that's a issue that a lot of artists have is that they tend to start to sound like their time period and they don't fit in with the new or figure out a way to incorporate their old style but in the new soundscape, right, you know, um? So I don't know. I'm going to. I'm going to give credit to his engineer, young guru, because I feel like young guru also plays a large role in making sure that he still sounds fresh in the music landscape. So Blueprint 2, give Him the Curse man, go ahead and check it out. Neptune's Timbaland, just Blaze.
Speaker 1:I see Charlemagne on here. This ain't the Charlamagne I'm thinking about, is it?
Speaker 3:Breakfast Club? No, no, no, charlamagne was a producer. I think he produced some stuff For Dipset. So yeah, he was just one of the One of those local New York producers that had some placements on Dipset projects and stuff and to circle back on the Blueprint 2.
Speaker 1:so I just went to Rap Genius because I heard that you said there are some little disses in there. So apparently, according to Rap Genius, that was like well and like I said, I've never heard this song or heard this album, but apparently, yeah, that was like the last diss record in between him and Nas. I don't know if he was dissing anybody else, but they were saying that this was like this was the last and this was. I guess this was him, just I guess him stating that this was the last and this was. I guess this was him, just I guess him stating that how could you pick Ether over the Takeover? Because the Takeover was stating facts and Ether was just not just sounding emotional, I guess. So, yeah, that was something I picked out of that.
Speaker 1:But so two questions with well, no, actually three that just came up with. So I feel like you already answered the first one, but so you feel like if he would have came out with the blueprint 2, and the blueprint 2 being the blueprint 2.1, it would have been a better album yeah, I mean I I feel like he still could even drop the double disc, but he probably had to cut, maybe like so there's 25 songs.
Speaker 3:I say he could have probably cut like eight of them and still had a you know, a good project if it was split like that. You know what I'm saying. But you know him trimming the 2.1, I think it was like 13 songs or something like that 17.
Speaker 1:No, my bad, my bad, I'm sorry. No, you're right. 12. Apparently they had a deluxe for the 2.1, which takes that to 17.
Speaker 3:yeah, um, I don't know. I just think that, um, yeah, I just, I just think that concise projects always are going to do a lot better. You know that concise projects always are gonna do a lot better. Just one of those things where you trim fat. You know, I'm not mad at it, though, you know, because I always feel like Jay doesn't have a bad ear. I feel like he always has a good ear for production.
Speaker 1:So I'm gonna have to check out this you Don't Know song because apparently, according to Wikipedia, you Don't Know was on Madden 2005. Oh yeah, Check that song out. Second question I guess if you were executive producing this album and you said like, you said like, look, we need to drop one of these, the Gift or the Curse, and we need to drop it separate, which one would have been?
Speaker 3:Blueprint 2?
Speaker 1:If it was just a one disc and you had to choose between the Gift or the Curse to drop as the Blueprint 2?.
Speaker 3:That's tricky.
Speaker 1:That's a good question. Um, which? Okay, I'll say this which one? Would you drop the gift for the curse and to make it, to make it even more interesting for the gifted curse? If you pick the gift for the curse, you pick the singles too.
Speaker 3:I'll break it down like this the gift is more so like the R&B and feel-good records, and I feel like the Curse is more so the intense and street stuff. Yeah.
Speaker 3:So it's kind of like I don't know, Because I feel like musically the first one, but that's more like feel-good stuff, and then if I want some bangers I would have to drop the first one. But that's more like feel good stuff and then if I want some bangers, like I would have to drop the second one right, that's that's how I kind of do them all right, um.
Speaker 1:So last question is a question. We asked for all the flippin albums. Have you heard all the of Jay-Z's albums? And if you have, from the ones if you have, where does this sit? And if you haven't, from the ones you have heard, where does the Blueprint 2 sit?
Speaker 3:I think I have heard them all now. I just recently listened to them all. Yeah, I would say this is more towards the bottom half of his um discography, just because I feel like jay's put out so much great music. So when I really put this in comparison to what he's put out, it's like I would put on the lower half well, okay, so, so.
Speaker 1:So here's the thing, right? I feel like jay-z doesn't really put out any bad albums, right? So? And I've been hearing you and Tonic talk about this album, right, and talking about how much fluff, as Big Steve would say, is on this album Right. So what would, if you were to choose an album, what album would be worse than this out of his discography? Because from the sounds of it, it sounds like this would be the bottom.
Speaker 3:Probably, probably, it'd probably be right around. I'd say Kingdom Come, I forgot about that album. I forgot about that album. Yeah, I forgot about that album. Jesus Christ, but yeah, like you said, he doesn't really put out too many bad projects. So I feel like Kingdom Come, I think, would be the bottom. Yeah, it'd be kind of a toss-up. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Like you said, you know, those in my lifetimes kind of get a little gray. Yeah, just because we have to listen to it from a different ear. You know, that kind of forces us to go back to what did the 90s sound like? You know what I mean. But even then, like I would say Volume 1 and Volume 3. I kind of enjoyed Volume 3. Volume 1, I could see what you were saying, though it's a little tough for me to listen to, because that's like a very 90s album and I don't know.
Speaker 3:It's interesting because I feel like we would be like, oh yeah, that's kind of whack, but back then they probably was like oh shit that shit kind of hard. You know what I'm saying right, makes sense.
Speaker 1:Okay, alright, well, cool um oh, I forgot about that. I forgot about Kingdom Come. Boy um was Lost. On forgot about Kingdom Come boy Was. Lost Ones on Kingdom Come. Yeah, I fuck with Lost Ones, lost Ones.
Speaker 3:No, don't get me wrong. Kingdom Come had its joints.
Speaker 1:Well, okay. So here's the thing, right, when people say at the bottom, they think that it's just a shit album, that's not what I mean, obviously.
Speaker 3:If you got to choose from all these elite-ass albums, something's got to be at the bottom regardless, like the delinquents Hell, we might all be elite DJs.
Speaker 1:One of us got to be at the bottom though. So you know, it is what it is, and I did fuck with that song he had I think he was talking about Katrina Minority Report with Ne-Yo. I fucked with that song. I did fuck with that song but anyway I don't know, neither here nor there.
Speaker 1:Uh, trying to think was there anything else I have to say about this? Uh, no, that was it. Uh, so, dj talk. Uh, I had had a question and I think I got this off of Instagram video. But tonight I got a question for you how big does a mashup or a mix have to be for you to use it? That's not yours. What do you mean by that? That's not yours. What do you mean by that? Like, how popular does the mix have to be for you to be, for you to be like?
Speaker 3:oh, I should probably add this to my playlist like I would use it in a party or wherever. How popular, so my bad. Give me an example.
Speaker 1:I'm Beyonce, beyonce, cuff it, twist a wetter swag sir swag surfing finito. Oh, I mean obviously, do you? Know, like mix or mashup that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:I don't really use other people's because I'm trying, so you've never.
Speaker 1:So you've never played the beyonce and no I would say that's the only mashup but that's what I'm saying, though. How big does a, does a mashup or mix need to be for you to be like okay, I need to add this to my playlist, because I don't know?
Speaker 3:oh, I just thought that was some tiktok joint, you know I mean, it's still a mashup, isn't it?
Speaker 1:yeah, I guess I mean, and I'm pretty sure somebody made it right, and if it wasn't as big, you're not gonna be like, oh, you're gonna be, like oh, hell, no, I'm take it.
Speaker 3:I feel like that's the only mashup I've played, though.
Speaker 1:I mean, okay, so that should be an easy answer for you. So how big does a song have to be?
Speaker 3:How big does a mashup have to be for you to? I'm trying to think of how I even found out about that mashup.
Speaker 1:I ain't going to lie Me too. I feel like it was social media, but I don't know, I guess I just have to really effort it yeah, but I mean I'm pretty sure there are other mixes. You fuck with that. You're like, oh, that's a dope mix, but are you gonna take it and use it in your playlist? In your mixing DJ ability, I guess, I guess.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I guess I did take one. I don't know how popular it was.
Speaker 1:Wait, are you about to say the Jay-Z, magna Carter shit, or did you make that yourself? The Bonfire shit.
Speaker 3:Oh, Is that a mashup? Though it's not a mashup. I was going to say a mashup or a mix.
Speaker 1:It's a mix, mashup or mix Still.
Speaker 3:No, I was going to say the Lux Styles Pete. I get high on and then switching the beat.
Speaker 1:I got five on. Oh, I thought you were going to say Afro man. I got five on it. Oh, I thought you were going to say Afro man, because I got higher.
Speaker 3:No, no, I got five on it. I ain't going to lie, that's your own. It's cold. That makes it exciting. That's hard.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's one, so okay. So it doesn't have to be big, it just has to be. I just had to like it. You would have to like it a lot for you to, yeah, and you thought that joint was so cold that you was like god damn, the.
Speaker 3:Styles P joint was crazy, that joint do you? Remember who made it? Yeah, technician he. Um, that's why I was saying how like the concert dj. You know I'm saying how crucial that is because, like I said, those mixes, if you're gonna drop a different instrumental, like, it has to like, really like. And I don't know if the ones that he did with the young guns, I, they didn't really like, blow away.
Speaker 1:You know what?
Speaker 3:I'm saying but when I heard that Styles' pedo and when he dropped that mix, I was like, oh my god, I was like, damn that shit, go crazy. Yeah, the live performances made it like 10 times better. You know what I'm saying? Um, that's why a technician, dj technician like I respect him a lot, bro, because he's not the best scratcher, but his scratch, the scratching he does do, is extremely clean you know what I'm saying so.
Speaker 3:It's more so like he just knows the basics very well, right, and so when he's scratching and he's dropping, like it's just coming in, like perfectly, you know, and I think that's also a thing where it's like less is more. You know what I'm saying. He doesn't have to do all that fancy. He's going to scratch and do what he needs to do and it's going to come in on time. It's going to be crisp with the cuts, all that. But yeah, that mixing, though, was Because that's what they were saying about the verses, that he was the MVP, because he was helping to challenge them. Like all right, if Dipset plays this, what are we going to hit him with? You know what I mean? And just game planning and all that. And then, just being that he has that DJ here, he's going to attack it with tempo.
Speaker 3:Like all right, you come with this tempo we got to hit him with some xyz, you know right, and I think that's something that us, as djs, we don't even realize is that, like artists are not able to really, you know, they just make the music, so they're not able to pick up on like what we be picking up as far as like tempo and like intensity and like matching energy and stuff like that. Like they're not able to not every artist, of course, but that's where we had that dj here, where we just, you know right, makes sense. But yeah, to go back to your mashup thing, I just had to really like the mix, um, because I don't know, I've somebody suggested a mashup to me, like for the slow set, and I'm just like don't, don't do it because I'd be like and like to create my own stuff, right, you know. So I was just like, yeah, that's cool, but I don't know, I don't know if I want to take the time to download this, and you know what I'm saying, have it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I ain't going to lie. That's one thing about me. Don't ask me to make no mashup. Don't ask me to make no mashup because I'm not going to lie. It's been a minute since I've taken a mashup. And because I ain't going to lie, I've taken a couple mashups, but I've just I don't know, we're not even mashup. It's been more mixes than anything. Um. I remember I took the um. I won't say he made it, but I'll say this is the first person I ever heard do it. It was um, the um his name was uh his name was DJ Red.
Speaker 1:he used to do the, the DJ Red Live. I think DJ Red Live or it was my homeboy, dj Youngsta I don't remember who did it first, but I feel like it was that era. They were the first person I ever heard do the. Bust it Wide Open into the Bring it Back.
Speaker 1:And that joint used to have the parties going stupid, like, stupid, like the girls would be going nuts when that joint would come on um. I remember hearing a mix on um. I remember hearing a mix on the radio and I remember, I take, I took it. It was uh, uh, esther Dean's, uh, esther Dean's, drop it Low into Back that Ass Up. And it was the part it was the little one, it was the remix, though it was the part with Lil Wayne where he was like, if your ass too big, I'll make you back that ass up. And then, like he loops it into Back that Ass Up and then like he's playing Back that Ass Up, like he's playing the whole verse, but you're not even thinking about the song, but the loop is still playing in the background. So once the chords are coming back on, girl, you look good. Why don't you back that ass up? You, a fine motherfucker, why don't you back that ass up? Call me big daddy. When you back that ass up, I was like bro, that is cold, I need this now.
Speaker 3:That's crazy, as you mentioned, that, that john jett. Remind me of dj school. That why they had told us to make a mix and that drop it loads on the records bastardine interesting bro they had such a. It was an interesting like they had put that betty white song tonight. That's hard, I would have fun with that. Yeah, white song Tonight is the night.
Speaker 1:That's hard. I would have had fun with that.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I was like yeah, I'm like, but obviously I'm not the DJ I was back then because I was lost. I was like man, how am I going to put all this together?
Speaker 1:That's funny. Yeah, I think that's about it. I ain't going to lie. I did think about taking that about it. I ain't gonna lie. I did think about taking that. I did think about take. I forgot who I heard this from. Actually, I don't think I know what dj I took this from, but it was a mix they did um with. Uh, that tyler, lose my breath into destiny's child, lose my breath. Well, I mean it's called water. I mean the water song where she said lose my breath. Maybe he won and I was I was thinking about.
Speaker 3:I was like I don't want to take that.
Speaker 1:I don't take that, but um, yeah, I feel like I'm like you. I feel like I just really have to like it for me to be like damn, like I need to add this to my list, but like, if folks are asking me to make a mix, I'm not doing that right, unless you're paying me then I'll do it and then I'll give it to you, and then that'd be that, but yeah, I don't.
Speaker 1:But, uh, yeah, man, um, that's dj talk, uh, so for our scheduling, like I said, all my schedules on my instagram. So if you want to follow me on instagram, my schedule is on there, follow me, dj, turn up t T-U-U-R-N-U-U-P. My whole schedule, my whole August schedule's on there, so go ahead. And yeah, man, check that out. Tanaka, where you at Tanaka is on the 15th, by the way. Yeah, I was just about to say okay, yeah, I just muted the mic, so yeah tonight I'm gonna be at metro diner um.
Speaker 3:Tomorrow I'll be at the marquise lounge from 10 pm to 2 am and saturday I'm gonna be at cascade east for family session from 1 to 6. Saturday I'm gonna be at Cascade East for family session from 1 to 6. Then I'll be at Sofa Sunday on the 18th, and I'll be at Metro Donner on Tuesday, the 20th, and then I have Delinquent Thursday's college night at Cascade East on the 22nd. Shout out to Delinquent Thursday and theth. I'll be at the Glide all day from 2 to 11. Shout out to Shout out to Glide. Then, the 25th Sunday, I'll be at Sparkle's one day.
Speaker 1:Make sure you all tap in. Ladies and gentlemen, that was the TNT Podcast. Dj Turnup, dj Tanaka. I hope everybody's having a great August. So far, we are halfway there and we'll see y'all folks in September. Thank you, outro Music.