The TNT Podcast
The TNT Podcast
The Best of DJ Talk Vol.1
THE BEST OF DJ TALK PART 1!! Ever wondered if dating another DJ is harmony or chaos? Join Tanaka and me as we dive into DJ relationships, from synchronized schedules to debunking the promiscuous DJ myth. We share personal stories about solitary nights and pre-gig rituals, offering a glimpse into the DJ world. & SO MUCH MORE!!
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I don't know, this one might be brief. This one might be brief as well. Tanaka, I got a question for you. Would you date another DJ?
Speaker 3:Why, or why not, would I date another DJ? I mean, I feel like that could be cool. Yeah, that would be cool, I would date another DJ. I've actually witnessed that, like one of the teachers, that, yeah, one of the teachers that Saw me, like I come to find out, like, oh, the girl that you know they, they both djs, um, and they're both asian. So, yeah, right, you know, um, it's a side note, do you remember don Donis the rapper?
Speaker 2:Vaguely Okay.
Speaker 3:Anyway, he was from Atlanta.
Speaker 2:Was he one of the XXL freshmen? Okay, yeah.
Speaker 3:He was from Atlanta and I guess he went to school with a DJ that I spoke about or whatever. Right, and I actually met Donis in person because he came to my college and performed, yeah okay, so that's where I hear. I had got a job from him for my radio show at the time. But yeah, would I date another DJ? I feel like that would be a cool joint. You know, just because you guys kind of understand what each other does, in a sense Sharing that love of music. Obviously yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the only I would say I would honestly, I mean because I don't see an issue with it. I saw this question and I just thought it was interesting. I saw this question and I just thought it was interesting, but I would say, depending on how busy each other are, I feel like it'd be hard to see each other. Yeah Well, I mean, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I feel like I mean, we're both doing clubs and I guess we'd both be coming at the same time, and also there could be a situation where you just constantly are seeing you're like just constantly seeing this, seeing this person like y'all are doing the same gigs and that might be a little like all right like I don't have no time to myself yeah, I see all the time like that shit is I don't know. But other than that I really don't see any other uh cons to that. I mean if y'all know of any other cons to dating another dj like I, please let us know, because I don't know any. But those are only two I could think of yeah.
Speaker 1:I hate it.
Speaker 2:Just to reel it out real quick, right? The perception that all DJs are hoes your thoughts.
Speaker 3:All DJs are not hoes period, but I can understand that perception that people have of us. I mean, for one, we are out at quite odd times, we are amongst people that are intoxicated and don't have the clearest of judgment. Yeah, so I guess we're in pretty extreme settings, I guess.
Speaker 3:To say the least In terms of relationships with. You know individuals and we see a lot of things. Definitely, you know and we see a lot of things, so you know. It's crazy, though, because I definitely saw like it's TikTok talking about like DJs, another basically coming home to a lonely bed with like just looking up new music, going to sleep and going to the club again. Like that's like yes.
Speaker 2:That's it.
Speaker 3:And then you know, the comments were just like yeah, all these different DJs are like another night just all alone and having to go DJ another party the next day With all these happy people. Right, do not say that you're about to leave and expect me to push up your record. Yeah, we gotta address this, bro.
Speaker 2:We gotta address it. I'm glad you put it on the table. Address this, bro, we gotta address it.
Speaker 3:We gotta address it. I'm glad you put it on the table. Turn up, bro. All right, you talk about pet peeves, bro. Now I see you know how you start to develop that.
Speaker 2:Bro, I see red bro, I ain't gonna lie.
Speaker 3:Because it's like. Bro, do not tell me like, oh, I'm about to leave, Can you play the record Like, Like, that's not helping the situation, bro.
Speaker 2:That's not helping. I'm not helping your situation at all.
Speaker 3:That doesn't make me want to play it anymore.
Speaker 2:I'm already, like you know, in the middle of, you know, doing my job. You know that's a thing.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and you over here want to. Anyway, I just had to get that off my chest because that joint has really been a pet peeve of mine. When people were talking about Dave like that almost made me be like no request, you know like right?
Speaker 2:no, I know it's understandable, bro, because that shit is like whatever, like I didn't, like I didn't ask, like I didn't ask, like that wasn't a thought in my head to ask you like, oh, are you leaving? Oh, okay, are you leaving?
Speaker 3:And especially since folk don't even be like throwing no money, like it's almost like they acting like they done, paid you some money or something. Right, you know, like Right Now, if you done that, then you paid you some money or something.
Speaker 2:Right, you know, like Right Now, if you done that, then you know that's another story. Right, like I mean, at that point I would have already done, played shit. But yeah. Nah, that's Nah, you Nah.
Speaker 3:Nah, all right, but turn over. Yeah, what did you have to?
Speaker 2:All right, but what did you have to? Oh bro, that was it. You hit that shit on the head. That was the topic.
Speaker 3:That was it. That was the topic. Oh, okay, bro, because I just Bro, that was the topic.
Speaker 2:That's why I was like bro, you hit that shit.
Speaker 3:That joint was sizzling in my spirit, bro. That did not settle well, bro, bro, I believe it. It's just Like. It's just like they, yeah, they, they gotta, y'all, gotta, y'all gotta settle the fuck down for real. Bro, you know no cap, no kizzy, but um so, you do.
Speaker 2:You do a lot of different events and um, yeah, you do a lot of different events and stuff like that. So, with the events that you do, are there some hidden gems music wise that you have found out through these events? For example, I do. Well, we both do a lot of skating rinks. Now, are there any songs that you got through the skating rink, or I don't know? You go, you go to new york and do a lot of events there in new york. Are there some gems that you may have heard or do you have gotten from doing events out in new york or anything like that?
Speaker 3:um what? Are some hidden gems that you've gotten from certain events just from dj and just period that I learned about, um, and you're talking. You're talking as far as, like, they contact you, uh, they contact you before the event and they're like, yeah, could you play like just 50 songs in your mix, type of thing or it could be, or it could be a situation where, um, not even necessarily you being having a DJ, you just you oh, just being in the culture, just listening around and somebody playing.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you could be in the culture.
Speaker 2:Like okay, like, like, how, like, how you come to Smyrna with me sometimes and there may be a song like oh, shit, like, but you're a part of it because you DJ it. So, like shit like that, nah, definitely um, I say from new york.
Speaker 3:Really, the culture that they taught me was the whole get light. You know I'm saying the um, that get light sound. You know I'm talking about right, yeah, so, um, you know, going to going to school in new y, I encountered obviously a lot of New Yorkers, and this wasn't even at a party though uh, come to think of it but it was just really just talking to them and we just, you know, hanging out or whatever in the dorm and stuff like that, and they talk about like different dances and stuff, and they just started going off just having fun, and so I learned about that and they, you know, because they will reflect on like high school days and like what they used to do and I was just like dang, that's like a whole different culture, you know what I mean. So, like at lunchtime they used to like be having dance-offs and stuff.
Speaker 3:So that's how I got in soon with like the get light culture, cause really that joint was like maybe two, three years or like you know it was. It was kind of a short span, you know, within New York. So if you weren't there, you know, like you couldn't, you know you didn't really know about it. You know what I'm saying. Like that's one of those you know kind of uh flashing the pans flashing the pans, you know, and um.
Speaker 3:So I would say there's a handful of get light records that I learned from them. Um, that was by, like dj web star. That wasn't chicken noodle soup, you know. I'm saying that was like some little more so I was gonna only the only get like joints.
Speaker 2:I know of chicken noodle soup and uh Jackie.
Speaker 3:Yeah, right, right, right and that, and that's crazy too. It's like like a record, like on Jackie, like do you even, you know, remember the artists?
Speaker 3:You know, what I'm saying yeah, now that's what I'm saying is like remember the song but we don't even remember the artist, so to speak. You know, I say I say from like being in the south, I've learned about candy liquor and, uh, mr clarence carter, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, being in the south, those, those records I learned about because I had no idea about that. You know what I mean, but it was on the list as far as records that they wanted to hear. You know what I mean, and so that enlightened me on that. I'm trying to think what else? I guess Latin music. You know what I'm saying Because I literally knew about one album. So let, uh, this reggaeton artist had did like a joint venture with rockefeller and that was kind of like this was when rockefeller was falling apart, you know, sadly enough, but jay-z was basically finna, open up like a new subdivision called rock love familiar, and it was finna be like a handful of reggaeton artists.
Speaker 3:So this was like a compilation album and that was like my only introduction really to reggaeton, you know, aside from daddy yankee. You know, like being on all the charts and stuff right but um so I didn't know much about latin music and I knew about this uh singer called frankie j. Do you, are you familiar?
Speaker 2:is that the one that got the song with baby bass, sugar, sugar?
Speaker 3:exactly, exactly. And he had that record called uhession. That was pretty big, but I didn't realize that that was kind of a regional thing. Being on the West Coast and he's.
Speaker 1:Mexican.
Speaker 3:I believe he's Mexican. That's why that was so huge. I come to the East Coast. They don't know shit about it, but they play the same record, but it's by a different it like it's like by a group you know what I'm saying? Like a latin group. I'm like, oh, this is not the.
Speaker 3:You know, I'm saying like, this is not the version that I know and now it was final, like it was. It was the same thing, but it was all in spanish, so I was like, oh, like did. Did I hear like a version like they stole, or?
Speaker 1:you know what I mean.
Speaker 3:Like the americanized version and this is like the real joint, you know. So I went to a latin party and then, like, just hearing that music, it was like that taught me so much, you know.
Speaker 3:So that's where I learned about like bachata and merengue and salsa and like all that other different styles of Latin music that I had no idea about, because, being on the West Coast, kibiji, like it was only you know, salvadorians and Mexicans, you know that I really encountered, whereas when I came to the East Coast it was like Puerto Ricans, dominicans, cubans, colombians, like just a whole you know different blend of Caribbean culture. That I never you know, fully been introduced to, so through that I learned a whole bunch of.
Speaker 3:Latin records and stuff. Um, yeah, that's the main ones that I could think. I learned a whole bunch of Latin records and stuff. Yeah, that's the main ones that I could think of off top. And then, of course, dancehall. You know, dancehall, I got introduced to that too, you know, creating me friends and stuff.
Speaker 2:So I know you're still fairly fresh and new to the skate community.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 2:Any gems? You get there yet.
Speaker 3:Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean um, you know, obviously, we, we I feel like we've talked about it. The usher tell me record, so you know that. That. Um see, the crazy thing is I heard that album in 2016 and you just kind of skipped over and I didn't. Yeah, I didn't even think yeah, didn't think much of it or just like I don't know my kind of view of that album as a whole.
Speaker 3:Like was just kind of like, yeah, like I don't know where usher's at with it, right, you know what I mean. But um, yeah, when I seen what that obviously all the skaters love that record, it is pretty crazy. Though. Turn Up, bro, like seeing, like cause you know, just to put things in perspective. You know for the people like DJing in a skating rink is completely different from DJing in like a club or like you know what I mean. Like there's certain records that you wouldn't expect would go off in the ring compared.
Speaker 2:You know that but that I mean, but that in a sense, that's in, that's in any event. I mean there's certain, there's only there's certain spots you would only play. I mean there's only certain songs you would play only at a strip club right, right, right, or you would only play I don't know for a wedding exactly. So I mean Exactly, it's all they all have their different pros and cons.
Speaker 3:Yeah, no, definitely. But I mean, tell Me About Us. That's the first one that really comes to mind that I kind of learned about. I mean, masego Tadal, of course, goes crazy, but that was already a record I knew about, you know, prior to the rink, you know. So, record I knew about, you know, prior to the rink, you know. So I feel like I would have eventually tried it anyway. Right, you know. But yeah, I'm trying to think if there's any, any other joints. Um, I mean, I knew about jizzy bottles up.
Speaker 2:I didn't know it would go that crazy though in the rink so let me ask you that, because I was definitely going to bring it up. If you didn't, how did you feel about that record? Uh before the uh. Before we, we knew what it could do in the skating rink.
Speaker 3:I thought it was cool you know what I'm saying but it wasn't something that I was like, oh, dang that.
Speaker 2:You was overly crazy for it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I didn't think. I thought it was a cool single by Jeezy, but I didn't. I could see it having moderate success or whatever, but I didn't, you know like I could see it, you know, having moderate success or whatever, but I didn't see it as like a smash, like like him and diddy hit it out the park.
Speaker 2:You know, playing in the skating rink, bro, you would think that's like the anthem. Yeah, exactly so I'm surprised I ain't gonna lie bro I'm surprised that, no, that nobody in the skating world has booked Jeezy to just perform that song Facts. I feel like they would go crazy over that, yeah that would be.
Speaker 3:Do you think Jeezy knows about that?
Speaker 2:I doubt it. I feel like that's so beneath him. He doesn't even. Yeah, I don't even think he pays attention to that shit.
Speaker 3:But not pay attention. He probably just doesn't know about it. Yeah, yeah, so yeah, nah, that's a fact. What about you, turner? What are some records that you?
Speaker 1:Let me think.
Speaker 2:So I know, I know, when I used to work at, uh, rumors, uh, when I first really got into I'll, I'll, I'll just say that was really when I got my feet wet in the strip club, in the strip club stuff, because I was at goosebumps, yes, but goosebumps it wasn't really nothing going on and I was just kind of doing whatever, right, uh. But when I got to rumors, um, I was doing their day shift so I had to play a lot of different music and there was some, there were some different, there was some different kind of folks white folks, mexicans, all that stuff that would come in and they would ask for the certain song. And this is, it's actually a song. I probably would never play it, but I remember playing it and I was, wow, this song is actually pretty catchy. It's a country song. I think it's a country song, I don't know. It's one of them blends. We've been talking about that all night.
Speaker 2:It's a song called At the Bar by this guy named Rehab or is it like a group named Rehab and I thought that song was pretty catchy, right, I'm trying rehab and I thought that's. I thought that song was pretty catchy, right? Um, trying to think anything else. Have I learned anything else in the strip club? Okay, so there was this. Um, I learned a lot of when it comes to the strip club.
Speaker 2:I learned a lot of old down south music from the strip club like uh I didn't really, I was never really into ugk right I was never really into do or die.
Speaker 3:I was never really into eight ball mjg you saw what it did in the strip club, though and apparently nuts over it right, little john a lot of little john uh the blow like I know the blow.
Speaker 2:For some reason they love that song bro, you be playing that yeah they, they fuck with that song I didn't know that's, that's like something.
Speaker 3:That like, because my roommate you know what I'm saying he put me, he I didn't really know about crunk juice, for real, you know, I'm saying, but like, being that he lived in atlanta, like when that dropped, bro, he was like he's like bro, this was like this album was huge, like this was being bumped everywhere and like he always talks about the blow, like that was one of his favorite records. And, bro, when I and this was also during a period of time in which I didn't quite understand this thing called bass and so I didn't quite, you know, with my little headphones I didn't quite appreciate these records because I didn't know how hard they hit. Bro, if we go into Turner's whip right now with them, I don't know what you're talking about, bro, he's shaking the block. Now I'm playing the blow. Yeah, like that John Phenomenon song is stupid, you know so. Anyway, the more I learned about music and you know, and realized I needed to have the proper system to appreciate these records, right, you know, yeah, so, anyway, I'm just surprised that you played the blow.
Speaker 2:Yeah, nah, it's a couple records from the strip club, but I mean, I feel like all of them were more singles, like UGK, let Me See it, look At Me, what's some other shit? Um, it's, it's a. Well, this is a song that I relearned. I remember my uncle. I remember my uncle used to play it a lot by a ball mjg. The song called forever with him and look with him and lloyd, oh yeah, I used to. I used to just remember hearing him play it. Yeah and um.
Speaker 2:But like I remember someone played and I was like, wow, I've heard this song before, right and all that stuff and um. And then there's this other song from the strip club called a money machine. It's more recent, I forget. I think the dude's name is swift or something. They fuck with that song really hard and what's crazy about it is I don't think they play that song anywhere else by the strip club. And what's funny about that is that there's another song that you know and you love that is only playing in the strip club and sometimes, sometimes I play it in the skating rink and it's like oh, I'm assuming you know what song I'm talking about.
Speaker 3:When I seen this clip on stone mountain skates page they had a reel of this skater, you know, I'm saying uh, you know doing tricks or whatever, and I heard this song in the back. I was like yo. And then I look into the description turn up the dj. I said. But turn up what?
Speaker 1:is this?
Speaker 3:what is this record, bro? This is the hardest hill, bro like telling you bro, like going to different places.
Speaker 2:Bro, you just learn records bro I don't think I ever heard that song anywhere else the club yeah, anywhere, because I've never heard on radio.
Speaker 3:You know what I mean.
Speaker 2:Like to this day I still don't hear this. I still don't hear him on the radio. But for the people that don't know what song I'm talking about, there's a song by this other guy 21, not savage but it's his little homie, his name little harold, 21 little harold. He has a song called freak ho and he's sampling. What is that?
Speaker 3:freaky tales yeah, I believe freaky tales, freaks and bruh.
Speaker 2:They fuck with that song hard. Which is even funnier, they they fuck with the song at wax as well. And for the people that don't know, in the first verse he's talking about how wax got the ugly bitches like he's talking about. He's talking about all the different clubs. Magic got the nasty bitches, the lord got the classy bitches, wax got the ugly bitches.
Speaker 3:I still fuck them bitches and he'll play and like they'll still play it in wax and the girls will still go crazy, which is funny and so, oh, just to just to clarify so when you say they go crazy for this, you're talking about the strippers, right, or are you anybody like? Just anybody, anybody, everybody. Okay, yeah, gosh, just wanted to.
Speaker 2:I will say it probably is more the strippers, but I mean, once the strippers go crazy, the customers go crazy too. So I mean, it may just be the strippers, I don't know thanks, but um trying to think, are there any other uh songs I've learned from strip club before I move on I will say I learned about the bike and shuffle from doing parties.
Speaker 3:I didn't know about that record. I I didn't know about that record before.
Speaker 2:I still don't know about that record. So there you go, um, alright, so I can't think of nothing, so I'ma just go ahead and move on to the skating world. Cause, bruh, when I tell you there are so many gems, bro, so many gems that I've learned from the skating world, let's just start from the top. So there's this song, there's this song, um, this song by neo and fabulous called crazy love. You ever heard of that?
Speaker 3:I feel like I heard it. That's off the red project no, that's off.
Speaker 2:I think it's all libra oh, it's on libra.
Speaker 3:Okay, okay, I think it is okay, never mind, yeah, I think it is.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, the skaters love that r&b vibe song. Yeah, they love that song. Um, there's a song by tony braxton called long as I live. Have you ever heard that song? I have never heard the song before.
Speaker 3:That was because I I think I heard that smyrna when you when I played it. It may be you or somebody. I'm pretty sure it was you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I'm pretty sure, yeah, long as I live. That was another banger, um, that I heard that they love uh, that I got from the skate world. I'm trying to think, but there's a whole bunch of them and I just can't think about it because I just put myself on the spot.
Speaker 3:Doesn't Guapule have a record? Who Guapule?
Speaker 2:Closer.
Speaker 3:Is that it?
Speaker 2:Well, if it is, I think I heard that song before I got into the Skate World. Oh, you did.
Speaker 3:Yeah, Okay okay, no, no no, not closer, it was a different record, like Honey, milk and Honey. Yes, yes, yes yes.
Speaker 2:Milk and Honey that's probably like number one Boogie Tonight tweet Spending Money. R Kelly, get More Money Than you oh dang speaking of.
Speaker 3:R of that leg shaking. I didn't, I knew, I knew, I knew that song. I just didn't realize how crazy it would go see here.
Speaker 2:And here's the thing for all my non-skaters listening to us for some reason, in the atlanta coach, atlanta skate culture, random songs will be popping and it'll be like four, five, six, seven, eight years old, right? For example, the Atlanta ride culture has for some reason made ride swerve relevant again. That song came out in like 2005 thing, like 2005, 2006. So I remember hearing that song when I first got out here, I believe. So I mean, yeah, hell, if we're going to the Atlanta Riders Party Hard Apparently. That song old as shit too. I ain't never heard that song a day in my life, I ain't never heard that either.
Speaker 2:bro, Never heard that song before.
Speaker 3:Scatty Ring put me on that. That either.
Speaker 2:Never heard of that song before, never heard of that song. But, um, I'm trying to think what's some other, what's some other gems that I've heard from that I've gotten from the skate world? Oh, that, uh, I don't know if I got dang from the skate world, but I want to say I did. I want to say I did. If not, I got that from rap genius. I don't know, it's from one of them, but, um, yeah, man, it's just, it's hella gems, it's hella gems that I've gotten from um the skate world. You know what? I'm gonna just end off with this, because there's a lot, there's a hell, there's hella more. You know what? No, I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to say that one for the last one, but um, slow sets for slow sets.
Speaker 2:Uh, to Dow, of course. Um, tell me, of course, foreplay. Never heard that one before. Um, oh, um, and I don't. Honestly, I don't really know if this song is really popping or not, but I heard this song by Rihanna called. Yeah, I Said it. You ever heard that song before? No, I don't think I have yeah me neither, but apparently I remember I got that song from there.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Something in my Heart by Michelle A. I've heard of the song, but the only reason why I heard the song was because it was a thing in the band that we did called Fan Fairs, which meant that only one instrument is playing by themselves, and this was a trombone fanfare that they would play. It's called Something in my Heart. But oh, rehab, um, oh, rehab, rehab. I learned through the skate world. Uh, those are some gems. I learned from the skate world I'm gonna end off with this.
Speaker 2:So I'm doing, um, I'm doing sparkles gurnett adult oh man, I'm mad that I don't remember his name, but I was DJing with one of the DJs and he was playing this African song and I was like bro, what is the name of this song, bro? And he was like oh. And then he told me, and then I ended up playing it. I ended up playing it again. No, I ended up playing it. I ended up playing it again. No, I ended up playing it at Gold Rush. I remember I played it at Gold Rush and then one of the girls was literally running full speed to the DJ booth Yo, what is the name of that song?
Speaker 2:So I told her the name of the song. Long story short, that song ended up being Essence and I remember I ended up telling him uh, telling Tanaka about it, and I had a letter. I was like bro why have I never heard this song before?
Speaker 3:and so yeah, man breaking records in the streets. Bro in the streets if anything, that's him.
Speaker 2:I really wish I could remember his name. But shout out to bro, I don't remember his name. But yeah, y'all, some gems you've gotten from different areas. You've been around that you probably would never have heard if you weren't in there. Go ahead, let us know about that. The sync button you with it, or are you against it?
Speaker 3:The sync button. You with it or are you against it? The sync button Yo the heavily debated sync button. Nah, that's for all those listening and don't really know about DJ Talk.
Speaker 3:This is actually kind of a serious thing, this is like new generation versus old generation and I'm not gonna cap, I don't really F with the sing button, like keep it G. You hear me. I don't know if that's a bad thing. You know what I'm saying, but yeah, for me at least, I don't use the sing button, but I know plenty of DJs that do. Would I use it Maybe? But I think I was kind of brainwashed by one of my DJ friends who was like you know, like oh no, don't be using the sync button. You're not a real DJ, that's a chump.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you're not a real DJ if you use the sync button. So, yeah, for me at least. I don't really use it, you know.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's just how I move. So, and I hate to be wishy-washy about it, but I will use it on occasions if I absolutely positively need to.
Speaker 2:If it's a situation where, oh, shit, I forgot to change it to something reasonable sync. Like that's what you got to do. Like, bro, the transition is in dire need to do something else. So, like, if I need to use that sync button, boom it's right there. I'm going to use that sing button, boom, it's right there and I'm gonna use it. Like, why would you? I feel like, why would you limit yourself to to like, and if you fuck up like I don't know, I feel like it's better for you to just use the sing button rather than you just bringing the song back and then you.
Speaker 2:Now you really sound like you fucked up right right and I don't know right it's a lot. It's a lot and it's like all right, like I don't know. So like if I need to, I will use it, but like I don't know. I kind of feel like that just because I feel like. I feel like older djs kind of try to brainwash, because it's like I feel like they say. It felt the same way when we started connecting the computers to turntables like they were probably like why do you need a?
Speaker 2:computer like right, right, oh shit, that's moving with the times. Man, it's just what it is. But I don't know like I feel, like I feel like 10 years from now there's gonna be some DJs talking about the scratch button like are you with it or against it? And I'm totally against that. Yeah, I'm like bro, if you're not a scratch, don't do it like that button joint is bro?
Speaker 3:no, that's definitely. I see what you're saying, though, um, because, truly told, like, I'm an advocate though for, like you know, new technology and all that because, like, let's keep it g, like any dj or any person you know should be, I mean I I feel like it's it's cool to be versatile you know what I and be able to do it on you know the old school stuff and all that. But I also do think it's important to keep up with the times and like whatever new technology you know to be able to use it and to be adaptable, Right.
Speaker 3:So I'm not totally it's not like I'm totally against the sync button. That's just how I learned. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 4:That's very true. You know what?
Speaker 3:I'm saying it's just like not using it. You know what I mean, but do I look down on other DJs that use the sync button? Yes, nah, not really, I mean.
Speaker 2:Not really, not really. You know what I'm saying, not really.
Speaker 3:I may just like, you know, like, oh he's a singer, but not really, but it's not, you know, it's not like.
Speaker 1:But that's like that's like am I gonna die?
Speaker 2:not really like like, like bro, come on, bro, you know, you gotta explain that, you know not really nah, it's just like.
Speaker 3:I wouldn't say like ever so slightly I hate that person, or dislike them like oh, they're a terrible DJ, you know, but I'm like you know, it's just like oh, come on, nah dawg.
Speaker 1:Come on, bro, come on, nah dawg, go ahead and bring that in, bro you be like but nah, I don't knock nobody.
Speaker 3:Like for folk that just use it every now and then, like that's cool. You know what I'm saying. But, like I will say, it does get a little like for folks that use it all the time.
Speaker 2:You know, it's just like my dang bro I was gonna say, bro, because you know your favorite classmate be using it, uh, every saturday morning I mean he ain't got no choice.
Speaker 3:he ain't got no choice, he ain't got no board to utilize.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because he don't want to pay that $20 a month.
Speaker 3:Yeah, man, I'm just yeah, I don't know, to me it's more so just like playing it safe. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:Right, but that's what I'm saying. I feel like you should be able to use the sync button whenever you want to, because at the end of the day, the sync button won't always save you. It'll actually fuck you up some more if you're not paying attention. Right, right, so I feel like you're just gambling at that point. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:No, I hear that. I will say that too. Is that because I haven't?
Speaker 2:used the sync button extensively.
Speaker 3:I'm a little scared that I might f it up. Yeah, so I would need some practice, you know utilize you don't need to practice the same.
Speaker 2:If you don't use the sync button, then there ain't no use. There ain't no use for it, bro. Yeah, like, I feel like the sing button is really worth well for me personally, because that's all dj and his personal preference. Yeah I feel like it's just if you're just that much off or something like I mean, obviously the listeners can't see my fingers, but like it is. If it's like that much off, then maybe you should be able to do that like a hair off and you just smudge it over a little bit Right, but not definitely.
Speaker 3:I mean at the end of the day, though, like to what you were saying, you know, not having people recognize you know you messed up, like, at the end of the day it is, you know, the most important thing is that the people you know hear the music and hear a clean transition. So it makes sense, sense. You know what I'm saying because at the end of the day, that's all that really matters how you get to that the people don't care.
Speaker 1:You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:They just hear for the music right, they really there for the music so it's like all that extra shit is just oh, wow, like, no, seriously, like that's all.
Speaker 2:It is like perfect example, bonfire, like. I always get compliments on like my transitions and my mixes and stuff, but everybody loves that I'm playing the hits, right, but I'm able to play and it's not like some of these other djs not gonna name no names because I mean that's just, I don't judge people for how they dj, because's how they make their money. I never knock anybody for making money. Go get the bag. However, I play the hits but I also know how to mix.
Speaker 2:Why there's bars and bars, bro, I play the hits, but I'm also not a mix.
Speaker 3:Straight up, straight up.
Speaker 2:That sound like a shirt that sound like some merch bro, that sound like some merch bro sound like a shirt, sound like some merch look bro, we got the bro. You gotta come out with a mixtape, bro. But reeling it back in um sing a button, I'm for it, tanaka's not. He hates you. If you use it You're going to hell in his head. So just you know, use sing button. Just don't use in front of Tanaka, because he's going to use the op obviously, please, not every song, not every song.
Speaker 3:Come on, man, you feel me Go ahead and be a little dangerous.
Speaker 2:Be a little dangerous. Be a little dangerous, living life on the edge, live a little life, live a little man you know what I'm saying?
Speaker 3:take a risk, take a risk. I'm sick of it.
Speaker 2:I'm sick of it but yeah, man, if we got any DJs listening, go ahead and comment. Tell us how you feel about the sync button. How you feel about the sync button, how you feel about it on a scale of 1 to 10. How much do you hate it? Tell us how much you hate it, we can talk about it, or we'll just ignore you or block you if you get offended, whatever Depending on how we feel about the situation. Do you approach song requests from coworkers differently? Do?
Speaker 3:you approach? Do you approach some requests from coworkers differently?
Speaker 2:Being that they kind of know what's going on. Yeah.
Speaker 3:So let's, let's hear about it. I mean, I'm more inclined to cater to the coworkers other than you know, because these kids don't know what's going on.
Speaker 2:They just want to hear they join. So let's get an example. Like Soulful Sunday is going on More Robbie comes to DJ. You know what?
Speaker 3:I got a highlight. I got a highlight. This I got a highlight this skater. This skater came to the Soulful Sunday and here we go with the request. She came up and she had, she had, she had texted me and was like, or she had put on her phone like other side, erykah Badu, other side, what's the names?
Speaker 2:I've never heard that one before.
Speaker 3:I think it's like other side of the something, I don't know. Anyway, I was like oh dang, this is actually something that fits within Soulful Sunday, you know what I'm saying. And I think I do have the song. And then, sure enough, I did. So I did play that song. And then this other gentleman had a, had requested, like you know what I'm saying, uh, a rafael sadiq song, but I didn't have the record. It was called get involved, the q-tip.
Speaker 2:you know that record speak of the motherfucking devil. Well, not, not not recently, but I'm sorry but yeah, you know that song.
Speaker 3:No, okay, yeah, I didn't know it, but I I was like it. From the looks of it it will fit, you know. And then sure enough, I listened.
Speaker 2:That's interesting that you didn't have a Raheem Devon song because you usually Raphael Sadiq.
Speaker 3:Raphael Sadiq.
Speaker 2:Oh, you said Raheem Devon.
Speaker 3:Oh, did I my bad. Oh, no, no.
Speaker 2:You might've said it you might've said Raphael Sadiq yeah.
Speaker 3:That's what I meant Evolved.
Speaker 2:Oh, yes, yes, I do know that song, I do know that song.
Speaker 3:It's off a soundtrack and I ain't know the soundtrack. I didn't Did. I know that. I don't think I knew that. It's off the PJs. You know about it.
Speaker 2:Wait, the TV show? Yeah, Didn't know that. Yeah, that's interesting.
Speaker 3:So but I was like, yeah, I could see them skate to this and it fits so for Sunday. Yeah definitely. So that's definitely shout out to that skater. He's getting added, you know.
Speaker 2:But yeah, well, I guess in this question, just in your different areas of so I guess I't know, we can start with stone mountain, like. Do you feel like the people at stone mountain kind of understand?
Speaker 3:like what type of no? I feel like the staff don't be giving us no requests, so I don't really. Yeah, the only person that used to hit me with requests was Xander, and he's you know, he's like here here and there, you don't see him often, so shout out to him.
Speaker 2:He actually had a song that he had requested, called I mean, he had requested it before the session called by Music Soul Child, and I forgot the name of it. It's gonna fuck me, I don't know, it's some slow song, but yeah, shout out to xander, that was actually he definitely, he definitely, he has good taste in music definitely does um, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I feel like in my, I feel like, from my perspective, it's more like not necessarily a hey, can you play this song is more of a. I feel like the co-workers are more like and I don't know, you can speak on this too I feel like they're just more like a hey, can you turn. Either you could turn it, can you turn it up or can you turn it down, or can you play something like this or can you play something like that, rather than hey, can you play this song I feel like, yeah, sparkles glenette is where I encounter a lot of requests.
Speaker 3:You know, I'm saying turn it up, turn it down or no, they they'll be specific oh, they're like hey, play this well one of them is they'd like to hear well okay, I guess you're right genres, kind of they're like can we get some slow set, slow walk, reg, reggae music? You know that one girl that like reggae music.
Speaker 2:The older lady with the glasses. Nah Well, is she?
Speaker 3:older, I don't know. There's one girl that works in the skate shop. Oh, she works there. Oh, no, yeah, she'd be in the rental skate rental. Yeah, I have no idea who you're talking about, but rental skate rental and she, yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about, so, but yeah, so I mean I guess to answer your question. Yeah, I'm more inclined to you, know, listen to the co-workers.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so julian apparently said I requested say what you want to you. Before I was working in a snack bar you almost cooked my ass because you didn't know what it was. I probably did and it's probably what probably was, because I know the song now I mean it's but it's, but it's not.
Speaker 2:But oh, you know what, you know what it probably was. You know what it probably was. Julian, at that time I didn't play negative songs in my, in my slow sets, so like if there was any kind of like like breakup, or like there's some sort of breakup or there's like kind of like tension type shit. Like I don't play. I didn't play that type of shit, especially like back in the day, those days. Oh yeah, no, I probably would have told you to go fuck off.
Speaker 3:No, I probably wouldn't told you that, but I ain't sorry, no motions bro, motions bro and not the motions no, you get no motions, y'all get no motions.
Speaker 2:But it was just, nah, it was just more of a because, like he's talking about, say what you want. Well, I'm not. I'm saying like him, oh, and fucking, let's not even, let's not even talk about fucking um say goodbye no, fucking, is dirty Dan's ass still here?
Speaker 2:Oh so, tanaka, let's talk about it. Let's talk about it, let's talk about it. I don't know if Dirty Dan's still in here, but slow set, right? You're in a slow set. Dirty Dan asks you to play Life Jennings XCX. You playing it or not? That's me Life Jennings XCX. Anybody that's in here, please tell me why, or why not? You would want to hear Life Jennings XCX in a slow set. Oh, by the way, so that's a little deleted scenes too from the North Carolina trip. I asked Mario about that.
Speaker 3:Because I'm trying to think can you even like skate to that?
Speaker 2:Yes, you can. You can definitely skate to it. It has a beat. Anything that has a beat, you can skate to that. Yes, you can.
Speaker 3:You can definitely skate to it, it has a beat, anything that has a beat, you can skate to exactly julian but I'm just picturing people trying to tip to that and he's over there talking about.
Speaker 2:Life is real bruh, he's literally talking about minors getting raped, bro.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I know, I know.
Speaker 2:That's why it's like, I'm like you can't even like say the message is crazy, like what. I feel like that's equivalent to Nah, I feel like that's a little wilder, but I feel like that's like kind of like right after that, you playing hypothetically by fucking Life Jennings.
Speaker 3:Nah, I'd be more inclined to play Hypothetically Then I see it.
Speaker 2:I mean, we're just choosing shits at this point.
Speaker 3:I would play Hypothetically.
Speaker 2:Drop that shit, it's off Sunday, then I'm better here. There you go. There you go, hypothetically coming to a Nah, if you're going to play that, you got to play, leaving Tonight, bro, you got to bro. Nah, if you gonna play that, you gotta play, leaving tonight, bro, you got to bro, you gotta play, leaving tonight, bro, if you play.
Speaker 2:If you play hypothetically you gotta play. Leaving tonight 200, bro, that's my shit, bro, I ain't gonna lie bro, that's my shit. If there was ever a negative song that I would play in a slow set, is leaving tonight.
Speaker 1:I ain't gonna lie. I ain't gonna lie.
Speaker 2:I ain't gonna lie to you, but yeah, man. So yeah, coworkers are definitely yeah, exactly, yeah, exactly, julian, but yeah, coworkers. I'd look at it a little differently than if a random person just came out on the street and was like hey, can you do that? Your mind is going.
Speaker 3:Let's talk about it. Nah, I just I F with that SCA song, but I just don't know where we can play that. I don't.
Speaker 2:I don't play that. I don't like that song. I mean the message, I get the message. But yeah, shout out to Tish, tish, come on now. How you going to come at the end of the episode and ask about that? We talked about that at the beginning. I guess you're gonna have to wait till we repost this and you can listen to the whole, because we talked about the whole North Carolina trip.
Speaker 3:But yeah, but go ahead. Oh so you just don't even like how the song sounds no, the song is cool.
Speaker 2:It's just like I wouldn't even add that to my playlist. I can appreciate it for what it is and the message that he's trying to give out to the younger generation, but, yeah, that is not a song that I would be playing on my personal time.
Speaker 1:What if you made a remix?
Speaker 3:Right Like an up-tempo.
Speaker 2:That would definitely fall under not a Not listening to lyrics. But yeah, shout out to the co-workers, we're going to put all this shit back in DJ talk. Well, since we got DJ talk and we got Julian here, julian, this is the talk. When the hell are you going to take this DJ shit serious? That's the DJ talk of the day All right, I didn't even know about this. Exactly, I asked you about it.
Speaker 3:When.
Speaker 1:Remember I asked you about it when, remember I asked you like, what would you prefer? Cause I think you was like he was telling me about virtual DJ.
Speaker 3:I asked you about Serato oh, but that's not that I'm finna DJ, that's just.
Speaker 1:I thought you was talking about software in general, like I mean, that was a, that's an important part of it. You know what I mean? I just thought you was asking a important part of it.
Speaker 3:You know, I just thought you was asking for general knowledge, yeah, like you know, like you like you like Beyonce, or you like Adele, like you know.
Speaker 1:I'm saying like I just, and you know, it's not.
Speaker 3:It's not like you asked, see, julian. It's not like you asked like oh, you know what controller are you using, like you ask, see, julian. It's not like you ask like oh, you know what controller are you using, like you know, something like that. So then I'm like oh, you finna start DJing, like you know. Like you ask about the software. It's like I don't know. I just because there's a huge debate.
Speaker 1:I don't know if I asked you or turned up about which controller to get about which Nah you didn't ask me.
Speaker 2:You definitely didn't ask me because I definitely would have told you to start small yeah, I could have scored on your old account, on your on your regular, on your regular account.
Speaker 1:I gotta go back and look at them, but I think I still got the messages I'm not sorry, I don't know, because I'm not.
Speaker 3:I'm not familiar with a lot of controllers and boards like that.
Speaker 2:Me neither.
Speaker 3:I just look at them and like, oh, it look good, let me go ahead, so this must have been a minute ago that you asked, dude, it was a minute, it's been a minute.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, the main reason that I'm being held back right now is because of my laptop. I need a new one, got you, or I need to get the one that I have repaired. But trying to get somebody that can repair it, the problem with it is difficult. It's a USB C port issue and I can't charge it. So it ain't working. So I can't like you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:I don't know what your pockets look like, but I got a shop I go to on scenic highway. I don't know what your pockets look like, but I got a shop I go to on Scenic Highway. I don't know what your pockets look like, though, so if you got pockets for it, then I can see. But yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:As soon as it gets fixed. I have to once that gets fixed, I'll be straight. I'll be able to you able to make some maneuvers. Because I got a repair before, but the nigga took my SD card out of it and the SD card had all my music on it, had the music on it?
Speaker 2:No, we got to fight and I kept hitting him up.
Speaker 1:I'm like hey bro, I need my.
Speaker 2:SD card. I had like 1,500 songs on there.
Speaker 1:Bro, I had a good catalog. I already said I had it divided and everything. Sick boy, that was the music I was going to use.
Speaker 2:See.
Speaker 3:Tanaka.
Speaker 2:That's the main reason why I can't do the SD Hard drive. It's got to be on my computer Hard. Take my shit. You got to be on my computer Hard, like you got to take my shit. You got to open this motherfucker up Like, yeah, you're going to need that password.
Speaker 3:That's right. Yeah, by that point, it's yeah.
Speaker 2:Ain't nobody can do all that. But yeah, but yeah man, me and Julian had one meetup. We did One meetup and it was in the black room. It was in the black room at Stone Mountain. When it comes to interacting with a crowd, yeah, why are you DJing? Do you go for it? And if you do go for it, how do you go about it?
Speaker 3:Man, it should be told that's really been like the Achilles heel, I feel like, just as far as my dj with the crowd joint, because it's almost like it made you focus on just one thing. You know, I'm saying like the music, you know, but when you add that element of interacting with the crowd, then it becomes a little more personable and, um, it's more so like uh, more personable, and um, it's more so like uh, yeah, it's more that joint is important and that's something that I'm still trying to develop.
Speaker 2:So, bro, honestly, truthfully, bro, we, we all, we all trying to work on it. I know me personally. I, I have to. I have to work on it as well, especially when I go to, like a new setting. Yeah, I don't want to talk to you, yeah, like it's like I don't want to host, I don't want to like, I just want to, I just want to get through it and hopefully, right, hopefully, I don't have to say a word. But once I warm up to a spot and I'm like knowing folks around them, I'm able to hey, blah, blah, whatever the case may be. But yeah, man, it's definitely, it's definitely important because how long?
Speaker 3:how long would you say if? Um, it's still for you to like feel comfortable. You know what I'm saying, just being on the mic, um, I don't know because it's like.
Speaker 2:It's like, uh, I don't know, because I remember I remember back at, uh, south Carolina State I was talking on the mic, but after that I don't really remember talking after that. So it's really just a sense of comfort, comfortable comfortability. Yeah, yeah, just sense of comfortability. Yeah, you know, just be able to some that clip.
Speaker 3:My favorite clip from 2014 yeah, your favorite clip.
Speaker 2:I already. I already knew you know it's funny and I put it on there purposely because I knew you were gonna say something about it um, was that you on the mic or did you have?
Speaker 2:uh, that was me, okay, okay that was me, that was me on the mic. Uh, that was beautiful. I was just really, I was really just playing with them and uh, yeah, I was really just playing with them and just, and that's when, that's when hot, that's when hot nigga was like taking over the blazing, like blazing as soon as you play that song, everybody's just yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:So you know, yeah, but all right, see, now I gotta tell y'all folk, y'all gotta check that out. You dig like um, it's a 2014 clip of turn up dj in a party. Um, what, what was that? What was the party?
Speaker 2:so okay, so I'll give y'all a rundown of of of the situation. So it was, uh, I believe it was, a high school party, but they, um, it was in a little event event spot and they wanted to do like a dance competition, okay, and so I started playing like dance songs, like I think I had played Crank, that Soulja Boy, and I think I had played, at the time, the Whip you know what I was saying?
Speaker 3:The setup was beautiful, yes.
Speaker 2:And so at the end, to get back to the party part, I was like, alright, so this is the last, this is the last dance we gonna do, this is the last dance competition we gonna do. And then I had dropped the, I had dropped the, I had dropped the intro to Hot In here by Nelly and then you could just see the girl on her face.
Speaker 3:She's like, and you can hear her, it's not a dance but when I tell you this is okay side note, this is like the epitome of dj. You know what I'm saying, because there's in this short, how many seconds was that bro? It was maybe like 10 seconds, like five or ten seconds. Yeah, bro, in that moment of 10 seconds, the range of emotions that this chick went through, bro, is like the epitome of like why I admire what Turn Up. Did you know what I'm saying? Because that's like the risk that we take.
Speaker 2:But then you see, the reward is just the reward is priceless, bro, priceless Everybody is just you, just see everybody my bad. All right, so go back.
Speaker 3:I mean you ended it all, bro you. I bet All right, so go back.
Speaker 2:I mean you ended it all, bro. You ended it all perfectly.
Speaker 3:Yeah, bro, he dropped the intro. So hot in here they was looking at him crazy on some like kill the DJ type vibes they're like what? Like that ain't no dance, like bro, and the attitude that she hit him with and that man's turn up sick. Watch what I do, though.
Speaker 2:I just love how you make. I don't even think I said that I probably did. I don't know.
Speaker 3:That man said watch what I do, though you heard me. And then you dropped that. It's so hot. Oh man bro, that joint was priceless bro, very priceless. But see, that's what you gotta do.
Speaker 2:Y'all play with them, yeah you definitely gotta play with them. You definitely gotta play with them. So let me ask you this, Tanaka, and as long as you've been DJing, has there ever been a time where you made an interaction with the crowd and you got a reward or you got some feedback that you didn't really care for?
Speaker 3:So or you get both sides of the coin. So I guess I was DJing. I don't know if you it was a performance. You know what I'm saying. So I don't know if you consider that necessarily DJing. You know, I mean I'm in charge of, like the artist set, you know, but I was just kind of like hype man for him. You know what I'm saying. And that joint definitely, that joint definitely worked.
Speaker 3:You know, I'm saying because, seeing that I was like dang, I do need to do this more often, bro, just because me doing his ad-libs, or just me hyping him up, like you know, in the background, like you could tell that it had an effect, you know, because it's all energy, like you tell me, turn up. You know what I? Because it's all energy, like you tell me, turn up. You know what I'm saying. It's like the energy that you give out, like they're going to give it back to you, like sometimes, maybe not at first, but like the more consistent you are with it, the more comfortable they get. And you know what I'm saying Exactly. You know what I'm saying. And it's just, like you know, it's a fear thing, it's crazy. Because it's like, bro, my dad, like that's what he do.
Speaker 3:He's an emcee, he's a host, like you know, when they had Hawaiian concerts like in Seattle, like he was the main emcee of, like greeting the crowd and like bringing artists out and stuff. So I'm just like dang, like I really need to learn from Pops, you know, like on how to just host and so, but pops you like on how to just host and so, but um see, I tried it in new york, you're I mean, but new york is kind of cut though and they can see kind of through, like if you're not confident and I wasn't confident in it, and so they kind of like saw through it and just looked at me like a little crazy, you feel me, but um, that's no excuse. I'm trying to be more active on the mic. You know what I'm saying and just have that interaction because it is important. You know what I mean?
Speaker 2:definitely important I mean, and I mean, we all have our faults.
Speaker 1:Um off the top of my head I don't think there.
Speaker 2:I don't think there's ever been a time and I feel like there has. I feel like I'm just putting in the back of my head so I don't have to say I'm trying to think, I don't think there was that I can think of um um, yeah, no, I don't.
Speaker 3:I don't think so. Um, so let me ask out the gate, did you was?
Speaker 2:you are on the mic out the well, yes, because, um, because in my head and what for a lot of people that don't know as as someone growing up, as a young man growing up, I was hella shy, like I did not want to talk to you, like, and I hated my my mom used to always take me to work and then, like would introduce me to everybody and I hated, and I hated that so much, hated it.
Speaker 2:But I was a very shy kid growing up, yeah, and as I got older, shyness just kind of turned into anti-socialness, like I just Right, right, it's not that I don't I'm uncomfortable, I just don't want to talk to you, right, right. So when I got into DJing and I'm like, oh bro, I can make money just spending records, yeah, and I'm like, oh bro, I can make money just spinning records, let's do it. Come to find out you actually got to talk and you got to interact with folks. I'm like, fuck, I knew it was a catch At that point, I just honestly and truthfully, I really just jumped in head first.
Speaker 2:Hey, what's up, I'm here, we're here.
Speaker 3:We're here in this place. It's right it all together. You know what I'm saying? Might as well.
Speaker 2:This is team effort, like let's all have fun, like at that point, because it's like, like, because if I don't do it, then I mean somebody, they'll find somebody else that will Right, right aspect, and like I always tell everybody, I tell everybody anybody, djing, trying to start, djing always, or trying to host on the mic, I'm telling you this is literally the only thing you need. You just need that one interaction from that one person that's attractive enough for you to talk to and she look at you and she smile or laugh or giggle. You're good for, you're good for a good, another 10 minutes.
Speaker 3:You know, what's crazy too is that that's an advice that you know OG DJs be giving too is that, like, bro, you use the mic, your job is going to be like 10 times easier if you just get on the mic, bro. And they're just like I promise you, bro, like it's already a lot that you have to handle, but getting on the mic makes your job that much more easier because, like I don't know, it just makes it loosen up a little bit you know?
Speaker 2:no, it definitely does, because, uh, here's another, um, another story. I had, uh, another story. I have shout out touckeye. I remember we did an event at a big plaza. It was like a big plaza, they had hella kids. It was like a stadium type shit. They were taught I think it was like a drug-free something. It was a drug-free something.
Speaker 2:I was in the middle, I was in the middle of DJing. I was in the middle of it was in the middle of DJing. I was in the middle of a DJing and it was like at certain points I was playing music or whatever, and then, like I would stop and then the people would talk and they just seemed so uninterested they were not paying attention to anything they said. But then it was time for Buckeye to come on and I had to say something and I'm like, fuck, I'm going to say something and they're just going to look at me like who is this guy? So I started talking and I was like yo, y'all ready. And then they I don't know what happened, but they all sparked up like yeah, like, and I just started talking and then like I just I gave this feel about how I don't smoke or drink. Yeah, you don't need that for. And they were, yeah, and I was like, all right, book, are you ready? And they're like they got hype and like everybody started rushing to the front Right, and so, yeah, man, it works Definitely Sometimes.
Speaker 2:Sometimes it might just I mean honestly and truthfully sometimes it might just you, it might be your mind just fucking with you. Sometimes you just gotta try it and you know, and sometimes and I remember there was, I remember there was something you said in a past, um, past episode where you're like you say shit, you say shit just to remind yourself that that's what you're supposed to do, right, right, and sometimes I do, sometimes I do that as well, whereas, like, I just have to remind myself that I'm just really just fucking with myself in my head, right, and you just got to do it.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, man interacting with the crowd is can definitely be make your make your job a lot easier and a lot more fun, right? Definitely for sure if you do it right, definitely but yeah, man y'all let us know how Interactive's crowd has made your life a lot easier or harder.
Speaker 3:Give us some feedback with how you feel about that yeah, man, and yeah, let me see the motivation for y'all, we'll go off. What Turnup, just said man. He just said just do it. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:Make it like Nike and just do it.
Speaker 3:So whatever you got to knock out on your test list, man, knock it out, just do it. Yeah, we're going to keep it short for this one, bro.
Speaker 2:That's the motivation of the day, man, you know what I'm saying bro, that's the motivation of the day, man you know, I'm saying you should do it, I should make a light and I can just do it, yeah, but that's what's up, man. So, uh, let's see. So, tanaka, I got a question for you, right, and steve, I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna involve you too, uh, but I'm gonna involve you from, like, a customer standpoint for sure. So, tanaka, um, how you feel about just playing the hits at, at a, at a I won't even say a session, just at an event?
Speaker 3:I mean, you know how I feel about it. I think this you know soon. But I'll be taking risks, bro.
Speaker 2:You know I'm saying boy, do you ever boy?
Speaker 1:you be taking risks you be taking.
Speaker 2:I ain't gonna lie. Some of them I be like, but I mean, I'm not gonna be the one To tell you to like Not take the risk.
Speaker 3:Nah, nah, I feel you and I know that, though it is a creative Nah. I know that, though you know what I'm saying, so I put it out there Like knowing that I may get like what the Is that?
Speaker 4:That's what I told him. If they paying, you play the hits Play the hits.
Speaker 3:This is your job.
Speaker 4:Yeah. Play the hits. You see each other.
Speaker 2:Right DJ Kool Hurty folks.
Speaker 1:If you at a company party.
Speaker 4:they want to hear old 2000 rap. Apple bottom jeans Boots with the fur or they want to hear Get Low, youots with the fur. Oh, they want to hear uh, get low, you need to play that Right. Like it's not your job to be like. Nah, they probably want to hear it. No, they don't.
Speaker 2:Right, no, that's facts, that's facts and that's and it's funny that we had that conversation Remember, uh 20 had that situation at that little uh, what was it? Atl bounce, I don't know some shit and they got mad at him. They got mad at him because he wasn't playing what was on the list, but it was the vibe. The vibe didn't give the list that he gave him or some shit like that.
Speaker 3:You don't remember that one anyway, I remember, but I don't remember exactly what happened it was okay so bruh gave him a list.
Speaker 2:Bruh gave him a list of songs that he was supposed to play Right and basically, long story short, the list didn't match the vibe of the people that were there Right and he didn't go off the list, he went off the vibe of what the people wanted to hear. Right and so dude came back to him and was like bro, you didn't play none of the shit on to do da da, da da.
Speaker 2:Bruh never called him back to do another gig, right? He didn't pay you for that right, and that's exactly what I said. I'm like, bro, if that's what he paid me for, right? I'm finna, I'm finna. Dissect the fuck out of that list. And that's all you gonna get is that list. And if somebody come up to me and in that direction, and you also got to know your personnel.
Speaker 4:They give you free reigns. That's what's up, you know what. I'm saying but if you go to these certain gigs you might be at a bar mix. If they want to play these songs, you play those songs, yeah.
Speaker 2:That's relaxed, so okay. So, big Steve, I got a question for you. So you in the club, you in the DJ, to just play all the hits, or do you respect him for like?
Speaker 4:now I do, now I do, you do yeah, cause people don't really they want to. They want to know what's, uh, what they know. I mean they want to hear what they know. You dig what I'm saying Like like they. They not trying to get put on like that, you know what I'm saying you got to know your personnel. If you're at one of them bonfire type events, all right, go ahead, get jiggy with that shit. You know what? I'm saying the skating rink. They come to hear 2-1-1.
Speaker 3:Savage. Oh, I ain't gonna lie, I take all the risks. Oh that's it.
Speaker 2:That's what he came up with. That's a bust.
Speaker 3:I'm playing that trouble show Busting on a floor.
Speaker 2:I'm busting for trouble, you hear me yes. They want to hear this. That man dude, oh no, no, no, what killed me?
Speaker 4:I mean, it didn't get a that Alpha.
Speaker 3:Mega, he played Alpha Mega. He's played the snitches. You got to chill.
Speaker 4:Oh, my god, what you mean? He's a snitch, is he? Yeah, oh, I didn't know that the type of one that used to be with TI. Yeah, yeah, damn, I didn't know that the one that used to be with TI.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, damn, I didn't know that. That's why he got dropped. Oh, I thought he got dropped.
Speaker 4:Like Spody got dropped, he's snitching.
Speaker 2:Oh, I thought Spody got dropped because he didn't snitch. No, no, because I heard of a situation where Droll was like he wanted him to take the rap from him and Spody didn't, or something like that.
Speaker 4:I thought I heard it, but I thought it was Spody's gun oh, it probably was, I don't know and Joe, that's your gun.
Speaker 3:You carrying that, bro, I'm not finna. Hold your gun, bro, like it's not even mine oh, it might be, that's wild that was like the counter.
Speaker 4:I heard there was some other shit going on too. He had snitches on some papers and some shit. But you know, as he said, I don't know for sure. But why are you playing Alpha Mega, you know?
Speaker 3:I was just going to escape that one, that record hard bro To you. I'm just saying, man, you know what I'm saying. Well, okay, here's the. On top of that, it said Trap Fever. So it's like Trap Fever. I feel like it's almost like Trap History Class. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 4:So See, I'm listening to the Will's autobiography. We gotta stop that feeling shit. I feel like nobody cares how you feel I'm saying Play what they wanna hear, bro.
Speaker 3:I'm saying bro, bro, they came here for dirt bro, they came here for baby bro, but see, they didn't Strap fever bro.
Speaker 4:They came here for dirt, they came here for baby bro.
Speaker 3:They came here for Chief Keef, but they came for For.
Speaker 4:Nito ATL. They wanna hear for Nito. Yeah, well.
Speaker 2:I actually be surprised. You'll actually be surprised.
Speaker 1:These kids?
Speaker 2:No, bro, these kids do their homework, bro, and we talk Okay.
Speaker 3:But tell them some of their favorite songs, okay.
Speaker 4:Yeah, let me run through Ask about Zo, and when you said Bush, I thought you were going to come out with that. All right, what is?
Speaker 2:that. Oh, know your clap, know your clap oh.
Speaker 4:When you said Bush, I thought you said cow, oh one, two, three, four.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay, so, granted, when we say kids, we talking like 18, 19, 20. Okay, hold on, let me, if this shit want to act right.
Speaker 1:So these are some of the songs they like to listen to.
Speaker 2:Let's see what the fuck we got. Bless it, god damn. Now you need to leave the alphabet in the car. Alright, let's see. Like what's some shit. They Tone, tone Gorillazo Jockin'. You ever heard of this song before?
Speaker 4:You said Tone, tone, tone, gorillazo.
Speaker 2:Featuring Gorillazo called Jockin'. A song called Jockin'. No, it's a song a named Gorilla Zol, I mean not Gorilla Zol, tone Tone. He had a sample with the hood nigga. All the hoes, jockin' it's called Jockin'.
Speaker 3:They fuck with that song that's like the banger.
Speaker 2:These are the bangers to them. Have you ever heard of a song as a group called ACM called Party Hard? You ever heard that song Banger?
Speaker 3:called Party Hard.
Speaker 2:You ever heard that song Banger, banger.
Speaker 3:They love that song. A little level of reaction.
Speaker 4:There might be some east side shit.
Speaker 2:West side. West side, bro, this is Cascade. I understand correctly. Let me ask you this I'm Dumb Gorilla Zoe.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, I know that. Did you like that record? No, bro. Yeah, I know that, bro, did you play that song? Did you like that record? No, yeah.
Speaker 3:Bro, when I tell you bite down.
Speaker 2:They are like full speed to the skate floor. Yeah, Rod Swerve.
Speaker 4:Blackjack. I'm actually friends with him.
Speaker 3:Oh snap.
Speaker 4:You know that's Drip's uncle.
Speaker 3:Oh, I ain't know that.
Speaker 4:Well, when I say friend, like I know bro, like for real, like I know him, he's played flag football at my homeboys and shit, oh wow, short, dark skin grill in the mouth.
Speaker 2:Okay, I just remember hearing this song when I first moved down here.
Speaker 4:I was at another song with T-Pain too.
Speaker 2:Yeah, $500? Black yeah, I'd be playing that song sometimes. Get Off Me, gorillazo. You ever heard?
Speaker 3:this one, see, hold on. Oh, what's that?
Speaker 4:I know that's what you said. That shit, that ride Swerve.
Speaker 2:Oh, it might be.
Speaker 3:That one might be, that might be.
Speaker 2:It might be, but I mean, I don't think they really pay attention to who's where, but they, Bro, you play that song in Cascade over with the floor is flooded. Get Off of Me, Gorilla. Zoe you ever heard this one, my ass girlfriends say that she was over me.
Speaker 4:I got all these. I remember listening to Gorilla Zoe, but I don't. Yeah, I feel you.
Speaker 3:What the F would Zoe have? You could literally play any.
Speaker 2:Zoe and Rocco.
Speaker 4:They love Rocco Rocco. They love Rocco Rocco. At legend though, they love Rocco they love Rocco.
Speaker 2:Okay, have you ever heard of somebody named Decatur Dictator Hell?
Speaker 4:no.
Speaker 2:Bro, this song, oh, I'm not gonna play it, but it's a song called Like this One bottle, one cup, nigga. That's what's up. You ever heard that song before? Love it like. These are they.
Speaker 3:These are their bangers, bro, these are like the anthem, like these are like you play these.
Speaker 2:These are like their bangers.
Speaker 4:You don't play these off real, you let. You let the height of the crowd exactly like you, build up like you're waiting for them
Speaker 2:to like go on, like, go out and do other shit, to like these are like the songs gonna bring them back.
Speaker 4:They don't sound like my type of music. My Camaro, you ever heard that song before? Yeah, that's out the mix.
Speaker 2:Uh-huh, travis Porter.
Speaker 4:Yeah, on Deck, gucci. I don't fuck with Gucci.
Speaker 2:Oh, you don't fuck with Gucci at all, oh wow.
Speaker 4:Nah, he got some songs. You know what I'm saying. In terms of the catalog.
Speaker 2:Ball Forever.
Speaker 4:I mean, but that's a banger though. You know I'm about to go.
Speaker 1:I'm on Ball Forever, yeah.
Speaker 2:I serve the bass. That's another banger.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm trying to see the songs, but they ain't really bang.
Speaker 2:You said, you don't fuck with.
Speaker 3:Gucci, so Water slide. And turn up. I will say that the reason I played $100 autograph was.
Speaker 4:That go off, oh bruh. Schooling yeah $100 for my autograph yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and I see, of course I see you.
Speaker 2:What's up? You know that yeah.
Speaker 4:Bingo man, y'all play that and I see, of course I see you what's up? You know that. Yeah, b-dovey.
Speaker 2:Y'all play that. Oh what, oh? That used to have a, that used to have a part. He's going crazy too. I was in high school. What Bro? But hold me bro. Oh God Bro, you're you laughing? Bro probably in a party with Steve and we'd be holding a nigga down the house and we like this, we like this. I got you nigga, I got you. You never seen this nigga a day in my life. Yeah yeah, that was real brotherhood, bro. Why you bullshitting? That's some real shit. That was an each one teach one shit.
Speaker 4:Oh God bro, that was some weed to see community shit, type shit. Weed to see community shit, type shit.
Speaker 2:We the C community shit, good fucking times bro Alright, I'm going to go through a couple more. Riding Hard by Rocco. You ever heard of this song before I?
Speaker 4:probably should?
Speaker 2:He keeps saying bells, bells, bells. I got my name ringing.
Speaker 4:Oh bells, Apparently the song's called Riding Hard. Yeah, I thought it was called Bells too.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I definitely know that song. Okay, well, yeah, give you a couple more.
Speaker 3:Priceless, rocco, priceless yeah you know that song.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, it's on the first album.
Speaker 2:Bang. These are like top tier. Why, though, bruh and it's funny bro, and it's funny bro, it's funny y'all playing this morning? Yeah, yeah, it's, but that's what's funny. You would think that that would be like a top bank. It's not like a top.
Speaker 4:You could play it and it'll get a reaction they used to be my ring, so they used by a long clock. This morning I woke up feeling like money, yeah, yeah did you?
Speaker 2:did you ever listen to Quanticash? Yeah, he from hood Presidential Slash Show.
Speaker 4:I don't know that. One Like I'm saying, I know that Money baby Money, baby Money.
Speaker 2:I'm not going to lie, that's really it. Well, no, okay, like I said, I know that song. Bloody Head, for sure, yeah.
Speaker 4:He got an intro to one of his little albums that I used to listen to down there everyday. It got uh, what was that sample? It was like I'm wishing on a star Really, oh damn.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I'm gonna have to hear that one.
Speaker 4:He go hard, though he vulnerable. It's like his intro. You feel me, I'm gonna have to check that one out.
Speaker 2:I, I'm going to check that out. Check that one out. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4:Check that out.
Speaker 2:But yeah, like these are, like they're bangers, and like there's a certain time in the night where, like, like you said, I don't really take risks, I just boom, boom, boom, boom, we hitting them over the head Like they're at a point like stop.
Speaker 3:But see, that's what I'm saying, though that's why I gotta try some of this stuff just based off of that. Nah, you don't, I'm gonna tell you a lot.
Speaker 4:This technology shit. Don't fuck a lot of shit up too. You see what I'm saying. Usually, even if you were playing like quote unquote the bangers they know it's in the fingertips. You dig what I'm saying. When you pull them besties out, you get the. You feel me, they ain't got no control over that. That's when you break shit. You dig what I'm saying. You put them besties out that vinyl shit and you get the. You know, what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's crazy. Like I said, I ain't touched vinyl. This is the first year I touched vinyl. For real, yeah I learned DJing backwards, but that's a whole other story.
Speaker 4:Most people my age do, though, yeah.
Speaker 1:You see, what I'm saying.
Speaker 4:Because computers and shit.
Speaker 2:You know what I'm saying, you get left something got, done get a gig.
Speaker 4:Right. Right type shit for real what I'm saying is if you end up scratching this shit, don't force. You ain't got time to listen to requests like that. You feel me like you in your bag and that's when you got time to put people on the shit.
Speaker 2:They have you sitting there. They have you sitting there, I just be yeah, you gotta.
Speaker 4:Now you putting people on the shit.
Speaker 3:You know what I'm saying but see we, like I dropped we you know what I'm saying but see, we dropped $100,000 and you know.
Speaker 2:But I'm not going to lie though.
Speaker 4:I'm not going to lie, though, oh.
Speaker 2:I forgot about that one. Yeah, crazy, yeah, out of there. I will say there have been a couple times his wrists have taken that, have taken very good rewards, that fucking. I mean. At first it was him, but then it started.
Speaker 3:Somebody's trying to make a jug.
Speaker 2:That too. Well, that was even better now that I think about it. Yeah, trying to make a jug by Gorilla Zoe. You ever heard that song?
Speaker 4:Yeah, they four was over here with Wilder, I don't know. He not from the east side, is he? I think he is, I don't know when is he from it's on three. I don't know. It's on three games from the Eastside, I don't know.
Speaker 2:It's Zulu, Atlanta I don't know, I don't know that's some shit. But no, he played fucking Chop Chop by Youngbloods Bruh. Like the first, it was like, okay, we don't really know this song, whatever. But then he played it the second, third, fourth, fifth. They're like, oh yeah, chop chop.
Speaker 4:As soon as that beat drop, it's over with my favorite Young Blood song there damn, oh yeah. Boy, they fuck with Presidential more. But damn, that's a banger. The first verse is legendary.
Speaker 2:Legendary bro, they calling me.
Speaker 4:Batting to the streets, come on, that's legendary.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's legendary yeah.
Speaker 4:Like that was magic in that studio that day, bro Nice.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and you can tell that.
Speaker 4:Well, I can definitely say that's legendary because, like I said, I was in California when that came out and I was, oh yeah. I was like, yeah, you grew up in Cali.
Speaker 2:I'm from Cali. Oh Well, I lived in Cali from when I was well, from when I was born, to like I was 12.
Speaker 3:Now, I moved out here.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay yeah.
Speaker 3:And he moved out here in like 2005, right, 2005.
Speaker 2:Like yeah, the height of like snap music.
Speaker 4:So when I came out here to listen to the radio I was squad was having that shit though, bro, when I tell you.
Speaker 1:That shit was crazy.
Speaker 4:I hate that shit, I mean, there was good parties.
Speaker 2:You know I hate that shit did you?
Speaker 4:yeah, lean with it, rock with it that's yeah, I save it, david, I didn't, you could beat it.
Speaker 2:I didn't. Yeah, I was. I think I was like seventh grade, so, yeah, I wasn't doing nothing yet.
Speaker 4:It did.
Speaker 2:We had so many transformations, bro. Yeah, y'all did. I'm not gonna lie. My least favorite was the futuristic shit, bro. I hated that. I hated it. No.
Speaker 4:Rich Kids was cool.
Speaker 2:I'm talking about like J Money Young LA. If it wasn't for that, no Rich Kids was cool. I'm talking about like J Money Young LA.
Speaker 4:If it wasn't for that it wouldn't be no Future and shit. There's a lot of artists that would be.
Speaker 2:You probably right. You probably right. I'm pretty sure Future would have found a way. I don't know.
Speaker 4:It wouldn't have been about Future, though. You see what I'm saying. That's what it was birthed from, though God I hate it. I took him through the tutorial lesson. Yeah, like.
Speaker 3:Bro, he played no cuffing bro.
Speaker 4:Yeah, my man oh that was.
Speaker 2:That's what I'm saying. That was the height of my party, Like bro.
Speaker 4:That of my partner. That's my partner for real. Tone, nah, hell, nah. I was about to say Tone, the other two on there. Tone is on the middle verse.
Speaker 1:Is he really? Yeah, that's not even his song For real I didn't know that he got there, ran off with him.
Speaker 4:People sold. It was at a high school and shit.
Speaker 2:So all I know is Smash did pass, no matter what. That's not Tone.
Speaker 4:I mean, technically it is, but he stole the song from this group called Self Pay. I do know about Self Pay, yeah, yeah, yeah. So the dude who got the iconic first verse Is Self Pay, ace, and the one, the one on the last verse, is Self Pay. Ye, you know what I mean. So he like took the lyrics Nah, he took their song so they had a chance. They can better tell you.
Speaker 4:But when they was in high school they came out with their song. Tom was older than them and they ended up like fucking with him because I guess he was having some emotion or whatever. Yeah, having a pool, yeah. And so he put his name in front of the song and they let it ride because it was doing numbers and shit. But that's really their song. You dig what I'm saying? On some stupid shit, I said y'all, boy Fellas, y'all need to get y'all paperwork right. And they had an opportunity to sign with Future. Yeah, Future was fucking with them heavy. He was on the remix and shit.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, I know that, and that's the one I played.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that was on the road with him for a little bit. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, but that's what I'm saying. Like Future was in that mix. You know what I mean. Him and all All these people, even kid YC.
Speaker 2:Okay, so maybe you can help explain to me YC's situation. Please correct me if I'm wrong. So, and please correct me if I'm wrong. Rax was written by Future.
Speaker 4:Correct.
Speaker 2:He gave it to YC.
Speaker 4:A lot of people give away songs, though.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, I get that, but if you were going to be on the song anyway, why give it to YC?
Speaker 4:Nobody knows when it's about to be a hit or not. Most people when they record about to be a hit or not. That's true. Most people when they record, they be like yo, this the banger, and it's never the banger like the one they least expect oh yeah, they say that on the song yeah, people get songs all the time.
Speaker 4:You know what I'm saying. Like he was even showing me Chuck music. That was I'm Just Doing my Job. Rick Ross was on there first. I didn't know that and Kanye, and Kanye told TI that, like you know, I got somebody on here, but TI laid his joint. Like you can have it, type shit. But like people get songs With it all the time.
Speaker 2:I mean, I get Okay and that makes sense, but he's already on the song, so like that's. That's where I lose the connection. You're giving away the song, but you're still on the song. Why didn't you just keep the song? What was going to be plan B if he wrote the song anyway? I'm not playing B, not playing B. I'm sorry, what was going to be the next step for YC after Rax, because he didn't write it anyway. What was going to be the next step for him? People?
Speaker 4:just the next step for him. You know people just be winging this shit Like he really just a trap nigga. You know what I'm saying? That's what I'm saying. People just be winging this shit for real, for real, but what I'm saying. What I'm saying is they Future might not even know that it was anybody been in a different song. If Future is, if it was leading the song or his song.
Speaker 1:You think of the?
Speaker 4:land. You only got one verse right, true? I feel that he's probably know he might have wrote two verses to it and it was trash okay, well, yeah, no, because that was my thing, like okay, future.
Speaker 2:you wrote the whole thing like what was the point of you giving this away? I don't know, but I feel like it would have made more sense to give it away to somebody that already had a name, I guess.
Speaker 4:I don't know, he didn't have a name.
Speaker 2:Who Future? No, I mean, yeah, he didn't. But I mean I don't know, the planning of it was just weird. You wrote it. Why didn't you just put it out yourself? I don't know, that's just a question I had.
Speaker 4:Can't reproduce H to the Izzo. Why didn't he do it himself? But he didn't have a verse. But he didn't have a verse he could have. He could have, but all I know he had one.
Speaker 2:We know he had one. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that's true. I Y'all find we know he had one.
Speaker 2:You know what I'm saying but like, yeah, that's true, that's true.
Speaker 4:I mean, I don't know, but that's more of a I don't know, that's not a lateral move, that's a oh I don't know A stepping stone move.
Speaker 2:Oh, I don't know. I'm not going to lie, I don't know. I mean because he know him as a rapper at the time. I just knew of him as the dude in the video doing this. Honestly, I didn't even know he was the producer. I don't know. I was a young nigga so I didn't really know nothing about producing shit like that either. I didn't know about Kanye until Through the Wire. Was that his first real single, when?
Speaker 4:he got in the car accident. His first single, yeah.
Speaker 2:Probably so.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it was his first single. I was just watching the documentary, but what I'm saying? Future might not even look at that shit as a hit.
Speaker 4:It might have been some shit where, like, why is he coming and buying the bought, the beat or whatever, like yo, bro, hop on it with me, or some shit. You know what I'm saying. I had an idea for it. Future might say I had an idea for it. You know what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying. I had an idea for it. Future might say I had an idea for it. You know what I'm saying. He might not have been feeling it.
Speaker 1:You know what I'm saying. Just gave it a run. Okay, I mean, that makes sense. Nobody knows if it's a hit or not.
Speaker 4:for real Right. The people are going to tell you Right.
Speaker 2:No, that makes sense. That makes sense yeah.
Speaker 4:After the fact, and that's when the controversy happened. Matter of fact, I'm sure it happened like that Because after the fact, that's when Future got the mention that I wrote the song Like he wanted more credit or whatnot. You know what I'm saying, because he wasn't Future then. He was still up and coming.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 4:That's how I even got leaked. Probably he was like I wrote that song anyway, like I did the writing.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, they were still cool. Yeah, we probably would never find out about that. Yes, you probably.
Speaker 4:You probably got something on that and and YC probably, man, why you tell them that?
Speaker 1:You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:You know, you put some damn on my shine. I mean it is out there, none? Yeah, exactly that's what I'm saying, yeah.
Speaker 4:But Future. Once they found out I was a hit, future was like I want somebody to shine. I wanted to be highlighted that I did that song, you were, so I'm pretty sure it happened like that. They didn't think it was going to be a hit Right.
Speaker 2:Makes sense.
Speaker 1:It was a people's choice.
Speaker 4:people want man I'm trying to tell you how to play what they want, see, and that's how you really back in.
Speaker 2:That's what I'm talking about. Big steve, I don't talk about big steve. Play what the people want, but yeah, no, but um, yeah, y'all uh tell us how y'all feel about that, uh, about that topic. Uh, do y'all feel like, as a dj, we supposed to be just playing the same shit over and over again with the hits, or? You know, you want us to play a little bit of you know?
Speaker 4:a little bit of something else.
Speaker 2:I know your personnel right, that is very true as well. That is very true as well but that's that's that's a whole nother story. Yeah, no, go ahead, talk to us, then I can talk. To talk, talk, no, no, no, you sure all right.
Speaker 3:No, I mean it's just because like like okay, so then I, I play like the same stuff every time, right, and then they're like bro, like can you switch it up? But whenever I try to switch it up, y'all fuck you know what I'm saying. All up in there, it's like you can't, you damned if you do, you damned.
Speaker 4:If you don't, bro, maybe it's you hey bro, maybe it is.
Speaker 2:Lord you done got him right Now. He finna be in the car. Maybe it is me.
Speaker 3:Nah, nah, I mean, I've accepted it, bro. I know that I gotta be different. You know about it Because, like you know, them folks talking crazy on Google and shit what they say on Google.
Speaker 4:Oh my God, oh my God. Do we have time? We?
Speaker 2:got time, we got time.
Speaker 4:What did they say? Tanaka, you take it away.
Speaker 3:Oh no, they just said I was trash.
Speaker 4:They said you was trash. Yeah, oh, I wouldn't go there for it. It's awesome.
Speaker 3:You know, I wouldn't say that at all.
Speaker 4:They said you was trash.
Speaker 2:On the Google site.
Speaker 4:Stone Mountain Skate page trend on the google site mountain skate page. Then you know they on the google map. You know they got the reviews like when is this hours?
Speaker 2:and yeah yeah, on the reviews there's somebody named. Who what's his name? I know you remember his name because you you was talking about it the whole time yeah, darius darius. This guy named darius. He wrote a review about it and then he said something like I don't know the dj's name, I think his name is tanaka or something like that. He said some shit like that right.
Speaker 3:Well, this man really said tanaka or something.
Speaker 2:There's not no, like you know, right, yeah, like right and then what's made it even funnier is that he spelled it right, so like it's not even like yeah, like it was. I don't know that was weird, but yeah so you know, yeah, that was an interesting situation, interesting interaction, but we're going to reel it out.
Speaker 4:We way reeled out right now. This is funny, we're going to. Yeah, why did he care Bro?
Speaker 2:And you know why he cares too much. Here's the thing, right. I seen this like two or three weeks before he did, but I didn't tell him because I knew he was gonna do this.
Speaker 4:I knew he was gonna do this and he was gonna dwell on it forever this is how this shit go, bro, right dropping this, but you're gonna have a group that's always gonna hate you. Yeah, you're gonna have a group that's always gonna love you. You're gonna have a group that you got to sway either way yeah this is who you need to focus on.
Speaker 3:Who to sway right, fuck these people yeah they're always gonna hate you, bro, always.
Speaker 4:They might not like how your eyes. You know what.
Speaker 2:I'm saying Opposition it doesn't matter, right, they're gonna be there regardless His goatee.
Speaker 4:His goatee too long. What the fuck Like Right? They're always gonna hate you, bro. Yeah, people are always gonna love you, just cause they fuck with you. You gotta focus on the people who gonna sway you and that's gonna make or break you. Yeah, that's real. Right, why you gonna fuck about? Fuck, darius.
Speaker 2:Right, the fuck Like.
Speaker 4:I'm talking about Darius. We're shooting you a stiff one.
Speaker 2:Right, fuck, darius. Like I don't even, like I said Well, tanaka was there when that lady was Badgering me at Smyrna Like Bro.
Speaker 4:You can't. There's billions of people On this earth. You can't please anybody Bro. You can't.
Speaker 2:Like bro, not, please, everybody Bro. You can't Bro, not everybody can like you, bro, and that's what kills me, bro. It'd be bro. Okay, so Soulful Sunday don't really be a lot. It'd be like 80, 90 people maybe, bro if you complain about one person. It'd be one or two people, and you know it. It'd be one or two or maybe three at the most. That'd be like I don't like what he's playing.
Speaker 4:It'd be 90 people out there.
Speaker 2:It'd be a little crowd, I might let it look, oh, here we go, you done scared him away.
Speaker 4:I gotta go out there on like a Wednesday with a crowd like I used to skate, though, but I'm a little heavier now. You know what I mean. Oh, that'd be a couple heavier. No, I'm saying I don't know if I got my bearings right in the boy. You know what I mean.
Speaker 3:Nah, boy, if you play basketball, you know what I'm saying, you know what I mean.
Speaker 4:That was not the same thing.
Speaker 2:The balance is important boy, that's not the same thing. Big Steve runs there, bro. There are a couple of cougars out there, bro, as soon as you get on the floor. That's how you ride. I can cougar pimp.
Speaker 4:you know what? I'm saying I can be on the sidelines hey yo there you go.
Speaker 2:There it is. I'm telling you and as a saying I tell him every time, and it's on my shirt fuck Darius merch coming soon, fuck Darius, but no, it's a shirt I wear. They love me one day, they hate me one day. I got paid both days, bro. It really shit, bro. It's three.
Speaker 4:I feel like you saved that shit that shit saved me a phone.
Speaker 3:Nah, bro, I ain't saved it, I don't got nothing.
Speaker 4:That shit, like it was saved bro.
Speaker 3:I put it up on Google Maps. Oh, I thought you saved that.
Speaker 2:shit, I'm not going to lie bro. I feel like you did too.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I feel like I said that shit Now that.
Speaker 2:Steve said that I can definitely see you doing that.
Speaker 4:It's motivation.
Speaker 3:You cannot please, everybody bro.
Speaker 4:Like bro. You know how many trash-ass comments are under some restaurants that you know are good. Yeah, you know, Ash ass comments are under some restaurants that you know are good.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, you just got to take it from the start.
Speaker 4:You know, those restaurants are good.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah, yeah bro.
Speaker 4:Oh, that shrimp was overcooked Like bitch. That shrimp ain't never been overcooked, Right, you know?
Speaker 2:that restaurant good, it be like that sometimes, man.
Speaker 1:But you know, it's all good.
Speaker 2:I need to drop his nuts. Fuck that shit.
Speaker 4:I mean he ain't wrong.
Speaker 2:Thank you.