The TNT Podcast
The TNT Podcast
The End of an Era
On the season finale of the we give our take on the road to Birmingham, Alabama, opened up a whole new world for Tanaka & Turn Up. We embraced the local skate scene and music vibes with our guest returning (AGAIN) DJ Drip, sharing hilarious DJ mishaps and unpredictable guest appearances. They met DJ DoughBoy and join the team of Skate DJs Worldwide. Our discussions spanned iconic hip-hop and R&B tracks, debated the cultural significance of Tupac's "Dear Mama," and reflected on favorite TV shows like "Power." We celebrated four podcast seasons, expressing gratitude to our listeners and a major announcement concerning the TNT Podcast. Join us for the segments you love, & a rollercoaster of laughter, music, and spontaneous adventures.
Question of the Day: 36:42
Guess the Bars: 41:39
Hall of Fame: 1:02:22
Song of the Day: 1:10:36
Album of the Day: 1:21:48
DJ Talk: 1:29:20
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all right I think, I think we're good, hold on, let me see mic check one, two. Mic check one, two check check. All right, wait, talk again reporting live oh, you're over here, okay. Yeah, I might have to turn you up. All right, tanaka, say something.
Speaker 4:My check one, two, one, two Live and direct in the mother-loving stool Cooking up bars.
Speaker 1:Cadillac, bar Cadillac.
Speaker 3:Nigga, stop reading it, wait until it gets to bars.
Speaker 4:A hip hop, a hippity, that's what.
Speaker 1:I'm saying that's probably what he gave me too. That's probably what he gave me too. Some fucking slick Rick.
Speaker 3:Y'all gonna stop Bashing the good name of slick Rick, slick Rick 5.
Speaker 1:Was he really? Was he really 5? Was he really? Yeah, bro.
Speaker 3:He's one of them niggas.
Speaker 2:That's on the mic.
Speaker 3:You rock the mic. You rock the mic right, alright, see but here's the thing right. Slick Rick was okay. It's the, it's the folks older than him, that's like I don't know, like the, the fab fives and the, the grandmasters and autos like those type of rappers, those type of rappers. That be like alright, he's all like right.
Speaker 4:This man's just gonna cry his head off, bro. Cry your head off, man.
Speaker 1:Bro say this don't look like Karina bro.
Speaker 3:I don't know what you were about to show me. I just wasn't ready for it. I'm not.
Speaker 4:I'm no comment.
Speaker 3:Thank you. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are live, we're not live, but this is a prerecorded tape TNT podcast DJ Turn Up, DJ Tanaka. And we got Drip, because Drip wants to be irresponsible at night, so he's tagging along with us.
Speaker 1:I'm going to nominate this.
Speaker 4:What the fuck is that? We'll figure that out.
Speaker 3:I'm gonna nominate this what the fuck is that? We gonna Look, we gonna figure, we gonna figure that out.
Speaker 4:But, yeah, like god damn Like.
Speaker 3:Can we make it To guess the bar as a question of the day first you start fucking Nominating shit. Um, tanaka, I'm gonna, I'm gonna let you be the conductor Of this, of this train wreck. Go ahead, cause I, I don't, I don't.
Speaker 4:I don't know what the fuck we about to do. I mean, this was supposed to be.
Speaker 3:This was supposed to be our shit With no cast.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I know, and now we got drip Cause.
Speaker 3:This ass Want to be irresponsible Fuck.
Speaker 4:That joke was so funny, so Turned like this not your keys. I'm like nah, it's not. I'm like no, it's not, you know.
Speaker 3:Okay, well, I guess I'm just hold on to them drip bag.
Speaker 4:Yeah, nah, I'm over here waiting on breezes to get over here because I done lost my keys, because I mind you turn up. I had already left the a parking lot, like I had already left. And then that's when drip like dang bro, you're bro, you're not going to say bye to nobody. I'm like shoot, I thought she was in the arena car. And then he like nah, bro, I'm trying to find my key. So then I had to swing that rhyme and I was like I had asked him what they look like. And then that's when he said the red joint, and I just remember what you guys showed me and I'm like well, he gonna have Breezy, he gonna have Breezy.
Speaker 4:In there searching all over Breezy, look over it oh, I would've too.
Speaker 3:You better than me, bro. You better than me, bro.
Speaker 4:We'll find out tomorrow but we have a lot to catch up on right cause.
Speaker 3:the last episode was Bro, we have a lot.
Speaker 3:I have a lot of shit written down because we never catch up on any of the episodes that we actually talked on. I mean that we had Z, devin Shout out to Z and Devin though they were guests in a couple other episodes yeah, or the Nika or the Shay Shout out to Shay, but yeah, we haven't. Like I had this written down, bro, we were supposed to talk about the YSL trial and I feel like that's been gone. I feel like that's been done for a while now.
Speaker 4:Yep and I feel like that's been gone. I feel like that's been done for a while now.
Speaker 3:Yep, that boy thug came home. Yeah, welcome home, thugger but, um, yeah, but yeah, no, we I mean honestly and truthfully, we really ain't gotta talk about it. I just I just had it written down and I forgot to add it in alabama, did we alabama? Oh, absolutely, bro. We haven't talked, we haven't caught up on anything, literally from I don't know what, the last episode we did that wasn't a guest but before. I don't even remember the episode before Neshea.
Speaker 2:Do you remember the episode?
Speaker 3:before Neshea. That's what I'm saying. I don't remember shit before Neshea. I feel like everything after that was a guess, because it was Neshea.
Speaker 4:Should we start with Alabama, then? I?
Speaker 3:mean we can. All right, we're talking about the one we just went to the visit.
Speaker 4:Yeah, the visit.
Speaker 3:Yeah, shout out to Birmingham, right.
Speaker 4:Yeah, shout out to the folks at Birmingham.
Speaker 3:Yeah, Skate 280.
Speaker 4:DJ Drip would have been in attendance, but he ended up getting the last minute gig.
Speaker 3:Shout out Marquise Lounge.
Speaker 4:Shout out to Drip getting to the bag.
Speaker 3:DJ Drip, dj Drip, killing it at Marquise Lounge had to go stupid and had that volume turned up in the knockout.
Speaker 4:You know what I'm saying. But yeah, man, alabama's cool was cool, though you know what I'm saying. Um, it's just always interesting to see different rinks like right, you know, aside from the atlanta ones that we so accustomed to right um and when I seen, okay.
Speaker 3:So when I seen what I like, what type of music they listen to and like, my only, okay. So that's the thing, though. So my only issue was that we were, um, I didn't want to get to, I didn't want to get to there, and they because, they because like I said like I told to knock off air, like I didn't want to get there, and then it'd be like oh yeah, they want trap music, they want trap music.
Speaker 3:And then we get there play trap music, and then all the jbers. Or then we get there play trap music and then all the JB-ers, or whoever is up there complaining because whatever the fuck so yeah, drip, you're more than welcome to talk.
Speaker 1:Fuck them, niggas man, Fuck all them JB niggas man yeah.
Speaker 3:Hey cool. But, yeah, so that's what I was saying.
Speaker 4:I mean, shoot you, show them love at Cool, but yeah, so that's what I was saying. So Shoot you sure love Cascade Sunday.
Speaker 1:Yeah you sure, did you love, you love, but I'll be tired.
Speaker 3:Mr Cascade, sunday.
Speaker 1:My bad, I forgot.
Speaker 3:Mr.
Speaker 4:Cascade Sunday. I forgot.
Speaker 3:Mr Cascade, sunday.
Speaker 4:Give him the crown.
Speaker 3:Oh, that's something else we didn't get to update on. I mean this is still Fairly new, but um get to update on. I mean this is still fairly new, but um skate djs worldwide.
Speaker 4:Shout out to uh dj dope boy shout out that one dope boy man, you know what I'm saying. Colorado, finest man, dj dope boy appreciate him pulling up um santa lena and lincoln with all of us. Um, I apologize, I still have not downloaded the drop. Salute to Turn Up. I heard the drop tonight.
Speaker 3:I need to put more of the drops on there, because I think there's like four of them. Yeah, have you downloaded it?
Speaker 1:yet Drip? Yeah, I play it all the time.
Speaker 4:That shit.
Speaker 3:I'm the newest member of the Rockefeller team. I don't know why that's the first thing I think about, but yeah apparently in Alabama.
Speaker 4:Like the JB folk, they only come out with Ham DJ.
Speaker 3:Right, so they're going to see us and they're going to be like oh, we're going to stay home.
Speaker 4:Probably, but then that's when, like apparently the writers and all them folk is going to pop out for real.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you did say Keezy was going to pop out.
Speaker 4:Yeah, keezy and Nessa, they're going to slide through. And then I think you said Z and you know what's crazy.
Speaker 3:I forgot about that as soon as you said it. But, bruh, shout out to DJ Z. But I ain't going to lie, bruh, he's just a little bundle of excuses. I'll believe him when he's there.
Speaker 1:Lifetime shit he was gonna pop out.
Speaker 3:How this man can't even come to Canton, this man coming to Alabama.
Speaker 1:I don't know, bro. He said he was gonna probably get a ride.
Speaker 3:so oh, okay, well, I mean, nah, it's just funny, because we were, uh, drip, we gotta bring you to the wrestling show too, but nah, he was um, he had dm me and was like hey, bro, can you?
Speaker 3:um, hey, bro, what's that wrestling joint about? And I was like I mean, it's just just a show, like yeah, you should pull up, it's cool. It's cool little something. Um, and he was because that was this is the last one. And he was like um, I was like he's in canton. I was like god damn canton. So I was like, yeah, I'll let you know about the next one so you can prepare.
Speaker 4:And so lifetime he? He was telling me like yeah, he's like yeah, nah, I'm trying to do different, like the ring the ring is cool but, like I'm trying to experience different, different stuff, so that's why he would open the poppin outs and stuff like that.
Speaker 3:Maybe we need to take him to metro he wasn't supposed to.
Speaker 4:He said he's like dang, not when you be there.
Speaker 3:I like it'd be random for real so, oh well, sure, I'll put them on my list of people shout out to lifetime. But um yeah, why don't?
Speaker 1:we start talking about life because you said you was going to talk about Alabama.
Speaker 3:Oh, alabama okay but, oh so my bad, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off, but I remember I do. I had brought up the JV skaters because I was thinking about our playlist of like what to play. I'm not going to lie, bro. When I saw them, atl, riding to Glorilla, I was like, oh yeah, it's over with. Who said it's over with? Like, if that, if they're, if that's what they're riding to?
Speaker 4:oh yeah, it's like like they just, they just grabbing yeah, they're grabbing whatever, whatever trap whatever type of trap means they could even.
Speaker 3:You know, because I never, I didn't tell you, I didn't tell you that. Well, I don't know the know. Did Tanaka, did y'all have Bro?
Speaker 2:they were in there.
Speaker 3:What song was it?
Speaker 2:I think it was Wannabe by her and Megan Thee Stallion.
Speaker 4:And they were a real deal ATL ride and I was like oh OK, it's almost like they're like all right, this is our chance.
Speaker 3:Like.
Speaker 4:This is the most track we're going to get it's the most chat we're gonna get, so we had to make the most of it ham had played um that, this song, that this song he had made, uh, chris Brown, and made for quail oh yeah and they were riding to that I was like oh yeah, they, yeah, they, they, they
Speaker 1:grass yeah so that's why ham was like oh yeah they could, they gonna love y'all like yeah they're going to love y'all.
Speaker 2:You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 4:Because, like, that's what they F with for real. But so, yeah, salute to everybody that myself and Turner met out there in Alabama. We look forward to three of us pulling up on the 7th Skate DJ Worldwide. Salute to them. Appreciate y'all coming through. All three of us are members of the Skate Skate DJ Worldwide community. Right, what's up? What's up, Drew, what's up?
Speaker 1:We didn't download the drops yet.
Speaker 4:But who was in the meeting? Who was in the meeting? Who was in the meeting, bro?
Speaker 3:lock in drip come on, bro, you gotta lock in bro skate dj for a while.
Speaker 4:Man, you gotta lock in bro.
Speaker 3:I'm taking this shout out to uh. I'm trying to think all the uh shout out to reese. Shout out to craig um, like I said, shout out though boy. I'm trying to think who else? Oh, shout out. Black Label, I think.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Black.
Speaker 4:Label, yeah, black Label, yeah, black Label Ham. You said Ham.
Speaker 3:Ham, yeah, avalanche, yeah, avalanche Just got. Yeah, avalanche just got Put into that. Shout out to them.
Speaker 4:Yeah, atlanta, and they're heavy. I don't even want to kill yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, atlanta, and they're heavy.
Speaker 1:I think I was the last one so From Atlanta. I think so.
Speaker 3:Well. I guess, it depends what you mean. I'm not going to lie. It's crazy that you brought that up. I don't think they're asking where they're from because they got Toots in there, but they got Toots there from Atlanta, toots from Memphis.
Speaker 1:I mean, but that's probably, they probably asking where they play at Like, where they play mostly in the region.
Speaker 3:They didn't ask me that. They just said tell me where you're from. Or they told me where you reside it was something like that. But apparently they didn't ask Tanaka that.
Speaker 4:Did they ask you that?
Speaker 1:Yeah, they asked me where I reside. They said my Instagram where was?
Speaker 4:I.
Speaker 3:They didn't ask me that, apparently, they just pick and choosing.
Speaker 4:I guess, I don't know, they didn't ask me that it's crazy.
Speaker 3:I'm going to look up him.
Speaker 1:Just get the chops, bro. Yeah, why you sitting there doing nothing? You might as well.
Speaker 4:I got to access my email.
Speaker 3:I got a lot of people bro. Oh yeah, See, they got him from Baltimore.
Speaker 1:Oh, where was that nigga we playing at? I don't know man, I don't know.
Speaker 3:I mean, yeah, I wasn't going to say LA, I mean I wouldn't DJ in LA Stone. Mountain I started in Stone Mountain, so fuck it Stone Mountain. I ain't started in Stone Mountain. I started Stone Mountain, so fuck it Stone Mountain, I ain't started Stone Mountain. But you know Whatever, that's where I'll say I was from. Um. You know what's funny, tanaka, why are you Figuring that out? Um what I? What else I also had On the um Shit we supposed to Catch up on, and it's actually interesting that you're here, drip, because you weren't supposed to catch up on.
Speaker 3:And it's actually interesting that you're here, drip, because you weren't supposed to be here for this, but you know you're here, so, drip, how'd it feel being a part of a movie?
Speaker 1:you're talking about the rendezvous spot yeah, man that shit was lit.
Speaker 3:Yeah, until I fucked up my until I fucked up my ankle. That shit was cool till I fucked up my ankle, but it was funny about that is like ever since that well, not ever since that day, like after that day I think I had like I think I had like two other shoots. I think Tanaka had one, right Tanaka wait, what did you say?
Speaker 4:how?
Speaker 3:many. How many more shoots did we have after the fight scene? After that we had that club joint, the club joint yeah, so I had two yeah, so, yeah, that was interesting I guess he didn't want to pay me no more, so he just said no, he, I told him that we should.
Speaker 4:He should do the scene. Apparently there's a scene where, like all of us, this man tanaka's making scenes?
Speaker 4:no no, because he told me about it. He, he was like oh yeah, yeah, tanaka, because I was like dang, I was like that joint was hard. Can you get right? You know what I'm saying? The whole crew, you appreciate it, or whatever he like. Oh yeah, yeah, tanaka, I'm thinking about doing this other scene I just got to see. I got to shoot the main stuff first. I'm saying at the spot trying to like open the joint. You feel me Like in the living room kicking it, like trying to open that. So we might, I don't know, we might have one more with the whole crew, you know so.
Speaker 3:So is that when we supposed to come in with the um? Is that when we supposed to be chilling with the uh, with the hoes or something? Is that what that is?
Speaker 4:No, no, I think it's just the crew. Oh, it's just the crew After we took the joint. You know what I'm saying in front of that. It's us coming back, see.
Speaker 3:I didn't know if it was one of those things where because we were still at the spot, I didn't know if it was one of those things where we were supposed to be, like, your spot is always the party spot.
Speaker 4:Oh, I'm not sure, I don't know. Basically, if we used to reshoot that joint, it would be at the same spot.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it would be at the same spot. Yeah, I know. Yeah, that's supposed to be your spot. That's what I'm saying. Oh is it?
Speaker 4:Oh it is, I didn't even think about that. My bad, I don't know, I didn't really put some. Yeah, I forgot about that. Yeah, so I guess. Yeah, basically we hit the lick and then we come back to you know what I'm? Saying my spot and then we all like we might as well see what's up with this motherfucker. You know what I'm saying?
Speaker 3:Ty, jordan, yeah, so but yeah big shout out to Can't Get Right for giving us this opportunity to be a part of a movie that one never thought that I'd be a part of a movie no.
Speaker 1:Did you ever think about acting Drip Nah? But I fuck with it, though, For real, for real, I fuck with it.
Speaker 4:Yeah, they doing fun.
Speaker 1:I know you like it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, he saw them switches and he was like oh yeah, oh yeah.
Speaker 2:Hold up, yeah, except the fact that this man can't hold this man couldn't even Hold on to this shit.
Speaker 4:Bruh, I told you the scrap Broke off on that bit, bruh, that's all.
Speaker 3:I gotta ask Can't get right about, bro. We got to find that one, I was gonna ask you Did you get the?
Speaker 4:Did you get the outtake?
Speaker 3:I gotta get the outtakes I gotta get that. I gotta get that one outtake. I ain't gonna lie bro.
Speaker 1:After I fucked up my ankle, bro.
Speaker 3:I was just trying to hurry up and get in the car, bro. That's why I kept Fucking up. At the end I was like bro, I don't even know. I don't even know what the fuck this nigga Want at this point. I'm just that nigga said Turn up, you wasn't supposed To jump in the car. I was like Fuck y'all niggas bro.
Speaker 4:But um drove off, I said, bro, I didn't even get, or we didn't even get in the car.
Speaker 3:He was like hey bro, fuck this, I'm taking this bro myself I'm taking this big bro myself.
Speaker 4:Plot twist.
Speaker 3:You know what I'm saying and now you're talking about.
Speaker 2:That was crazy.
Speaker 3:So, drip, what was your and it's funny, I wrote this down too, but it's crazy, you wasn't even there for that. I mean, you was there for that, we wasn't even there for that. So, drip, what was your experience with voting at the polls?
Speaker 4:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:That's right, I ain't going to lie, bro. It was just a whole bunch of unorganized shit going on. As far as the setup, okay, the setup was cool, but they told me I had to leave because of something. They sent a mass ticket to everybody who was supposed to do that place. They were like, oh well, you're scheduled to leave, don't go. I'm like I'm already here. So I signed back into the hub thing and they was. They gave me another assignment, but the shit was already like it was already. It was like an hour before the shit ended. So like the shit ended at 7 o'clock. They sent me an assignment at 6 o'clock so I couldn't even do the assignment, but they, I couldn't even do the assignment, but they took too long to pay me. And yeah, bro, I just wouldn't do it no more. Bro, it ain't gonna go well.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it sounded like a lot, even from Tonic's perspective. Wait, did I tell you about what happened to Tonic? So for the people that don't know, shout out to Tonic. He bro, this nigga, literally got paid to do absolutely nothing. I don't know if you knew about that.
Speaker 4:I don't know if you remember that. Nah, I heard about that.
Speaker 3:Yeah. So it was something along the lines of he was supposed to be somewhere, but then the cops pulled up on him and was like yeah, you can't do that here. And so he went some other places, was like hey, can I do it here? They were like nope, and they were like here's your money.
Speaker 4:Salute to Tonic man. You know, what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:And that man got paid like it wasn't no gas money. That's like that man got paid rent money. That man got paid rent money to not do a goddamn thing. Shout out to Tonic.
Speaker 4:Nah, shout out to Tonic for real, he got, he got that whole bag, yeah, but um, anywho Wait.
Speaker 3:Did Drip got paid? He said. He said he. Well, he said they took too long to pay. So I'm assuming he got paid, you got you. But um, well, shoot, while I got you here, tonic, I mean Tonic, it's always I always end up calling y'all tonic, tonic, tanaka, tonic, tanaka, tanaka, tonic. I feel like my grandma Cuz my grant. Look, it's like eight of us. It's like eight of us and we're all DS.
Speaker 4:And she's daring.
Speaker 3:Do it, dick Daryl, damn deck never. So yeah, it's funny, but nah. So shout out to you, tanaka, for inviting me to my first concert in like 10 no, I won't say 10 years, because I had the. I forgot I went to the winery with Ashley, so that didn't really count. But uh, blast Joint. That was a long time ago, but I forgot. I went to the winery with Ashley, so that didn't really count.
Speaker 4:The Blast Joint that was a long time ago. No cap, hold up, hold up.
Speaker 3:Because you was DJing nigga, Just the game.
Speaker 4:You had to hold down Delinquent Thursday bro.
Speaker 1:Let's not even get into that shit.
Speaker 4:Alright, Pete.
Speaker 1:No, for real.
Speaker 4:But Nah, we just. We just had to clarify you did get paid, though, for the yeah, I did.
Speaker 1:Okay, okay yeah.
Speaker 3:I told you, he said he.
Speaker 4:Nah.
Speaker 3:I just. He just said that he paid. It took too long.
Speaker 1:It took way too long, I feel it.
Speaker 3:So how long Like what we talking about they?
Speaker 1:was saying 96 hours, but they took like damn near a whole fucking week. Oh yeah, in the house 96 hours.
Speaker 3:I've never heard that before. How many days is that? Is that a week? Is that like five? That's four days, that's four days. I've never heard anybody say 96 hours.
Speaker 4:That's a long time.
Speaker 3:That's a very odd number, yeah.
Speaker 4:But yeah, the Blast concert though that was dope man, yeah, yeah, I just, you know, because I feel like as DJs we're supposed to tap. I always find it interesting, of course, we see the artists that we F with, that we grew up on, but I always find it interesting too, just to like see, like these younger artists that we may not be as familiar with, but just to see like what type of music they perform and like what their core fans gravitate toward. You know so, and plus, I F with Blast though, so you know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, me too.
Speaker 3:I just wasn't invited yeah bro, you had to hold down Dling with Thursdays bro, Exactly bro. I know what he did. Dling with Thursdays, bro, shout out to Cascade East. They had their grand opening.
Speaker 1:He got lights now.
Speaker 3:He's going to pass it to Solo. I haven't done it with their lights yet, or did they?
Speaker 4:get it installed when they had the grand opening, I don't know. Oh yeah, so what did you see? I mean, I see it on the live.
Speaker 1:Like they got the little moving heads in there and then they got the little ones that cascade. They don't have it going around the whole ring, but they got the little bars.
Speaker 3:I don't think that would look good Because they don't have the all-around joint cascade.
Speaker 4:Did they show the slow set? Do they have colors for the slow set?
Speaker 1:I'm pretty sure they do if they got the moving heads and then they got the little bars.
Speaker 4:Good boy, that joint Slow set is just.
Speaker 3:Oh, I just cut off the light.
Speaker 4:It's just me, that's it, that's all you get. That joint be looking crazy man, I'm like man.
Speaker 3:Hey man, I haven't even been up there. I ain't been on the schedule to go up there. I haven't been on the schedule.
Speaker 4:the first week of November. I want to say I don't know. I think that's recent in.
Speaker 1:Vail's territory over there, I guess hey man.
Speaker 3:Start from the bottom, man, work your way up. That's how you say it, that's how you make something. That's crazy that you say that's how you make something sorry how you make something.
Speaker 4:I that's crazy. As you said that because you know how you was asking about like how long, how long you were like we should ask, uh, avalanche, how long it took for them to build like a night up, right? He was saying it took them like two years just for them to like get it established like as a name, and then it still took longer after that for people to really start packing it out. You know what I'm?
Speaker 1:saying Cascades might be. It ain't looking too good though.
Speaker 2:You said it's not it looks straight Just because of the grand opening.
Speaker 1:I don't think people are going to just come up there. Folks went up there because that shit was free. You get to skate free, eat free, do whatever the fuck you want for free Of course I'm going to go up there.
Speaker 3:I think they're going to do better with the promotion. I feel like that's what I heard. They didn't want to do real big promotion because they're not all the way finished. So I guess now they're gonna do the right promotion that they need to.
Speaker 4:Yeah so the appropriate people can come out. They're talking about status sundays who like what.
Speaker 1:What is that, though? What is that?
Speaker 3:I was. I was waiting for you to tell me a dj or something like a type of night. This man tanaka's, tanaka's dead y'all. He's no longer part of the living.
Speaker 4:Nah, I swear to god. So I'm over there with a musician, I'm chilling with Sean, and he like Do you know what this is? This joint says Status Sundays. I was like, nah, I don't know what that mean. He like, yeah, me neither. So I guess he had hit up what's the name? X, jamel X. He was asking him like what is Wait, what is this like?
Speaker 3:Like where did the name come from?
Speaker 4:Or just what is that even that's? What I'm saying Like is that supposed to be some VIP.
Speaker 1:Like.
Speaker 4:I don't know. So yeah, I don't know. So yeah, I don't know, but I guess they was trying to name certain days and stuff like that.
Speaker 1:Status Sunday is for.
Speaker 3:like the rainbow people, I don't know, bro, I guess it could be Status.
Speaker 1:Like what's your status.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I guess I don't know, man Status Sunday Wait, but isn't Sunday supposed to be like they?
Speaker 4:like grown folks night. That's what I'm saying. That's why I'm like confused.
Speaker 3:Or maybe Reese came up with it.
Speaker 4:I don't know. Me and Sean were confused when we saw it Pop up on the sideline. But yeah, I don't know. I guess they trying to work on it. As far as this promo Figuring out what each night is supposed to be called, oh no, she just called it East Sunday.
Speaker 3:Oh, cascade, east Sunday, yeah, because I seen her post it.
Speaker 1:She didn't put status on there, no, I ain't going to lie.
Speaker 3:I just always see that red flyer. I don't actually read it, I just always be seeing that red flag, are all the folks smiling? Is it? No, it's her.
Speaker 4:Is that what you're talking about?
Speaker 3:I always see the one with her at Smyrna, oh I don't see her yeah.
Speaker 2:I haven't seen her fly on my back. Whose fly are you?
Speaker 4:talking about? I thought she was talking about the Cascades.
Speaker 3:That's what I'm saying, I've never seen the status joint, I've always seen her joint. But I was like, okay, maybe I'm just not reading her shit and I mean, that makes sense, I just be scrolling, I just be scrolling?
Speaker 4:Oh, there it is bro.
Speaker 3:It's a nice flyer, it's a yeah. What does that mean? I would definitely ask what is the status? Maybe it's like a relationship thing Like you come if you like red, you single, I don't know blue, if you take him, I don't know some shit, I guess.
Speaker 4:So man, I don't know. Status status.
Speaker 3:Wait, isn't status like? Wasn't that like a thing on like myspace or facebook or some shit like your status?
Speaker 4:you talking about. Like the way message maybe I think so yeah, I don't know man. Um, yeah, I don't. I look man, god bless, you know, I wish they would I wish they would I wish they would have had a like. No, I'm saying I wish they would have had a dj meeting to discuss with us or like, at least explain to us so that we can understand these names.
Speaker 4:Yeah, because it's like how least explain to us so that we can understand these names yeah, because it's like how you gonna have the night and we're the one playing the mute.
Speaker 1:We're supposed to set the vibe for this night, you know, like yeah because you don't say status sunday and it's a rainbow shit and y'all got me um playing man. Have all them folks, all the rainbow folks young man. No, it's raining man. Hallelujah, young man. No.
Speaker 3:It's raining men, hallelujah.
Speaker 4:But yeah, I don't know how we got to Cascades.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we definitely just veered off.
Speaker 4:But yeah, the blast. The blast concert Turn up. Had you, what were your thoughts? Blast concert it's interesting talking to people. The blast concert turn up. Had you, what were your thoughts? Uh, blast concert it's.
Speaker 3:It's interesting talking to people that's like gone, that just goes to concerts, just not just like hey, that's their hobby. Yeah, like that was interesting.
Speaker 4:Oh, you're talking about that girl yeah, that girl, that just yeah, right, yeah, so it was it was interesting talking.
Speaker 3:It was interesting just talking. And she's like oh yeah, so tomorrow we're going to. Yesterday I went to. I'm like god damn, it's like she turned around. Awesome she turned around. Oh, they got new seats.
Speaker 3:Oh, you'd be here a lot like she, knowing details like that oh god, I'm like, oh okay, all right, but no, it was a cool, it was a cool vibe. Okay. So, tanaka, let me ask you this, because this was something that I thought about, but I guess we never confirmed, or not confirmed, that it was either a success or not a success, but I do remember I told you that in some of his older concerts that his singing wasn't the best. What was your thoughts on the?
Speaker 4:performance. Um, yeah, it didn't like it didn't blow me away, but, um, I mean, you know, like it, uh, I would say there's, there was mainly. There is a few moments where it was maybe like a little out of you know, saying out of out of key or what have you, but I'd say for the most part it was passable, like it was serviceable. You know it got the job done and you know, obviously the fans were pleased oh, they were broke.
Speaker 3:I never would have thought that Blast like them folks was in there like I can't even say vibing. They were lit.
Speaker 4:Yeah, they were definitely turning. That joint definitely kind of opens your eyes in a sense, because I don't know when do you characterize Blast as far as amongst these artists Do you feel like he's Kind of like what you feel like kind?
Speaker 3:of like, kind of like what you said, kind of like a nate dog but at the same time probably like a tie dollar sign but somewhere between a nate dog and a tie.
Speaker 4:Dollar sign but do you think? Like, as far as his notoriety, he's not clearly, obviously not on that type of level. You know what? I'm saying I mean like of a of a tie dollar. You know what I'm saying. Like as far as like a name I don't know.
Speaker 3:Well, I feel like is I feel like that's more because he just hasn't been out as long as ty dollar sign. But I feel like I feel like if he put, if he were to put out the same amount of time as ty dollar sign, that he would. I mean he would be, because I mean, yeah, I don't know, I feel like he would so that was my thing is that I just was kind of amazed.
Speaker 4:I didn't know his fan base would come out that strong for him. You know what I'm saying. I didn't really have any expectation. I didn't know what to expect as far as who was going to pop out for real, like that, and to see how lit they were and knew his joint for real. It was dope to see how lit they were and, like, knew his joint for real, you know it was.
Speaker 3:It was dope to see because, yeah, what? What actually blew my mind was that the fact the fact that he had older men in there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like singing, yeah like it was like older men like I'm talking like gray hair yeah, gray hair, gray beard.
Speaker 4:Like singing along like word for word, I didn't know like yeah that and that was interesting, that that kind of opened my eyes to the internet. Obviously, we're not in Cali, which is his home joint, but being that we had the internet, you could have fans that's popping out for you in any city, any country, any part of the world. That was dope to see.
Speaker 3:Hey buddy.
Speaker 2:Having fun on.
Speaker 3:What are you doing?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm just listening.
Speaker 3:What are you doing?
Speaker 1:Are you?
Speaker 3:on live? No oh.
Speaker 1:What's up, man?
Speaker 3:But yeah, what else?
Speaker 4:Did we cover everything? Oh, I don't know. Probably, Probably probably not. I did go to Dallas to go see the Hawks.
Speaker 3:Oh, yes, I forgot about that. You're definitely going. Don't even worry about it, tanaka yeah, let's talk about Dallas.
Speaker 4:I was tired as hell. Real, I didn't really. That was bad planning, honestly, on my part. I was supposed to book the trip a while back and just kept slacking on it. I flew over there to Dallas, met up with one of my homies from college who stay out there. We ended up hitting up. You know this hip-hop concert, lox and um, it was dope man. You know what I'm saying. It was dope.
Speaker 3:Drew, what's your favorite Lox song who?
Speaker 1:Go ahead Tanaka.
Speaker 4:Turn up the slide. That's the exact reaction I wanted, alright, but nah, uh, yeah, turn up slight. That's the exact reaction I wanted, all right, but not. Uh, yeah, it was good to see them folk doing their thing, you know, and uh, I don't know, it's just, it's always good to see see some hip-hop and, of course, I got a lot of respect for technician dj.
Speaker 3:He was doing his thing, so yeah, shout out to uh what you said. Technician that's the name technician, shout out technician. I tried one of his uh joints at uh, the party that we can't never do, ever again that's so crazy though, bro.
Speaker 4:Like them, folks hurt, bro, and salute to you eternal, because that that's your work. You know, I'm saying like work, like a charm, bro, that was that was going. Yeah, I gotta show y'all the footage. They was.
Speaker 3:Definitely gotta show me the footage.
Speaker 4:Ridiculous and I ain't gonna, it was fun.
Speaker 3:That was fun, but um yeah, so we Is that it we good, yeah, we good, we good. Alright, so um Question of the day day. I actually had two questions, but I feel like, since we're in nice and slow season, I just thought I'd throw this question out.
Speaker 4:Nice sir.
Speaker 3:Oh, nice hoodie, sir, but what am I?
Speaker 2:about to say.
Speaker 3:Oh, so this may or may not be brief, but so what is everybody most looking forward to? Nice and slow.
Speaker 4:For nice and slow um my most looking forward to y'all should see drip smirk is yeah, I know right it's priceless.
Speaker 3:I can't wait to hear what his response is, but go ahead, tanaka so really just putting that shit on twin.
Speaker 4:You know what I'm saying, I'm just kidding. Nah, nah, but nah, I feel like just seeing that bro, that whole vibe is always just really dope, like just the fact that we get a chance to play all these slow jams and different oh, I didn't say you turn up played, leaving tonight at soap sunday, yeah, so uh, but yeah, uh, I think yeah, just seeing seeing folks, you know, just seeing how excited people be, you know, for the slow jams I'm not gonna lie bro, I just gotta cut this short.
Speaker 3:Shout out to you for playing that. What was the response?
Speaker 4:uh, it was. It was a little mixed. It was mixed. I mean, they didn't know, but I didn't care I don't give a fuck tight shit.
Speaker 3:Okay, go ahead resume. Yeah, but uh, but yeah uh, yeah, I think it's just it's just a dope.
Speaker 4:You just feel the excitement. Excitement. That's why, of the people, they obviously look forward to it. They get all dressed up. I'm looking forward to seeing the skate crews that's an event that they've kind of circled as far as how they're going to pop out with new members of their crew and stuff like that. So it's really dope to know that it's had that impact. And then, of course, of course, everybody showing love with the R&B. You know what I'm saying. I'm looking forward to just seeing everybody dressed up and then enjoying themselves.
Speaker 3:That's probably what mine is, just to see what everybody's outfit looks like. Tanaka, shout out to you, wanted to challenge the youth and you challenged them. And there are some. There are some people that have been telling me hey, like should I get dressed up? I got this turtleneck, I got this, I got this button down. Like, how should I, how should I go about my? Hey, man, I can't wait to see what you can't see.
Speaker 4:It can't wait to see how you coming man and somebody, folk, somebody folk been hitting me and they're like, you know, they were saying it's their first one, so they was a little hesitant because they're like, are we supposed to dress up? I'm like because they, you know, nobody want to be like the only one dressed up, right, so I was like me and Turn Up for sure going to be dressed up, you know what I mean. So you're not gonna be the only one. Then I know some other skate crews that's already planning to be dressed up and all that. So you, you know, we all gonna be dressed up. I always just, you know, like to challenge the skaters. So, you know, fit the theme and come up with something like show y'all creativity.
Speaker 3:You did well, I'm gonna just say this I don't think I've ever had, I don't think I've gotten to give this shout out because I feel like after when I started editing the video, that's when I realized that's what he was wearing. But shout out to jj bruh, I didn't realize that that was his. I didn't see his outfit until till the fuck till I started editing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, me and him had the same outfit on. Oh yeah I, we was matching.
Speaker 3:Oh, didn't know that, didn't know that, yeah, but um so, drip, what are you most excited for?
Speaker 1:You know, really putting that shit on and the dice table, because I'm probably not even going to be skating for real and my birthday today, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:So, ladies and gentlemen, yeah, if you're hearing it, yeah, If you watch Harlem Nights.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:You've heard it right. We're having, we're bringing the crap table out, so you know what I'm saying, so you know.
Speaker 4:Just if you Need a little break From the skating, you know, want to go ahead and shoot that dice A little bit, you dig.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you can go ahead and do that and Like you said, he's bringing in his birthday, so that, first 30 minutes. We're going to have the countdown going and it's going to be nice and slow. Slash DJ Drip Bash.
Speaker 4:Exactly.
Speaker 3:Make sure, when you see DJ Drip, tell him happy birthday.
Speaker 4:Show him some love. Out to him, man Right.
Speaker 3:Well cool that bring us to Guess the Bars. Yep, cool, guess the bars. All right, ladies and gentlemen, for the people that don't know what Guest of Ours is, we got to see if we can figure out who the person is, and right on the F scale, which from 5 to 1, fire ferocious, flat frisbee fecal, and yeah, we'll go from there.
Speaker 2:Oh, here it goes. So you can go first.
Speaker 3:You can go first and you can read mine first and then we'll just got down All right Right now.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:All right.
Speaker 1:All right. Mine say I wish I could take the pain away. If you can't make it through the night, there's a brighter day. Everything will be all right if you hold on. It's a struggle every day, got a road going and there is no way I can pay you back, but my plan is to say that I understand you. I appreciate it. It's Dear Mama. By T-Pac.
Speaker 3:There you go, see, there you go, alright, cool See. So, drip, what are you giving it?
Speaker 1:Ferocious.
Speaker 3:Ferocious Alright. When's the first time you heard Dear Mama?
Speaker 1:Do you remember, I don't know, it was on Mother's Day, though for sure.
Speaker 3:So is that how you discovered Tupac?
Speaker 1:No, I discovered Tupac Back when, who was DJing Mondays a long time ago.
Speaker 3:T-smooth.
Speaker 1:T-Smooth and Craig. I remember I was requesting a song from you. I was always requesting California Love. We had a skate, a routine to that song. I was listening to Tupac back then. That was one of the songs I was listening to. Tupac back then.
Speaker 3:Well, that was one of the songs I was listening to well, I know for me it was well for bailout monday it was. It was either me, tete, me tete young, craig t smooth, or um, or tete's husband. It was like an older guy that had dreads. That's the only four people I could think of.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was probably you, because I used to always ask you for that song California Love and Cat Daddy man. We had routines to all them songs, but that was back then, when we wasn't even listening to Jeezy or Gucci man, we was just listening to yeah, I know, because it's just a video of y'all riding the hot.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I know, because it's just a video of y'all riding the hot. Sitting there riding the hot. I think it's in the group chat I think Hot by Young Thug oh dang. Yeah him Kendall and somebody else.
Speaker 4:CJ.
Speaker 3:CJ yeah, yeah, Okay, hot is, but yeah, shout out Tupac, but yeah, okay, so I'll.
Speaker 4:Well.
Speaker 3:Tanakaaka, you can go, we'll. So we don't confuse.
Speaker 4:High is. Uh, that's like 58.
Speaker 2:That's like 58 BM yeah.
Speaker 4:Oh damn Slow here. Um, Most of y'all throw rocks and shout out to hide your hand. Just say his name and I promise that you'll see Candyman Cause all in your eyes. Most of y'all tell lies. Most of y'all don't fade. Most of y'all been advised. Last LP I tried to lift a black artist, but it's the difference between black artists and white artists. Kendrick.
Speaker 3:Lamar element. Damn, I'm going to be the one to fuck this up.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I give this a ferocious five. Nah, I'm just going to give it a five. I F with this. That joint, yeah, that joint. I'm gonna be the one to fuck this up. I hope I don't fuck this up. Yeah, this joint was crazy you know he definitely definitely was snapping.
Speaker 3:So when was the first time you heard Element?
Speaker 4:I think when I heard the damn album he was just going in. That's why.
Speaker 3:So Tanaka, let me ask you this Cause I know they say that you could do this, but I don't know if you've done this or not.
Speaker 4:Have you listened to the? Album backwards Nah, I haven't tried that. I did hear about that, that theory and all that, but I haven't tried that.
Speaker 3:Okay, Alright, I guess I'll go. Let's see. Let's fuck this. Let's fuck this. Streak up. Broke bitch business. I could not be. Your man never got his ass whooped until we opened up that can damn alley-oop me bands. I'm a slam jam freak bitch. I like my mac touching yams. Play that op shit around me. I'ma tell you, turn it off. Heard what's happened to your mans? Not for your, oh not sorry for your loss. Um, broke me in business. Couldn't, could not be your man. Never got his ass walked until I don't know if that can. Yeah, I don't know who this is.
Speaker 2:Um free visual I like.
Speaker 3:Mac touching yams. Um freak bitch. I like Mac touching yams. I like my Mac touching yams. Is the Mac supposed to be a gun?
Speaker 4:yeah, okay, you know, like the Mac 11 right, freak bitch.
Speaker 3:I like my Mac touching, so his gun touched the pussy. Is that what that's saying? Or drugs, yams, that's saying.
Speaker 4:Or drugs Yams. That's like ass, isn't it?
Speaker 1:You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:So his gun is touching ass.
Speaker 4:I guess it's like a metaphor Like his dick, oh his dick. I like my mac touching, or I don't know, he could be just throw it off.
Speaker 3:That's what it sounds like. That's what it sounds like um, uh, yeah, this shit is doing nothing for me. I'm gonna get us a flat frisbee. This is probably yeah. It's probably like a 2.2, probably likea, yeah this is closer to frisbee. I don't know it's doing nothing for me, but since you just came back from this LOX joint, I'm going to just say somebody from the LOX, just because I don't know, throw the LOX.
Speaker 4:But yeah, go ahead. Tanaka. Who is this? Oh, this is AZ Chike who. Who? Hey drip what you saying? They saying what you saying? Peekaboo, it's the song peekaboo man, Kendrick Lamar and AZ Chike man oh, oh, what they talking about?
Speaker 3:they talking about that what they talking about. I don't think. See, tanaka, you've actually done the research on some ofaka. You've actually done the research On some of these people. I've done no research.
Speaker 4:So he was one of those. He was one of those newer.
Speaker 3:West Coast artists.
Speaker 4:That Was a guest.
Speaker 3:Well, shout out to Bruh. I have no idea who he was.
Speaker 4:He's hella funny. I ain't gonna cap. He's entertaining definitely.
Speaker 3:I can see that.
Speaker 1:I can see that alright drip we got which one you want me to do? The one I mean, since you're already on to draw on it.
Speaker 1:I guess you can just finish up that yeah, on the grind in GA Like Phil Marv and Chris Frostbite, somebody help my wrist. Pissy drunk, you can smell it through my pores. Vip, get hot. Then I started sweating Chris slash club Get drunk when we started playing this real street nigga, I got half of the. I got half of swag and O half a swag and oh to a hat. Hell of a hell of a jack on the grind and you I Want to say angle off the first bar, really fucking light. Okay, I think is. Is it Georgia? Is it Georgia? Is it Georgia? Hold on my bad.
Speaker 2:I gotta pull back up, god damn bitch.
Speaker 3:Hold on my bad Okay. What we looking at oh, where it says GA.
Speaker 1:Yeah, is it Georgia? By Ludacris.
Speaker 3:Oh, is this song Georgia?
Speaker 1:by.
Speaker 3:Ludacris, oh no.
Speaker 1:Oh well, I don't know who it is, then I give it a flat.
Speaker 3:Flat.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so this is Jeezy this is Making. It Look Easy.
Speaker 1:Oh, let's see, I don't know that song, so that's probably why it's off of.
Speaker 3:Can't Ban the Snowman Off. Can't Banit Snowman Off. Camp Bandit Snowman Alright Tanaka. It's on you.
Speaker 4:Huh, bad bitches with ass shots, use the house as a stash spot. Let's cool with the red top. I'm in the loop boy. I'm tired. Like an ass guy. I used to run with the head knocks. Kick in the loop boy. I'm tired like an ass guy. I used to run with the head knocks. Kick the ab hot, just so we can head knocks. A lot of ninjas see their dreams in a glass pot to the judge. Throw you in that box and watch your head rock um let's see, I definitely know this.
Speaker 4:Wow Saha to Princeton City.
Speaker 3:He ducked for that one. Boy, he ducked for that one, I boy, he dug for that one.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I couldn't remember the title of the song. I was hearing the whole song in my head, but I couldn't hear he dug for that one boy. I couldn't remember the title Woo yeah Two for two.
Speaker 3:not Okay, Two for two.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's another five, that's another fire. You know, that's how it was going crazy yeah, you know what I'm saying yeah, spitting that shit.
Speaker 3:All right, let me move up this shit up, all right. Uh, let's see. See, the plan is to stash all cash. Y'all these weed. Oh, my bad, the weed so strong they got to put it in a glass jar. Niggasas, try to smoke me out. Then moke me out. Yeah, moke me out, because the rims on my new joint be poking out. I'm about to have no feelings. Shit is deep. Do they dance with the devil when they sleep? I wake up gripping the air, wishing to hear Shit that they kick in your ear when your soul is, when your soul drips in the air, my jip, hello, my gift is half rotten. When I spit, it's a tear that shit'll drop down my eye. I'm too tired to cry and I ain't never seen a nigga that's too lived to die. This joint's all over the place.
Speaker 2:I mean it's not as bad as the first one.
Speaker 3:It was cool. I give it a flat. I give it a flat for. I give it a flat for it's not all the way flat it was cool, it was alright.
Speaker 1:I don't know.
Speaker 3:That Moke Me Out was kind of crazy.
Speaker 1:You said who Uno Mons?
Speaker 3:You mean Uno Mons, I don't know. That Moke Me Out was kind of crazy. Or maybe I just don't know what Moke Me Out means. I'll just go with that.
Speaker 2:I'm going to give it a flat.
Speaker 3:But yeah, I don't know who this is Well a flat for. But yeah, I don't know who this is well okay. So I'll say this artist is from Texas. Just cause he says cause the rims on my new joint be poking out, I'm getting Texas vibes this is um Bam from TV Styles P and uh Jadakiss you know what's crazy I be playing I be playing the Lil Wayne version a lot.
Speaker 4:That is on crazy.
Speaker 3:I've actually never heard the song before.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's on crazy. I've never heard the song before. I just remember it from the verses.
Speaker 3:Of course, of course. Four or five years later, he's still on that. Verses but yeah, go ahead. I won't trust nobody. Four or five years later, he's still on that. He's still on that versus but um, yeah.
Speaker 1:Go ahead. I Won't trust nobody With my life. I got my own strap. Yeah, tell me who to call when your phone tap. Yeah, the judge proved it Once the crackers Kicked his spots. Yeah, you, the only you were the one that called to get Everybody hot. Yeah, you, the only you, the one that called to get everybody hot. Yeah, you, the only you, the one that said they got the city hot. Oh, I know what this is. Um, this is, uh, federal Nightmares by LA Rock. Yeah, fire Ferocious. Yeah, that shit bruh.
Speaker 1:I remember, when I first bruh, somebody requested that.
Speaker 3:Somebody requested that at Sparkles and I was like bruh, please stop requesting Rod Wave bruh. But I was like bro, please stop requesting Rod Wave bro.
Speaker 2:But I was like you know what Something in my head was, like all right, bro, fuck it bro.
Speaker 3:I'm going to just try it out Bro, I dropped that fucking beat drop. I was like bro, what the fuck? This is not Rod Wave. That motherfucker said.
Speaker 4:I was like, oh, we need more songs like this. Yeah, it's crazy. I remember I was in the car with Drew and he played this song and Cause I think the album, the album had Jed drop right.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, so wait, so wait. When's the first time you heard Federal Nightmares In the car with no?
Speaker 1:no, no, it was not. You heard a snippet of the song right I was yeah, I was At Soccer Mom's house when I heard you.
Speaker 3:Tight shit.
Speaker 4:Through so many racks A bitch can't even See the floor From Atlanta to LA. The only time I'm begging for Cheap ninjas, make you pick Rich ninjas, get you both Gay to Bentley, to a valet and let that ninja Drive the boat. Okay, it's real flossing Tight shit going on it's tonight.
Speaker 3:I don't know the lyrics, bro, but he know Sin City, so I had to print it.
Speaker 1:Read it again bro.
Speaker 4:Do so many raps A bitch can't even see the flow Stop. Stop ringing the bell bro Stop ringing the bell, man.
Speaker 3:You know what I'm saying, well, okay, well, hold on, let him rate it first, and then you can steal the point. Unless you're going to try it.
Speaker 4:No, I don't know it. This is a flat approach. I like the.
Speaker 3:Yeah, all right, so tonight was the first. Well, have you ever heard this song before? Yeah, I heard the song, so when's the first time ever heard this song before?
Speaker 4:Yeah, I've heard this song before.
Speaker 3:So when was the first time you heard this song?
Speaker 4:Um, this is the, this, the this, the rip me out of plastic shit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, um.
Speaker 4:I feel like somebody had posted it online Like social media, and I seen it.
Speaker 1:Did y'all talk about Strum?
Speaker 4:Yeah, I think I just kept seeing that. Rip Me Out the Plastic. I've been adding brand new, so I should find out what record this is, because everybody loves it. I don't know what y'all been doing. This is because everybody you know I think that's who the fact that it had, like that Atlanta ode to it, so like, yeah, I really gotta figure this out, being that I'm in Atlanta right.
Speaker 3:Alright, let's go ahead and wrap this up. Scary ass, nigga, wanna come for me? You better bring it. I ain't mad, I forgive them, god, I know they ain't mean it. What other says I'm sorry? Yeah, I've seen it all before. Hate I'm popping, they ain't rack they bring. Try to think how to stop it and they can't. Ain't that lame. But then that hatred manifests to purest malice. I'm no longer being callous. I'm gonna let you niggas have. It Won't be satisfied until somebody dies and I'm patiently waiting on Me and the Reaper on first name basis now.
Speaker 1:Scary as anyone's mouth.
Speaker 2:Do I know this?
Speaker 3:Hey man, I don't even got no idea. Did I know this? I feel like I know it. This me and the Reaper is on a first name basis. Now it's sticking out real bad Me and the Reaper on the first name, right. But no, but that's what's crazy, though, nothing else stands out except that last line. I'm no longer being count. Okay, let me see, let me, let me, let me work backwards won't satisfy it, I don't know. I want to say like oh, 350 cent for some reason, I don't know.
Speaker 3:I want to say like 0.350 cent for some reason, I don't know why, or 0.250 cent, I don't fucking know. Uh, yeah, I don't know. Oh my bad, uh, I'll give it a. Give it a flat, it was all right, it was all right. Well, you know what? I gave the other one a flat for. I gave that. I gave this a flat for it too. It was alright. Who we got Tanaka.
Speaker 4:I never let you down. I'm a shine.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I would've never got that. That was this is supposed to be on Never Worship, right? I don't think that was the. This is supposed to be on no Mercy right, yeah, our.
Speaker 4:I don't think that was the. The original album was King Uncaged, which turned into no Mercy.
Speaker 3:I don't know that was. That was such a disappointing album.
Speaker 4:That one. Yeah, that's when he had them singles Got your Back and all that. Yeah, like Yo. So basically no Mercy. Yeah, that's when he had them singles Got your Back and all that. Congratulations to the swag yeah, so basically no mercy on me. Well, that's what I'm saying. I feel like he's had all them records ready for King on Cage, but then he had that Cage situation and he had to switch the whole vibe up. Follow your dreams, don't give up. Oh, here you go. But yeah, for the people that know that song with TI, I'm back.
Speaker 3:Every time I see you know what? I should probably do that to Musician too. I'm going to do that to Musician too, now that I know that he's a big TI fan Follow your dreams, don't give up. It's kind of like when I bring up.
Speaker 4:Glory. Yeah, to lower that probation. Follow your dreams. Yeah, to lower that probation, follow your dreams, don't give up.
Speaker 3:That's what Y'all, y'all think I'm playing. That's what Young Thug's music Finna sound like now, nah, for real.
Speaker 4:Follow your dreams.
Speaker 3:Don't give up. That's what it sound. That's what it sound, but yeah, that was it. That was.
Speaker 4:I'll guess the bars. I'll guess the bars. I'll guess the bars um.
Speaker 3:Up next we got the Hall of Fame and I actually you know it's fucked up. I remember there was something else I was supposed to do. I was supposed to get like all the Hall of Fames and shout them out, because this is the last one of the year but, I, definitely forgot to do that.
Speaker 4:It's all good.
Speaker 3:Yeah, shout out to the class of 2024 of the Hall of. Fame Shout out to class of 2024, man, whoever you are, we're going to post you on the Instagram page. I don't remember who any of y'all are, well, except this one that we're about to post, because it was me. It was me, you and Devin, right, that was the last one. Yeah, oh, I remember, that's what. Yeah, okay, so Devin chose Devin.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, that's right.
Speaker 3:Tanaka chose Dyed hair and I chose Rick Ross and Robin Thicke's Layback. So the last inductee Into the TNT Podcast Hall of Fame Class of 2024 Is Drum roll, please. Inductee into the TNT Podcast Hall of Fame class of 2024 is drumroll, please. Rick Ross and Robert Thicke will be back.
Speaker 4:Whoever voted for that. I gotta have a word with myself. Folk Crazy, oh shit.
Speaker 3:So yeah so, yeah man, oh shit, so, yeah so, um, yeah so, tanaka, how does it feel that your favorite, rick Ross?
Speaker 4:Mother fucker Right here, boy.
Speaker 3:I tell you, man, Chill my ass, yeah, so, um, I'll go first. Well, no, fuck it. Wait, did you really? Did you really? Did you really? Were you really about to pick that as your? Okay, I'll let Drip go first, because Drip already knows what he wants to do. So, drip, you go ahead and start it off.
Speaker 1:I'm going to nominate whatever this shit is.
Speaker 3:And why are we nominating that?
Speaker 1:He's trying to be messy. He's trying to be messy. He's trying to be messy. Oh, I'm trying to be messy.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you got to give a reason. Why are we?
Speaker 1:I think it looked like Karina.
Speaker 3:Fucking havoc, but, um, I guess. So I'm going to go with. I feel it's actually interesting that this got picked for what I was gonna do for the TNT Podcast Hall of Fame, but fuck it, I mean, I feel like it's only right. It's a nice slow season, so fuck it. With all that being said, I'm gonna nominate nice and slow because this wasn't supposed to happen and I'll just give a little backstory on. I feel like I feel like I have given this backstory, but fuck it, I'm gonna say it again.
Speaker 3:I tell I give tanaka a lot of ideas and tanaka be like oh, yeah, but the moment I knew that nice and slow was a good idea was when I was driving randomly to wherever the. I don't even remember where the fuck I was going. I just remember getting a call from tanaka's like hey, hey, turn up. That uh all slow said night, you, you think that you really think they'll fuck with that? And I was like I mean, maybe I guess, but yeah, um, so I got I, um, I asked this. I asked this girl. She said she, she, she would fuck with it. And she said she asked a couple of her friends and she said they would fuck with it.
Speaker 4:And um, yeah, the rest is history I I'm just on like a wildfire For real, like it started carrying on To other folks Like what's up with this? What's?
Speaker 3:crazy about and I remember it was funny Leron Fucking shout out.
Speaker 4:Shout out, leron.
Speaker 3:He was. He didn't know about it and I think it was Paris. Paris was like hey, so they're having An Oslo set night. He was Oslo set night. I was. I was like, yeah, so that's, that's one thing. I'll say this one thing about marketing that I've learned is that if you can get women, if you can get all women to market your shit and like that's it, like bro, like the men gonna come regardless, if you can get all the women to just do it for you, you're going to, nine times out of ten, have a successful night. And that's really what the first night of the show was. So yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that's my nomination, nice and slow and, as we always say, that word of mouth be the best promotion.
Speaker 1:Yeah, for sure.
Speaker 3:For sure word of mouth be the best promotion. Yeah, for sure, for sure, um dang, how should we end?
Speaker 4:2024. Well, no, that's how should we start 2025. Yeah, yeah, um, I'm going to nominate.
Speaker 3:I'm going to nominate doing that freestyle joint at the party alright, tanaka, that means you actually got to send me this footage.
Speaker 4:I got you.
Speaker 3:I'm going to send it to you so okay, I'll give a backstory on it.
Speaker 3:So tanaka went to this um this lox concert and he showed me clips of the dj shout out dj technique technician, technician yeah dj technician did a dj set and he was kind of showing me that he was DJing, but it was kind of it was like he was more talking and just dun dun dun and dropping the song, dun dun dun and dropping the song. But then he did one thing that kind of caught my eye and I was like you know what, I'm going to try this at Bell Out Monday for the party shit. So he did a thing where he was like he was like hey, I want you to, um, I want you to, uh, I'm gonna play this song and I want you to act like you're in the song, like you were in the studio with biggie smalls or it was some shit like that.
Speaker 4:right he's like I want y'all to wrap this bar for bar. You know what I'm saying. Mr c used to do this. You know what I'm saying. So y'all gotta, y'all gotta, spit this, you know. And if you don't know it, google it. Yeah, you know.
Speaker 3:And he just played. You know what's crazy? That's what I meant to say too.
Speaker 4:I ain't going to lie, I meant to say that shit too he played the instrumental and then he was just hype, manning them up Like every time they was rapping, and he was just like you know, yeah'm saying so.
Speaker 3:Turner was like oh, they gave him an idea.
Speaker 4:So at the party he told them folk about the Lil Baby. I need to hear y'all. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 4:And they were going crazy.
Speaker 3:I need y'all turned up out in the studio with Lil Baby or something like that. I think I said some shit like that we going to rise for the Atlanta National. Anthem Some shit like that. But yeah, yeah, shout out to that.
Speaker 4:Quote, unquote, last party.
Speaker 3:Yeah, quote, unquote, last party, but yeah, so we got the Karina lookalike Nice and slow and DJ Turnip's technician rendition of I don't know I'm going to come up with a nameition of. I don't know I'm going to come up with a name with it. I don't know. Some shit. But yeah, we're going to put that on Instagram. Y'all vote and yeah, We'll go from there.
Speaker 1:Karuna going to be so mad when she?
Speaker 3:sees this. Oh man, I mean, look, she would have to actually listen to it to find out. I'm pretty sure she ain't listening. All right, so let's see. Song of the day is Tony, tony, tony's Anniversary. This is one of the songs that I actually used to hear my mom play. It would either be in the car or on the radio, or I don't know somewhere on the phone. I feel like she had this CD. I feel like this is why I heard this song a lot. But, tanaka, let me ask you this how did you discover Tony, tony, tony.
Speaker 4:I feel like I got a. I think I saw, I think I seen a music video on BET with them performing, but then also, I think I eventually somehow got the greatest hits, like I think it was like 15 songs you said you had the greatest hits yeah, I didn't. I mean I didn't, I legally downloaded it. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, like I didn't, because I didn't have the physical copy, but yeah, that was such a weird.
Speaker 3:I feel like you just gave a deposition. I just had to be honest, you know. But yeah, that was such a weird statement, I feel like you just gave a deposition.
Speaker 4:I just had to be honest. You know what I'm saying, because them folk you know I'd be having them cds.
Speaker 3:They'd be like oh you're talking about the tone, tone, tone, like you know anyway, yeah, okay, but so I bring that up to to ask, to follow up with this question, right, did you? Did you think that Raphael Sadiq's name was Tony, tony, tony, or did you know that it was a girl? Okay, my bad.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I think I found out. I knew about Tony, Tony, Tony before I knew about Raphael Sadiq.
Speaker 2:So I bring that up because like I said I used to hear this song a lot.
Speaker 3:I used to hear Anniversary a lot, but I thought Tony, Tony. Tony was Raphael Sadiq. I didn't know they were a group. Gotcha I thought his name was just Tony Tony.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I think I knew about Tony Tony Tony before I knew who Raphael Sadiq was.
Speaker 3:No, for sure, that's definitely me. Yeah, definitely, but I thought it was so okay.
Speaker 4:So did you. That's what I'm saying. So did you know they were a group? I think so because I think the cover I seen had like all their faces oh, yeah, true yeah it did so.
Speaker 3:Um, yeah, what I like about the song is that I just, I just fuck with the soul feel like the acoustic.
Speaker 4:I will say, as far as the voices though, I'm not sure, just because, like you know, bands, like some of them, like that could have been the drummer or that could have been, like you know what I'm saying like I don't know if I knew for sure that vocally, you know, there's different people that's and that's so.
Speaker 3:That's what I'm saying. I don't want to go too far left, but apparently rafael sadiq wasn't always the lead singer. I've never heard any other song by Tony Tony Tony that didn't have Raphael Sadiq on it. Yeah, so I don't know. That's news to me.
Speaker 4:I feel like the first time I learned about Raphael Sadiq was that just me and you? Isn't that Tony, Tony, Tony I don't know, it was credited, I think, as as just him yeah.
Speaker 3:Oh, it might be. It might be. I'll probably say the first time that I Discovered his name Was Ascody. You got a shame.
Speaker 4:Oh, yeah, damn.
Speaker 1:My eyes were with Tony. You said what First time I heard it oh Detroit girl. I it oh Detroit girl we're talking about.
Speaker 2:Detroit girl I knew.
Speaker 3:As soon as he said 20, I knew where he was going with it. But Anywho, before we go too left, yeah, I fucked with the, I fucked with the acoustics and I I just fucked with Rafael Sadiq as a singer, so much. So, like I said, I really thought Rafael Sadiq was Tony Tony Tony, but I mean, and granted, I was like a child, so I probably just thought, oh yeah, who's the singer? Oh, it's Tony Tony Tony. Oh, so his name is Tony Tony Tony or whatever but the song came out first.
Speaker 3:When the album came out, which was June 22nd 1993, drip, where were you June 22nd 1993?
Speaker 1:shit, not even born. Not even born, not even thought of. Yeah.
Speaker 3:I figured Because I was. I was Four days old.
Speaker 2:Tanaka. Where were you June?
Speaker 4:22nd 1990? Um, I'd say like a year, a year and a half, two A year, no, a year and a half.
Speaker 3:No a year and a half. So yeah, this song came out on their album Son of Soul, track 14. A little back story on, well, not back story, but what the song is about Anniversary is a romantic ballet that celebrates the enduring power of love and commitment and basically it's really one of those wedding songs for real, for real, but yeah you know?
Speaker 2:do you know what today is? It's our anniversary, you know? Do you need to grow up?
Speaker 4:They had a TikTok right To this joint. Yeah, they did yeah.
Speaker 1:There was a thing that started and one of the drummers had started that shit and one of the drummers started that.
Speaker 4:Yeah, because you know that little breakdown with the instrumental.
Speaker 3:The interlude joint. That's crazy, you know, it's crazy. That's like my and that's something that I like. That's like my favorite part of that whole song. Yeah, like after he starts singing that's when?
Speaker 4:yeah that that.
Speaker 1:That was like a tiktok show yeah, it turned into a jersey, a jersey club show yeah of course they did.
Speaker 4:That's what we was playing right.
Speaker 3:Oh the fucking yeah. I forgot about that. Damn, that was a thing, yeah, damn.
Speaker 2:Why did I?
Speaker 3:forget. Yeah, that was a pretty big thing. Damn that's crazy, I forgot about that. No, I don't think that was the interlude. I think they just took the beat.
Speaker 4:No, I don't think that was the interlude. I think they just took the beat. No, there was something before that, and then they turned it into a Jersey clothes on.
Speaker 3:Oh, so, oh.
Speaker 4:So, the tick tock joint and there was something before that, before the Jersey clothes on.
Speaker 3:There was something that was just the interlude.
Speaker 4:You know what I'm saying. And then they turned it into a Jersey clothes on when they use the beat and then they turned it into a jerry, the club song when they used the beat, you know oh okay
Speaker 2:didn't know that.
Speaker 3:So let me ask you this tonight did you know that tony tony tony was like everything was like in-house type shit, like they were like the producer and all that shit too um, uh, no, I don't think so.
Speaker 4:I don't think I did know that yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, my Tony, Tony, Tony information. I have little to nothing about them, I mean, but then again I probably could find it if I really look for it. But I really don't know a lot about Tony Tony, Tony, Because I was really, I'd really only be listening to them for Raphael Sadiq. So yeah, but yeah, it's track 14 on Sons of Soul and it was released under the Wing Records and Mercury Records Tanaka. Are you familiar with either one of those record labels?
Speaker 4:No, I mean I think maybe Mercury Excuse me, but yeah, the 90's had a lot of little Like they were. They were major but it was a lot of little ones. Oh, a lot of little record labels, yeah, like just kind of yeah.
Speaker 3:Anniversary did have a music video. Ladies and gentlemen, it's a simple visual representation of the song's message. It features the group performing the song in a studio setting, with a focus on their harmonies and emotional delivery. The video's simplicities allow the song's lyrics and group performance to take center stage. There are no elaborate props or storylines, just the music and the musicians. The song, which is interesting, I don't know. I feel like I need to get it. I feel like there needs to be like an update on this, but apparently anniversary's only gone cold. That sounds wrong.
Speaker 4:I feel like, yeah, I don't know though that, so my bad, I was gonna double back on that point. Um so, like them record labels, they used to either have like a like a mixed genre, so they'd have like some like r&b, so they'd have like some like R&B, but they'd maybe have some rock acts and stuff like that or their joint was held with small like, maybe like five artists. You know how like major record labels now have like tons of like 50 artists on their joint. So I think I think, if that is true, that that joint is gold, like it makes sense, because I think they probably didn't have the budget to like, oh, to push you compete with, like you know, the other representatives, right?
Speaker 3:so I guess that makes sense. So, um, by the critics, it was received with critical acclaim upon its release. It was praised for its smooth vocals, heartfelt lyrics and soulful production. The song's success was further solidified by the Grammy Awards nomination for Best R&B Artist and R&B Performance by Duo Group Vocals in 1994. The music critics such as name on it? Um, tonight you have this one, chris, uh, robert christico. Does that sound familiar? Apparently he's a music critic.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, from chicago, the chicago tribune. Yeah, robert christico, chicago.
Speaker 3:Tribune Robert Cristico Robert.
Speaker 4:Cristico, I think so apparently highly regarded.
Speaker 3:The song, even ranking it as one of the best songs of 93 anniversary, remains a beloved classic in the R&B music, recognized for it's enduring appeal and it's impact on the genre. So, ladies and gentlemen, if you are interested in hearing a classic, a real classic 90s classic, not even a 90s classic R&B classic, just period to get you in that vibe of thinking of your partner and your loved one I mean, everybody has an anniversary coming up when it comes to relationships and shit like that. So, you know, I would highly recommend, if you haven't yet and if you haven't yet, that's very interesting that you've never heard Tony Tony Tony anniversary but if you haven't, I'd highly recommend you listen to Tony Tony Tony's anniversary. Shout out to Raphael, shout out to Tony Tony Tony.
Speaker 4:And that is Turn Up's song of the skaters had R Kelly Write.
Speaker 3:Me Back, weren't we just talking about this?
Speaker 4:Yeah, this is inspired. Because one of the skaters had asked about a song.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah.
Speaker 4:You know, and I was like I didn't have a song. But then when I looked back at it I was like clearly I know the song because I had this album and then on top of that I had favorited it like. So you know, obviously, like the record, um, this was an interesting album. Uh, I think it's dope, though that like r kelly is, so he literally could do any genre it seemed like, which is pretty impressive, you know, and um, this album was kind of like an ode to like 70s and 80s kind of like music or whatever. So it had like a real throwback, feel like almost like barry white type shit you know what I'm saying and um, but then also like some of the stepping stuff that he be doing, you know. So I can, I can commend him cause, like I mean, I wouldn't say it's no classic or nothing, but I can commend that he's just experimenting basically with different types of music and still has records that you know you can still rock with.
Speaker 4:It's interesting learning about skating music and just how, like Jersey and all that, because I really, if I really go dig into like the R Kelly catalog, you will see a lot of his records fit Definitely, because it's like step music for real. I don't know. That's kind of dope to me. I guess it's always interesting, cause you never know where music I don't know when you listen to a, an album, I don't. I just kind of take the music for what it is. I don't necessarily envision like, oh, like I could play this in the club, or oh, I could.
Speaker 4:I don't think it was until I became like really you know, like for real, for real DJing, like every week type joint, that I really kind of um started doing that like, oh, I could play this for this or I could play this for this. I just was enjoying the music when I was growing up listening to it. So hearing, hearing this album with a new set of ears, it's like, oh, I could definitely play this, you know, for this genre of skating, you know, and stuff. So, um, so yeah, but uh, it's crazy because I remember distinctly this album came out when I was like in atlanta, like like visiting for the first time, summertime 2012. I just remember I was taking my youngins to elementary school. It's just kind of surreal looking back on that. You know where, all Good at.
Speaker 3:Where.
Speaker 4:All Good.
Speaker 3:All Good. What is that?
Speaker 4:Paul Lincoln All Good Elementary, oh no, yeah, so that's where I used to drive my youngest. But but yeah, I got a, got a handful of records. Believe that it's so Feeling Single Love Is.
Speaker 3:Feeling Single okay.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that was a single that was one of the singles yeah, I remember that Share my Love.
Speaker 4:Can't remember all of them exactly, but they're definitely odes to like, like I said, barry white. You know you could definitely. You know the type of beat that was made um, and for the most part he produced like this whole album, you know. So that's the testament to r kelly and how he just studies music, you know, um, so yeah, I would say it's a solid effort. I wouldn't say it was as strong as the album before it, um, love letter, because I feel like that's when it kind of started of him, you know, going back into the decades and trying out different music. Yeah, because I think the album before that was Untitled. You remember that one Turner.
Speaker 3:That's 4Play. That was supposed to be TP4, right, because that was the one with Hairbreaker. Yeah.
Speaker 4:That one had that Superman high Shout out OJ, shout out, oj, shout out OJ and Jumay. And number one with Carrie Hilson oh Jesus, wiped the dust off that one. Did you know that record Pregnant.
Speaker 3:Yes, I did.
Speaker 4:I actually like that song no, do too, didn't, I didn't, it was, it was a little weird, yeah, oh for sure, I was like I don't know if I should like this song or not. This is yeah, but it was. It had what dream robin thick?
Speaker 3:and every fucking singer known to man on this song.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that was that was could you maybe want to get you pregnant, knock you up.
Speaker 2:So many different just yeah, that was a very interesting right but yeah, um.
Speaker 4:So I don't think this one was as good as Love Letter, but I do. I still can appreciate the diversity of it. So definitely check that out, man, if you got the chance so have you heard all of all of his albums if I haven't, it's the early, like the first two or three, I would say that I haven't heard. So's the early, like the first two or three, I would say that.
Speaker 3:I haven't heard. So, out of the ones you have heard, if you could just think about it, where does Rangy Beck sit?
Speaker 4:Probably on the lower half, but not saying that in a sense that it's a bad album, more so that he just has so many great projects?
Speaker 2:No, of course not. Yeah, legend man.
Speaker 4:Yeah, no-transcript. You got a hell of a shit.
Speaker 3:Um yeah, well, that was Janaka's album of the day we're going to move to DJ Talk. So DJ Talk is going to be a little different. We actually haven't done it like this in a while.
Speaker 2:So Drip.
Speaker 3:Drop. We're actually going to make this DJ Talk about you. We're going to pull up some old DJ Talk questions and we're going to have you answer them All right, let's see if I can.
Speaker 1:For sure y'all.
Speaker 3:What is the right height when it comes to your DJ board? Let's see. So what I meant by that is so. Let's say you're setting up.
Speaker 2:So what's the best height?
Speaker 3:for you when it comes to your board, like for you.
Speaker 1:Well shit, the table low. I got to put a box on it because I don't like. I don't like bending over, right, that shit hurt my back. So I either either I have my own table or I will have to like, because even when I have my own table, I still put my case like I still put my controller on top of my case.
Speaker 3:Right, so like, so, like body-wise, like where should your, where should your boards it?
Speaker 1:should be like right, like by my belly, like probably by my belly button, or a little bit over my belly button.
Speaker 3:So, tanaka, I got a question for you Can DJs live healthy lifestyles? Drip Can DJs live healthy lifestyles?
Speaker 1:Hell, no, why or?
Speaker 3:why not?
Speaker 1:Fuck, no, bro. Why not? Because it's like, if you get a girl, she's always going to have that doubt in her mind that oh he a DJ, so he can really talk to any bitch. He won't, though. It's like oh so you're talking more mental health, mentally healthy.
Speaker 3:You don't think, you don't think that you could be mentally there. Is that what you mean?
Speaker 1:what you mean well, well tanaka do you?
Speaker 3:remember that question the Can DJs live healthy lifestyles?
Speaker 4:Do you remember that question? Yeah, of course.
Speaker 3:So with that context he means like, can we be on, like, can we eat diet-wise?
Speaker 4:Like, can we? Since we be on, since we be out. No, but it could be. No, that's what I'm saying I didn't think about it that way.
Speaker 3:So yeah, elaborate on where you were going with it.
Speaker 1:Like, as far as like relationships and shit like that, a lifestyle, like a healthy lifestyle, like I don't think it's possible. Well, it's possible, but you just got to find the right female who's mentally like can deal with that shit for real, because shit as a DJ bitches, come talk to me all the time like I'm the life of the party regardless, so I'm really the center of attention for real and that's another thing but why you?
Speaker 2:figuring that out.
Speaker 1:So yeah, so, okay, so since we're talking about that.
Speaker 3:Well since let's go to the regular. I mean what the question was Do you think that we can live a healthy lifestyle, since we're always out late?
Speaker 1:No, you know that, Because nine times out of ten, everything when we get home, everything be closed but the gas station, or we get home. When we get home, shit. We ain't got nothing to eat or nobody cook nothing, so we got to eat noodles, Right? So no, I don't think so.
Speaker 3:But go ahead, Tanaka.
Speaker 4:I'm sorry. No, I was just saying that it didn't really register. But my partner's brother was saying how, yeah, when you go into the function, you guys as DJs you may not realize it, but there's a certain glow about y'all Because you guys are the ones that's creating the whole vibe of the night. You know what I'm saying. Even if we're low-key and not even on the mic like that for real, he's like naturally, when you go into a function, just from a customer standpoint, you naturally have a glow about yourself, being that you're the one that's creating the whole vibe.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you're the one around all this fucking equipment. You're the one working it. You're definitely going to cause them attention.
Speaker 4:So he was saying how naturally women gravitate towards that, because you know.
Speaker 3:Right, all right. So what is this number three? Number three yeah, you can do number three. So what is this number three? Number three so dj talk, and it's actually funny because low, low, in his past life used to be a dj, so dj name what? Oh, what was that one?
Speaker 2:it was quavo, remember.
Speaker 3:I don't remember overdose it was um, jose quavo, uh, dj, uh, because that's when we were, that's that and it's funny. For some reason I can always remember that one night when it was me, you and noel shout out noel, um, we were at waffle house and we were just trying to figure out what your dj name was. That was funny. For some reason, that's the only I remember that vividly. It was the wall, it was waffles right up the street, but, um, yeah, we came from that what was that party?
Speaker 3:that fucking whack-ass party. We didn't get to dj or some shit.
Speaker 4:I remember that shit well yeah, I'll make you do it bro.
Speaker 3:Yeah, but um tonight I got a question for you. What's that in the mind? So if somebody were to try to book you, what information would they need to give you for you to give them an exact price? So drip what is so if someone's trying to book you, what's all the information that they need to give you to get an exact price out of you?
Speaker 1:well, they'll have to give me location. I'm thinking about gas um time, because I charge for time and like everything that they want with that service. So that could be microphones, lights, fault machines and, um yeah, that's pretty much it for real Type shit.
Speaker 4:Well, cool, go on. So I was in a situation man and the question um, I was doing this event and it comes time where you know. There time where there's teenagers, little kids, adults basically a wide range of individuals at the party. It's time to set it off. We've got one hour left in the joint. It's time to let it go. People were doing speeches. I had to make a decision. Because do we set it off? With a wobble, or do we set?
Speaker 2:it off with uh swag surf.
Speaker 4:You know, and I was, I was caught in that dilemma. I had to make that decision, like in the moment, you know. So, yeah, turn on. My question would be you know, to get everybody, would you have one with swag surf or would you have one with so drip to set off right after I guess somebody was giving a speech, to get everybody back on the floor.
Speaker 3:Are you going with swag surf? Are you going with wobble or do you have a third? Do you have a third choice that you would, that you?
Speaker 1:um well, so I mean shit after you know. I mean I don't want to hear you fucking talk. So shit, I, everybody done sat down already In order to get everybody back on the flow. You're going to have to play wobble. Then you're going to swag surfing after that, because everybody already bunched up together.
Speaker 3:Yep, or we play that slow one Shout out to Drip. I definitely did not know about that slow whine at all. I was definitely oblivious to that shit and he taught me that shit. Okay, tanaka, do you? Do you remember that? Do you remember that party that you did for that?
Speaker 4:yeah, that was um. I think that was 20s people that I DJed for.
Speaker 2:So who did you play?
Speaker 1:first I don't remember.
Speaker 4:I think I don't know, I can't remember, Because I think because further on in that discussion was that the lady had said like yeah, play. I forgot what she said. I think she said swag serve or something, I don't know, something like that. I think I played Wubble.
Speaker 3:And, um, I have a question for you, but I mean, I don't, I kind of don't know how to put this, but I'm just trying. But because how to put this? But I'm going to just try Because you were in this situation, but just out of curiosity if this situation were to happen to you, and you were the only one there, so situation happens right.
Speaker 2:We play itty bitty piggy.
Speaker 3:And the breaker cuts off. What's your next move? Tanaka? So Drip, you were actually there too. So situation happens You're DJing and the breaker cuts off.
Speaker 1:What's your next move? Yeah, bro, Try to get that beat back on as fast as possible. Bro, Ain't nothing else you can really do for real?
Speaker 3:Oh, you better than me, bro, because that's the thing, though that's not my job. If the breaker cuts off, that's on management, Ain't on me. I'm still getting paid, but no, I feel you, though, look that's just me though.
Speaker 4:Tanaka, do you remember what your?
Speaker 3:answer was for that. What, uh, would you say breaker, cuts off. No, I don't. Yeah, I don't remember the answer for that. Okay, so do you, would you?
Speaker 4:would you like to give another answer? If the break cut out, what am I gonna do? Yeah, uh, yeah, I don't know. I'm waiting on management, I don't give a fuck yeah stress me out y'all niggas ain't been stressing me out.
Speaker 3:I already got to worry about what the fuck I had to play after that Fire.
Speaker 1:The DJ Start throwing shit.
Speaker 3:The nigga was talking about Kills DJ. After the break and the cutoff, four or five times I'm like, all right, bro, that ain't us, we ain't got shit to do with that. But yeah, that was DJ talk. Us like we ain't got shit to do with that. But um, yeah, well, yeah, that was dj talk. Um, so drip. We got this thing that we do when we have a guest and we kind of have like well, we really ain't got a name for it, but we just kind of call it open topic where we just give the guests the time to whatever the fuck you want to talk about, or if you want.
Speaker 3:If you want to talk about anything, if you got anything you want to get off your chest, you want to. You know, I don't know, whatever. If there's any open topic that you want to talk about, this is your time to do so. If not, then we just move on.
Speaker 1:I mean, I already got no topics for real.
Speaker 3:I mean it ain't got to be a topic, but whatever.
Speaker 1:Whatever you want to talk about no, how you feel about being a godfather let's talk about it.
Speaker 3:Nah, how's, how does it feel? Oh well, you did learn how to change a diaper too. What was all that like?
Speaker 4:yeah, that was an experience, man. You know what I'm saying. Homes over there turned up that man can't die. Man, king Zod, man you know he's pumped up to get that dope chain.
Speaker 3:Yeah, man, you can sit there with feces.
Speaker 4:I would be too, but how's it been as a Godfather? It's been a little stressful. He ain't even here yet. He ain't even here.
Speaker 4:yet he's not even here yet, ain't even here yet, he's not even here yet. But it's been a lot, of, a lot of drama and stress, but Nah, I mean, I'm looking forward to it though you know I think it'll be. Yeah, I think it'll be good, though you know Just hanging. You know Learning how to deal with babies and all that Cause as people be talking about. You know unk status and all that. So you know, um, naturally, a natural, just a regular responsibility you know of the uncle is. You know you watch the children, the baby and all that.
Speaker 3:So I didn't know that, so Right, oh cool, that's what's up.
Speaker 4:Have you ever gotten that?
Speaker 3:God.
Speaker 4:No, oh God, absolutely not Jake here, no.
Speaker 1:Not me. Would you take an offer If somebody asked you?
Speaker 3:to be. If somebody's got that, yeah, it depends. I mean, yeah, I think I would. It would just have to be. It'd have to be the right Relationship.
Speaker 4:I said what's a? What's a? You remember what you said.
Speaker 3:I feel like I did say something Um.
Speaker 4:Don't worry about it. It's just some term that black folk came up so an excuse so they can go to the club. Yeah, I do remember some shit like that.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I was like what literally? That's that's what it is.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and he started busting out laughing, just like, just like now.
Speaker 3:Yeah I do remember that, but it was just so specific I didn't remember if I told you that or not. But yeah, it's literally black people made that up so they could leave him with a friend to go do some old shit, like that's literally what godparents are. But yeah, I guess the gist of the answer was just don't worry about it, it's fine You're going to be. The answer was just don't worry about it, it's fine, you're going to be good.
Speaker 2:Don't think too hard about it.
Speaker 3:That shit don't mean nothing.
Speaker 4:Them folks said boy, whoever told you that was wrong, I'm going to say it.
Speaker 3:What information did you get about God Dad?
Speaker 4:They just saying that, like if anything would happen to um the parents that you would, you would have to basically be the, the guardian, I guess, of the child really so that's what that is, yeah oh so it's not gonna go to your mom.
Speaker 3:I would think I'm not gonna lie if something, oh so it's not going to go to your mom. I would think I'm not going to lie. If something were to happen, I would think it would go to your mom, because your mom's so handed on.
Speaker 1:Nah, as far as like godparents go, that's it. Like if the parents die, like if the mom died, then she got a godmom, so there's like paperwork involved. No there's not no paperwork, but that's just what it is.
Speaker 3:But that sounds like that's some paperwork that needs to be involved. So the fact that it goes to him, I feel like, is.
Speaker 1:I don't know that's, but that's the thing, though it only goes to him when, like, there's no other option.
Speaker 3:Okay, so that's what I'm saying. So let's hypothetically use this does Some shit, does happen, like so, and I just thought about that too. So with the god dad, god mom, like so, who would go to it first? Who would he go to first?
Speaker 1:I mean that's if the family Doesn't want to take, take the, take the child, that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:I feel like.
Speaker 1:Your mom, Is yeah, yeah, but shit, I mean.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I don't. I don't that sound like there's some paperwork, that sound like there needs to be some paperwork.
Speaker 1:Nah, like If it goes to Tanaka, yeah, I don't know, yeah, that that kid gonna be fucked up. Right Listening to TI and shit Jeezy.
Speaker 3:Watching Mess Sitting there grinning.
Speaker 1:Download uh Illegal albums and shit.
Speaker 4:What's up? We gonna put him Onto that power. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's no need to come back on.
Speaker 2:Watch that BMF.
Speaker 1:I'm ready for that shit To come back on too. Supposed to be coming on what? Next year? The beginning of next year? Bmf, yeah, it is. Oh, I didn't know. I'm not gonna lie.
Speaker 3:I didn't know. I'm not going to lie. I didn't know that I did want to watch Power, though Power's done ain't it?
Speaker 1:No, I don't think it is. I think they're having another season.
Speaker 3:I just Because they said that was the last season, but the way I mean, it's probably one of those things where it isn't like they're not making enough money for some shit.
Speaker 1:Shit. They're making enough money on power. I know they is they gotta be. Well, I mean if they just cause?
Speaker 3:I would think I would think people.
Speaker 1:I would think more people fuck with power than BMF, Cause they got more. They got more. It's like it's like a power then it's a ghost book.
Speaker 3:Well, raising cane in our power is power is fictional, bmf isn't. But shit, I mean they kind of have to go home with the time to know how is? You. I didn't make up shit. Niggas can come out, have superpowers, like you know what's crazy. I remember back in the day when they were comparing power to empire, I was like I remember them songs I was like how One they got the handcuffs put on them because they're on TV.
Speaker 2:They're on real TV.
Speaker 3:They can't do the shit that power does. I don't know, boy, that empire is something else else, man, it's high feels when a man loves a man.
Speaker 2:That's that.
Speaker 3:That was that was a joint, wasn't it?
Speaker 4:I ain't never watched empire I didn't, I I didn't watch that joint.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I fuck with empire.
Speaker 3:It just got ass after like a certain point, though, like the first episode, yeah, no, after, after a certain season, I forgot what season it?
Speaker 1:no, after a certain season. I forgot what season it was, but after that certain season I just lost interest in it for real man what feels when a man loves a man.
Speaker 3:I ain't gonna lie, it was actually funny. I used to play what's that? I think it was Empire. I remember I used to play it back when I first was in the skate world.
Speaker 2:What's the?
Speaker 3:You're so beautiful, oh shit, you should play that shit, yeah, cause, bro, I used to do, bro, I used to do daycares Bro. Yeah that Bro, they used to go crazy For that song. Go up, down, up, down, up down. I was like, but I ain't never heard the song. I was just like, oh okay, they fuck with this.
Speaker 4:Okay, cool, I guess you know about this P-Valley bro.
Speaker 1:What I think that's some gay shit.
Speaker 4:I don't know. I just heard about it.
Speaker 1:What you talking about, the series.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I just heard about it.
Speaker 1:I ain't never really watched it though. Yeah, nice, I've heard of it, though, boy I, it's some gay shit.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think Ain't it, I don't.
Speaker 2:I thought it was about strip clubs and shit. Yeah, I thought it was about strip clubs.
Speaker 3:I thought it was about a gay dude Like well, like he's like any, like gay dude, he's like owner of some shit and he's like turning some rapper out, like I gotta ask Rina.
Speaker 4:I think Rina had watched it too.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, I don't know about that, I don't know. I just know gay dude, that's like one of the main characters and I feel like he's like a owner or something, as far as I know about that. But um, yeah, so anywho, we're gonna move on to the scheduling. If you want to, I just posted my uh schedule on my uh instagram so you can follow me on instagram. Dj, turn up to use on on where you put U's. Just put two of them and uh. Yeah, you see my schedule on there. Drip what you got going on, man.
Speaker 1:Got uh Cascade 8 to 12,. The 20th, Um, I got a. I got a new gig called the Exclusive Bar. So I'm gonna be there from um Shout out to the Exclusive Bar. Uh, from 7 year from um shot exclusive bar. Uh, from seven to to one. Uh, that's saturday the 21st. I gotta do seven to eleven. Stone mine um. The 27th I got cascade from 10 to 2 and the 28th is the exclusive bar from 7 to 1. And then the 31st, we got the.
Speaker 1:Is that your sister's joint Mm-mm? Oh, and then the 31st we got the Stone Mountain Skates silent party, or quiet party, or whatever you want to call it.
Speaker 3:Drake going to be playing that sheet. Yeah, man.
Speaker 4:Drake going to be playing that sheet. The writers.
Speaker 3:Shout out to my writers checking in.
Speaker 4:Now what we got 20, I got Mitch O'Donnell. 21st, Nice and Slow. 22nd, Soulful Sunday. 24th is Golden Glide. 27th is A Battle of Sparkles that's going to be shot by Tanaka. 28th is Spargos Gwinnett. 29th is the Glide again.
Speaker 3:And then the 31st is Super Quiet Headphone Party, cool. Well, ladies and gentlemen, oh, one major announcement that we got to make. So, ladies and gentlemen, oh, one major announcement that we got to make. So, ladies and gentlemen, this is kind of a Kind of a low key end of an era For the TNT podcast. So, for the people that have been listening, you probably are used to us Dropping episodes On the 1st and the 15th. So, due to our very, very, very busy schedule, that will no longer be the case. We will be dropping episodes every 1st of the month. Yeah, we'll be dropping episodes every 1st of the month. I mean until we get to the album reviews. When we do the album reviews, we'll be doing it on the 15th. That'll be the only time we'll be dropping not 12 episodes, but however many episodes it takes from every 5 episodes. So I think it was like 14, maybe yeah probably 14.
Speaker 4:Yeah, something like that, something along those lines.
Speaker 3:So yeah, man, appreciate y'all for rocking with us, for has it been 5 years, 4 years, 4 or 5 years?
Speaker 4:now yeah, I think for sure, wait this season 4 right rocking with us, for has it been five years, four years, four or five years?
Speaker 3:No, yeah, I think. Wait, this is season four right?
Speaker 4:Well, this is season four. Next year will be season five. Yeah, so yeah, would it be four years, because?
Speaker 3:you don't count the first year, right? I don't know, man, you've been rocking with us.
Speaker 4:Salute to y'all folk that's been rocking with us for four seasons of the TNC podcast.
Speaker 1:Right, did you ever get DeJill on here he?
Speaker 3:ain't never come. He ain't never come. Oh, he was one of the ones that didn't come, you know I challenge y'all to get Mr Grigg. Or Avalanche Yep, we're adding that one out. Ladies and gentlemen, that was the TNT podcast. Dj Turn Up.
Speaker 4:DJ Tanaka, we probably get Avalanche.
Speaker 3:Oh no, we probably get Avalanche Avalanche. You know what's actually interesting about Avalanche Avalanche. When he auditioned, he was like oh yeah, they have a podcast together.
Speaker 1:I was like how do you know that? And Avalanche, I got two. I got two suggestions suggestion Avalanche and Robbie.
Speaker 3:You're going to be the guest host for that one TNT Podcast we're going to get out of here. We're going to fuck with y'all. Thank you.